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We were over at Jughead's with Betty and Veronica. "I'll be back in a minute, I have to run back to the trailer and grab my phone." She gets up and runs out. "I'm so happy for you guys especially after what happened around Christmas at Sweatwater. She's been through a lot the past year and you came at the right time." Veronica said breaking the silence. "What happened at Sweatwater?" I asked confused. Veronica at Betty look at each other. "She hasn't said anything about it has she?" Jug asked concerned. "What happened?" Veronica sighs. "Around Christmas When Jughead first started going to Southside High. She sent me a text saying she wanted to be with Jason. And when we got there she was on the ice trying to break through it and then she fell through. But Archie got her out in time." Veronica told me leaving me in shock. "Oh this explains the scars." I quietly say. "What?" Betty ask sitting up. "Nothing just explains a few things that we've talked about." I kinda lie. Why didn't she tell me? I'm not surprised she didn't tell me but I feel bad now. It explains what we talked about last night. "Toni." I look to my left and see Cheryl. "Oh your back." I take her hand. "What wrong?" She asked playing with my hair. "Can we talk later?" I asked quietly. "Yeah. I need to ask you about something later anyway." I smile. "Ok." Veronica claps her hand. "Ok Betty and I have plans. I'll talk to you guys later." She gets up with Betty and leaves. "We're going to go now. I'll text you tomorrow or something." I say getting up. "Ok." We walk out and head it my bike. "Pop's?" I ask with a smile. "Is that a stupid question?" Cheryl ask sarcastically. We both get on my bike and head there. We walk in and sit down in the back. It was late so no one was there. "Cheryl can I ask you about something." I ask taking her hands. "Yeah what is it?" She looks concerned. "When you left Veronica told me about what happened at Sweatwater." She takes her hands way. "I should have told you." I stop her. "Cheryl. It's ok but why didn't you tell me?" She looks up at me. "Because I was scared to tell you I thought it make you mad, I don't know. I didn't think you needed to know. I don't know." Cheryl starts crying. "Hey, why would I be mad? I know how it feels. You felt like there was nothing else to do. You were alone. Cheryl we are both two very damage people. And I didn't need to know but at the same time did so I could help you." Look into her eyes. "Toni. The only way you can help me is being by my side through this." I take her hands again. "I know how you feel, I know how it feels to lose someone important to you. I know how it feels to be abused emotionally and physically. I even know how feels to." I stop for a second. "Toni it's ok you can tell me." Cheryl tells me. "To be sexually assaulted. Cheryl anything traumatizing that you have been through I have pretty much has happened to me." Cheryl kisses my hands. "Toni." I stop her. "I don't want to talk about it, it happened years ago I'm over it." I tell her getting defensive. "Why am I the one breaking down and opening up but you never open up to me?" I look up. "I have a hard time with opening up. Cheryl if you haven't noticed I have some trust issues I don't trust people with personal things." I say quietly. She sighs. "Its ok. I get it but if you ever want to talk about it or anything, I'm all ears. Because I love you and I want you to feel comfortable around me because I feel comfortable around you." Pop's walks over and we order food. We talk for hours about whatever we feel like. Eat food and drink milkshakes. Later in the night Fangs and Sweat Pea join us.

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