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We finally did it. I love this girl with all my heart. No celebration or anything just went to city hall with Fangs and got married which I'm perfectly ok with. Once we get back home we go upstairs immediately. Not to do what you think. "Cheryl now that we are married, we can officially talk about children." She says which makes me very happy. "If we have a son we're naming him Jason." I walk closer to her. She holds me close. "I want to adopt, mostly I want to give a kid something we never had." She says softly. I nod. "But I want to actually have a kid to." She adds. "Do you want to have the kid?" She shakes her head. "Not really but if it comes to it I will." I laugh. I kiss her softly. "How are you doing?" I ask her rubbing her arm. "Better now that I've stopped blaming myself for it." She looks down. "Cheryl, I feel like I never got to actually say goodbye, that's the only thing that I'm kicking myself because of it."

"You ready?" I ask walking into our room. She turns around. "No." She says bitting her lip. "Well if it makes you feel better, you look beautiful." She smiles softly. "You do to." We walk out and go to the funeral. Not much happening besides comforting a crying Veronica. "Toni do you want to head to the wyrm?" Fangs ask. Toni looks at me. I was planning on going with Veronica. "If you go don't get drunk and if you do don't drive, even if it's 2:00 in the morning I will come and pick you up. And when you get back and are sober I'll yell at you then." She walks over to Fangs. I walk to the car with Veronica and Henry in it. "Pops?" I ask. "Yeah I guess." Veronica says.

I get home a few hours later and watch TV waiting for Toni to call because I know for a fact she is probably drunk right now. The phone rings right after I get out of the shower. "Hey. Do you need me to pick you up?" I ask. "Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't want to get drunk but I did I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She slurs. "I'll be there in a minute." I hang up and get dressed. I walk downstairs and drive to the wrym. I look over and see Toni sitting the steps of the bar. She sees me and gets in. "Cheryl I'm sorry. Cheryl I'm so sorry." I drive off. "Toni calm down." I take her hand. Once we get home Toni is already asleep and get out and help her out. She wakes up. "Cheryl I didn't mean to." She lies on the bed. "I know drink some water." I hand her the water. When she gets drunk she becomes a baby. I love her and this hasn't happened since we before we left. She slowly fall asleep. I get her shirt off and change her. "Oh Toni." I lie down and fall asleep.

I wake up before Toni, I get up and make her coffee. I see my mom drinking coffee. "Hey how's Toni?" She ask as I also get some Gatorade. "Probably very hungover." I respond. "Oh you meant after yesterday. Umm I think better I don't know she was busy apologizing to me last night for getting drunk." I tell her. "But your both 20." She stops me. "She's a year older than me actually. And even before alcohol has been a problem. Anyway I need to get these to her before she wakes up." I say going upstairs. Luckily she's not awake yet. I put everything down. "Toni." She groans. "Fuck off." She rolls over and tries to go back to sleep. It's really funny how she will go from this drunk mess, to a pissed off mess. "Toni." She finally looks at me. "It's to bright in here." I walk over to the blinds and close them. "Better." She grabs the coffee. "When did I change my shirt?" She ask. "I did last night." She put the coffee down and lies down again. "I fucked up." I sit on the bed. "I know." She sits up again. "I'm sorry. I don't even remember last night." She squints in pain. "I know. Toni promise me that if we have children we won't drink." She nods. "I won't, I don't want to drink again."

"Finally home." I open our apartment. We drop our bags and look at each other. She pulls me into a kiss. That kiss quickly deepens. "Let's go to the bedroom." She picks me up and brings me there, not letting our lips leave each other's. Our clothes quickly get ripped off. "Wait, stop." I stop her. She pulls away quickly.  "Wait did I do something wrong? I'm sorry." She ask in a panic. I sit up and cup her face. "No, I just want to cuddle right now." She lies down next to me. "Ok." She pulls me close. "I love you more than anything." She says kissing my cheek softly. I turn around so I'm facing her. "I love you, you saved me from a dark place." She cup her face. "You make me so happy. I could be having the worst day and I see you and my day is so much better." I add. She smiles. "Cheryl, we are not playing this game."


"Why? That's all I want to know." I ask. We were walking down a street on the south side. "I was so unhappy." He says honestly. "I miss you. You were my best friend." We stop. "I forgive you, you know? You love Cheryl." He says making me feel better about everything.

I wake up from that dream. Cheryl is staring at me. "You ok?" She ask. I nod. "Yeah, actually better than I have been." I tell her. That dream has helped me. She rubs my arm. "You miss him." I nod. "Yeah. But I feel better about everything now." She lies next to me. "Cheryl, when we have kids, can we name one of them after Sweets? He was like my brother." She looks at me. "I'm not naming my kid Sweet Pea." She tells me. "No I mean like a middle name." I cup her cheek. She nods. "Yeah. Let's go to sleep we have a big day tomorrow." I smile. "Yeah." I say calmly going back to sleep.

"If it comes to it, I will have a kid." I reassure Cheryl as we wait for the doctor. "But I don't think it will come to it." I hope it doesn't, but I love Cheryl with my heart I will do almost anything for her. I take her hand. "Why are you so worried?" I ask. "I really want to have a kid. And I was talking to my mom and she said that she had trouble with the whole having children thing." She looks me in the eyes. "You also want to be the parents yours were not." She nods in agreement. "I know but I am willing to have a kid. I will say than 1 million times until but I will not say it 1,000,001 times." I joke. "Shut up." She looks away from me. "What if you can't?" She looks back at me. "That's rare. And if it comes to that, we'll adopt. Stop worrying so much right now."

"Cheryl, you ok in there?" I knock on the door. She's been in there all day, I don't understand why. Until I get a text from Fangs. "Hey how is Cheryl? Today's probably still really hard for her." Oh shit. I text back. "She's been in our room all day." I knock on the door. "Go away." She yells. "I'm not leaving I get that this is a hard time for you, but I want to be there for you." Still it's hard for her to understand that someone is there for her. She opens the door. I look up and crying Cheryl. "It's just so hard." She cries into my as I hug her. "I know."

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