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"How is she?" I ask Veronica, she looks down. "She's been worse but she's also been better." I sigh. "I didn't want to do this." Sweat Pea gets up and uses the bathroom. "Cheryl wants to see you. But you need to be sober. And I know you want to see her." Veronica says. I get up in frustration. "I can't, it's for her safety." I sit next her. "She's at the Pembroke the Ghoulies found her at Bettys and we have security, plus the serpents are swarming the Pembroke for her safety you'll be fine. The ghoulies have started getting off the serpents asses." She tells me trying to convince me. And it's working. "Fine give me 3 days."

3 days later I go to the Pembroke to see Cheryl. I walk into the room Cheryl was in. "Hey." Thats all I say. She motions for me to sit. I sit next to her. We're both looking ahead. "I heard you were drinking." She looks at me. "I stopped it wasn't just because of the break up." She stops me before I say anything else.  "Toni I get it you have been through a lot lately but I'm kinda mad about are break up." I sit in front of her. "Good You should be I didn't want to break up. But I had to." She quickly pulls me into a kiss and obviously us being us that kiss became more than a kiss.


A few hours later me and Toni were laying in bed. "Cheryl, the Ghoulies have gotten off the serpents ass. I was thinking we could try da-." Before she could say anything else. "Yes." She laughs. But she gets serious quickly. "Cheryl we might still need to pretend like we're not dating though." She tells me. "Ok I suggested that." Before either of us can say anything Veronica knocks on the door and comes in. "Oh sorry if I interrupted anything but I was wondering if you guys wanted to go to Pop's with Betty and I? I'm assuming you guys are back together?" She smirks. "When were you to planing on going?" Toni ask playing with my hair. Veronica shrugs her shoulders. "Hour or so." She smiles at me and walks out.


"I've started to go to therapy but not much has changed. I've only been once and I had panic attack going in. I probably will again next week." She laughs at the last part. "What did you talk about?" I ask she kinda looks uncomfortable after I asked. "You don't have to answer it if you don't want to." She smiles. "We talked about Jason and how much he meant to me. We also talked about my mental health, Thanks to my brothers death And the abuse from my parents and The Sisters, I have some form of PTSD and depression." I cup her face. "I'll be there every step of the way." She looks down and smiles. "Thank you." She tells me which shocked me. "Cheryl. You shouldn't be thanking me." She takes my hand and sighs. "Than who should I be thanking?" She asked with some snark. "No one I should be thanking you. Especially after what we just did ten minutes." I smile. "What do you mean." She cups my face. "Cheryl I was raped and you made sure I was ok. I know that's random I don't really know what I'm saying right now because even though we've been dating for a while I'm nervous. Because I get amazed by your beauty and your smile and your eyes and-." Before I can say anything else Cheryl pulls me into a kiss and I kiss back. "Shut up. I get it your in love with me. And I should be thanking you because you helped me through hell."

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