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"Please." I beg not wanting her to leave. She grabs her bag. "I'm sorry, I have no choice. I told you I would only be here for a day." She kisses me softly. I kiss back never wanting to stop. She pulls away. She takes hand and points to the ring on my hand. "Your sensational." I smile softly. Before anything else can happen she leaves, but before she turns around. "I'll call you when I get there." She walks out. I just wish this would be over. I sit down on the couch and let the tv play. I'm just tuning out everything until I hear the door open. I look over and it's Veronica and Sweat with Henry. "Hey. I would have texted you but I got busy." I stand up. "It's fine." I wipe the tears I didn't realize I had till now. "I'm guessing Toni left?" Sweat Pea ask. "Yeah."

"Cheryl I'm sorry about him." She picks up Henry. "Hey, its fine. Can I?" I ask. She nods and hands me him. "Hey." I smile. "Your so cute." Veronica was about to say something when my phone rings. I give Henry back to her and pick up the phone. "Hey Jughead what's up?" I ask not thinking anything bad could come from this. "Cheryl, Toni umm, she's in the hospital again she got in a motorcycle accident and it's bad. We're in Toledo, I think you need to be here just incase something does happen to her." My heart drops, but of course this happens because my life fucking sucks. "I'll be there as soon as I can." I grab my keys. "I'll send you directions, bye." He hangs up. I walk out of my room back to Veronica. "I, I have to go. Toni-." I break down crying. "Hey." Veronica pulls me into a hug. I cry into her shoulder. She rubs my back. I pull away and wipe my tears. "I have to go, she was in a motorcycle accident." She nods. I walk out and see Fangs at my car. "Cheryl Jughead told me that you need a ride. Or does he just think you'll be a mess?" I nod. "Both." We both get in the car. "Where have you been like all month long?" I ask trying not to think about where were going. "Oh, I just was dealing with some stuff." He says quietly. "Like what?" He takes a deep breath. "You don't have to answer that." I say awkwardly. "No, it's ok. I was kinda dealing with my depression and I didn't really leave the house unless I was going to Sweat Pea to talk." I look over at him. "You know you can talk to me. I get what your going through."

We walk into the hospital, which for the record looks better than Riverdale's. "Cheryl." I stop him. "Is she ok?" I ask. He shakes his head. "No she's lucky to be alive. I saw it coming, I tried to tell her and it happened." He starts panicking. I look over and the nurse walks over to us. "Are you guys here for Antoinette Topaz?" She ask. "Yeah." I forget thats her full name, that also shows how little she goes by it. "Well shes out of surgery... she will be here for a while..." The nurse is talking and I'm not able to hear what she is saying. I just want to get to her. Next thing I know we are walking to her room. I see her and immediately turn around. Fangs stops me from walking out and hugs me. "Ch-cheryl." I look over. I sit on her bed. "Cheryl I'm sorry." She struggles to speak. The boys walk out giving us time alone. "Why?" I ask taking her hand and kissing it. "I saw the car coming and I could have gotten out of the way but I didn't and I just let it hit me." My heart drops because I know exactly what she's talking about. "After it happened I realize that I couldn't leave you after everything you've been through this was just something to add to the list. I'm sorry." I cup her face. "Your alive." The nurse walks in. "Ms. Topaz, on here it says it's your birthday. Happy birthday, I wish this would have been better for you." It hits me. That's why she did what she did. "Thank you." She says awkwardly and the nurse walks out. "That's why you did this to yourself." She nods and starts crying. "I'm sorry." I shake my head. "Toni." I wipe her tears. "Cheryl I'm sorry." I kiss her to make her shut up. She kisses back. I smell alcohol in her breath. I look at her. "Why?" She closes her eyes. "It's the worst day of my life, why do you think?" She's right. "But you were driving on a bike that's what annoys me the most." I rub her cheek. I noticed she is dozing off. "You need to rest." I get up. "I'm sorry." I nod. "I know." I walk out, Jughead stands up. I slap him. "Why did you let her drink." He fails to make eye contact with me. "It was just one drink." I slap him again. "Do you know how long she has been trying to stop?" I yell at him. "How many times I've had to pick her up from the Wyrm because she tried to drink her problems away? How many times she has lied to me telling me she wasn't?" He looks at me. "I'm sorry." I shake my head. "I've heard that to many times tonight. Please say this was the first time this has happened?" He nods. "Yeah." I sit down.

"Toni I know you don't want to but you need to." It's been a few days and she finally is home. Like Riverdale home. She's still on bed rest but still. The ghoulies finally left Riverdale. "No." I look back. "Toni you need professional help. Because AA is not working."  She takes a shaky breath. "Everything was going great between us." I walk out.


I slowly walk out of our room. I don't see Cheryl. "Where's Cheryl?" I ask Veronica. "She told me to tell you that, until you get help she will be at Thistle House. And her mom moved out and is giving her the house, she hasn't been there for months so Cheryl and you could live there." I sit down. "I ruined everything."


"Wait so Cheryl just left?" Betty ask while picking up Henry. "Yeah. Toni has problems with alcohol and she has tried to stop. But Toni is having a hard time. She's relapsed a few times since Cheryl had a intervention for her." I say. "Is Toni now in rehab?" Betty ask. "Yeah. I brought her there today." I sit on the bed. My phone rings and it's Cheryl, I pick up the phone. "Hey what's up?" I ask leaving the room. "You need to come over, like now." Cheryl sounds upset. "I'll be there in a minute." I was about to hang up. "I can't really come down stairs but there is a key under the mat and I'm in my room just come in." I nod. "I'll be there in a minute." I hang up and go back to my room. "Cheryl is having a panic attack, I'll be back, you know where I have the milk. I have to go." Betty nods. "I'll keep an eye on him." I run out and go to my car.


One phone call, that's it that's what has sent me off on this stupid panic attack I can barely breathe. Veronica knocks on the door as she comes in. "Cheryl." She walks over to me. "Breathe with me."

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