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I get up and see Toni sitting at the table looking out the window. "Hey Toni." I say she seems off. "Why are you with me?" She asked witch shocked me. "Because I love you." She stands up. "Until your done with me, until Heather takes you back. When you realize the serpents are to much for you. Until your mom starts excepting you as you." I cup her face and she pulls away. "Toni..." She stops me. "In case you haven't noticed." She leans on the table. "I'm weird. I'm a weirdo, I don't fit in. And I don't want to fit in. Have you ever seen me without this stupid pink hair? That's weird." She looks up a me. "Toni that's not true. Your the best thing to happen to me." I tell her cupping her face trying to calm her. "I need a break, you can stay here I'll be at Jughead's." She storms out before I can say anything else.

Later that day I was sitting on the couch watching Tv. When I hear a knock on the door. I go to answer it and see to nuns I slowly pull out my switchblade ready to defend myself if I needed to. "Hello?" I say. "Your mom called us tell me you needed help getting rid of you deviant ways." My heart dropped. They took we away.


A few days later I get off my bike and walk to my trailer. I let her stay there because I new she had no where else to go. I look over to see my uncle getting drunk outside his trailer. I look down and see a paper or something that says "sisters of quiet mercy: conversion therapy program." On it I was confused. I opened the door and didn't see Cheryl. I step in and step on something. Cheryl's knife and her snake ring. When I saw the ring I new something was wrong. I called Veronica. "Hey Toni, what's up." She asked. "I'm coming over call Kevin and tell him to me me there. I need your help. I think Cheryl was taken by The Sisters Of Quiet Mercy." I tell Veronica in a panic. "What why do you think that?" She asked concerned. "I'll explain in a minute just call him please." I tell her. "Ok." I hang up the phone and grab my bag and throw her jacket and a crow bar in the bag. I run out and get go to Veronicas. "Hey let's go." I say as Kevin and Veronica were sitting on the stares of the Pembroke. We get the Fox Forest at near the tunnel. "If we're not back in 15 call your dad." Veronica tells Kevin as I open the door. We run through the tunnels and eventually the corders. "CHERYL?" I say running from hall to hall. I break through the door of a room that's playing a movie. "Cheryl? Are you in here?" I ask blinded my the light from the movie. "Toni?" I hear a voice say. "We came to save you." She stands up and runs to me. I hug her tightly. I let go and kissed her. "Cheryl, Toni we have to go." Veronica says a we run out of the place. Cheryl doesn't let go of my hand until we get out side a and I close the door. I take her hand a we run to the car. Cheryl and I sit in the back. "Toni-." I stop her. "I'm sorry for my out burst the other day." She just tucked her head into the crook of neck. I see Kevin and Veronica give each other looks. I see Kevin mouth. "You knew about this." I laugh. "We've been dating for months your now realizing this?" I ask him. He looks back at the road. We get back to my trailer and get out. "I'll pick up my bike tomorrow." I say a Cheryl holds onto me tightly, Veronica nods her head. "Ok I'll see you tomorrow." We walk into the trailer. "Cheryl." I pull her into a hug. She hadn't really cried but when I hugged her she started to cry. "I can't win." She says as I sit her down, go to her room and grab something for her to wear. "Your safe with me now." I kneel in front of her. I'm finally able to look at her face. "It looks like all you cuts have been re opened." I tell her as I fix them. "Can I ask what happened?" She looks me in the eyes. She nods and tells me all about the abuse they put her through and everything they said to her. And how they starved her. "What is more important right now? Shower, food or sleep?" I ask her. "Water and food." I get up and make her something. I see her grab a blanket and turn on the Tv. I go back and hand her a plate. She looks at the plate and sits closer to me. She eats her food while I play with her hair. "Thank you. Toni." I pull her into a hug. "You need a shower." She gets up and walks to the bathroom. "Can you come with me?" I nod and help her get undressed. "Cheryl." I see her arms and how badly they have been cut. "You need to see someone." I see her eyes widened with panic. "No! Last time someone said that I ended up in conversation therapy. Toni you don't understand." She tell me about to have a panic attack. "Hey do you trust me?" I sit down on the toilet and turn on the shower. She nods. "Yeah." She says quietly. "I would never put you through that." She sighs and gets in.

Later we were sitting in bed. "Cheryl? Can we talk about the other day?" I ask her she looks up at me. "Yeah. But I'm guessing we're ok now." She says and I nod. "Veronica drunk texted me, talking about how you liked that kiss and stuff like that. And since it was late at night, I believed it." I tell her. "You haven't slept in a while." She takes my hand. "2 weeks I haven't been able to sleep. Not after what happened with the Ghoulies. I haven't gotten a full night sleep." She sits up. "Toni, I love you a lot. But I don't want to be the reason you don't sleep."

Throughout the night Cheryl would wake up with a nightmare. Sometimes she would be crying in her sleep. She wakes up. "Toni I can't sleep." She tells me. "I can tell." I say as she pulls me into a kiss. "That was random." She smiles for the first time since I've seen her. "I just want to be with you." I could tell she needed to get something off her chest, because she looks down awkwardly. "Cheryl do you want to talk to me about something?" I ask her. She nods and sits up. I sit against the wall and she sits next to me. "Promise you won't tell anyone." I take her hand. "It won't leave the trailer." I look at she. She's looking straight forward not making eye contact. She cries a little. "Cheryl. You don't have to tell me if your not comfortable." She wipes her eyes. "I think we both know what I'm about to say to you but I need to say it out loud." I panic. "Your not breaking up with me right?" I asked. She shakes her head. "No. I've never really liked guys like ever." She begins. I put my head on her shoulder. I knew what she was going to say it was just her saying it was what the problem is. "Toni, i-I'm gay." I pick my head up. She looks at me I see that she is crying. "Ok. Your still my girlfriend, I still love you. And I promise I won't say anything to anyone." I tell her and start crying. I put her forehead against mine. "Your ok with it?" She asks. "Why wouldn't I be?" She laughs.

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