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She finally walking on her own, she still struggles and I have to help her sometimes but she's walking and were finally able to go home. "You ready?" I Ask as a grab her hand. "Yeah." She pulls me closer. "Thank you for sticking with me through all of this. I don't know how I could have done this without you." She says seriously. "I'm alway going to be here for you." She smiles and looks down. "We should probably get home." I nod.

"Welcome home." I open the door. "Wow you actually cleaned the place." She say walking in slowly. "Yeah it was annoying me. I also cleaned your room and made your bed." I look around, she turns to me and places her hands on my hips. "You and I both know it's our room you never sleep in your own bed." I feel the blush rise on my face, I don't know why that made me blush. Probably because she's happy for the first time in 2 mouths. "Right Cheryl?" She ask pulling me back to earth. "What? Sorry." She cups my face and pouts. "You haven't slept in your own room in months." I smiles. "Yeah even when you were in the hospital and I came home, I slept in your bed it helped me cope with everything that has happened." I confess. "I'm just happy I can be home with you without any interruptions." And if timing couldn't be better we here a knock on the door. Toni goes to open it. "Betty." She looks like she's been crying for hours. "Hey I heard you we're home I just came to say hi and sorry I couldn't visit you more." She wipes a tear. "It's fine. what's wrong?" I ask probably knowing the answer. "Can I come in." Toni lets her in and she sits on the couch, I help Toni to the couch. "Did you know Veronica was pregnant?" I sit down. I look over at Toni who is in a state of shock. "Yeah I was the first person she told, I didn't even tell Toni." She starts crying. I rub her back. "Why didn't she tell me sooner, she broke up with me and said she was going to be with Sweat Pea now." I sit back. "Ew Sweat Pea, I'm sorry but if your going to date a Serpent he's not the serpent to date. Trust me." I look up at Toni. "Wait did you to date?" She slowly stands up and goes to the kitchen slowly. "Don't even act surprised he was my first, it was weird and gross. I don't want to talk about it. It happened like in middle school." She walks back and is holding a beer. I quickly get up and grab it. "Toni really." She looks down. "One drink." I shake my head. "No I'm not letting you relapse." She takes a deep breath. "Fine. Why do we even have them if we can't drink them?" I go and put in it the fridge. "I'll explain later." I walk back with a water. "For me." She grabs the water. "Ok." I sit down next to Betty. "What just happened." I look at Toni. "I don't want to talk about it." Betty nods. "I understand." She gets up and walk to the door. "Now if you excuse I'm going to go to Archie and cry myself to sleep." I try to say something but she walks before I could. "Why is there beer in the frigid?" I get up and walk to her. "Because when you in the hospital," she stops me. "It's ok. It's just I don't want to see it, I'm trying to get better and I can't when that's there." I sit next to her. "I'll get rid of them, I meant to get rid of them before you got home and I forgot." She smiles. Why did I even get them I don't even drink, well I did when she was gone but that's it. Ugh I should have gotten ride of it but I didn't. I don't want Toni to go back to it, I'm such a bad girlfriend. "Cheryl can you help me take a shower I don't want to slip or anything." I nod. She slowly gets up and walks to the bathroom I walk behind her just in case she fall. She quickly grabs the wall. I help her stand. "Your ok I'm right here." She groans in frustration. "Cheryl I can't do this." She sounds like she's about to cry. "I don't want you to take care of me like this forever." I shake my head. "I don't care I'll do anything for even if it means helping you do this for the rest your life." She sighs. "You mean that?" She looks back at me. "Yes now lets get you in the shower."


"You know she has a girlfriend, well had a girlfriend." I tell Sweat Pea, he looks down and sighs. I can't believe he would do this I knew he was stupid but I didn't realize he was this stupid. "I didn't mean to get her pregnant." I shake my head. "Did you use protection because it doesn't seam like it." I was about to say something but he blurts out. "The condom broke and it was to late. I don't know what to do I can't take care of a kid. I'm homeless at the moment, I have no job, I'm in a fucking gang." Wait what? "What happened to living with your mom?" He shook his head. "She kicked me out when she found my drug. Oh yeah I do drugs." Cheryl comes through the door. "Hey babe I got some ice cream, we could have-." She closes the door a sees Sweat Pea. "A movie night and cry." She put the bags down. "Your an idiot and I hope you are never forget that you got Veronica pregnant." He shoot up. "Hypocrite." She walks over to him. "What the hell are you talking about?" I look at Cheryl. "You and Fangs seem to be getting pretty close don't you think." Cheryl rolls her eye. "I'm gay, and why would I ever do that to Toni? She's the love of my life." Toni stands up. "Wait what? Your gay I thought you we bi." Sweat Pea ask confused. I'm probably more confused at the moment. "Well I'm not and I'm not into Fangs and Fangs is definitely into Kevin." I feel this relief. Sweat Pea storms out. Cheryl turns around. "I would never cheat on you." I walk over to her. I start to walk over to her and almost falls. "Cheryl." She catches her. "I hate this." We sit on the floor. "I know," she rubs my back as I cry. "We should probably get the food in the frigid." I tell her. She shakes her head. "No, that can wait." She pulls me into a kiss, I smile and kiss back. "I love you Cheryl." She tilts her head. "I love you too." She smiles.

We were in the bathroom dyeing my hair. "What's with the pink hair?" I stop for a second. "Act of rebellion against my uncle. Red lips?" I ask her, she takes a deep breath. I probably shouldn't have asked. "You know Heather, before my mom completely kicked her out I put lipstick on a kiss her like with tongue down throat and than on the cheek just to piss her off and it worked and stuck." She sit is front of me. "I was thinking about Pops for dinner and we come back and," she plays with my shirt. "Lose some clothing. If your comfortable with it" she says softly. You would think she would say it in a way to turn me on. "Cheryl, you know how I feel about sex." I take her hand. "That's why I said if your comfortable with it." She smiles and kisses me. "We could watch a movie?" I shrug. "Ok can we see how I feel after all of this?" She nods. "Yeah."

"Cheryl I'm so exhausted. I don't know how much more I can take of this." I confess, I look up at Cheryl. She looks like she is about to cry. "Toni I can't lose you, you need to see a therapist. And you should probably go to rehab." She says the last part quietly. She's not wrong. "Like soon, Toni I don't want it to be to late." She hands me a paper. I know what she's doing, she brought me here so I wouldn't fight against it. I look at the paper and back her. "I'll make a deal with you." I put the paper down. "I'll go to AA and I'll see a therapist if you talk to your mom. I know you've wanted to do that, she saw me in the hospital one time you weren't there, she's trying really hard to be a good mom you don't have to move back in with her but I want you to forgive her." She shakes her head. "I said rehab." I take her hands. "I'm not leaving you alone for a week after what happened to me I don't feel safe here and I worry about your safety so I don want to leave you." She looks at me pissed. "5 minuets ago you were talking about suicide and now your saying you don't want to leave me alone for a week, Toni what is the real reason you don't want to?" I sit back and take a deep breath. "My dad went to rehab for his drug problem and when he got back he was actually working with your dad and he got worse and one day he came home obviously on drugs but I was young and didn't realize this I had enough with hiding who I was told him I was bi, and he, you know what happened to me." Cheryl sits next to me and takes my hand. "I didn't think of that." I look down avoiding her eyes. "My mom walked in on it, she found out why he was doing what he was doing and later that day, I hear a gunshot and he killed himself." I look at her. "Please don't send me to rehab." She wipes my tears. She shakes her head. "I won't but something." I nod. "Yeah I'll go to AA if you talk to your mom." She shakes her head. "I can't I still don't trust her. Veronica said she was working for Hiram Lodge." I take her hand. "I'll go, I have an idea for your mom."

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