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It's been a few weeks later it was the night of the musical. Everyone was freaking out. I was in my dressing room when I hear a knock on the door. I turn around and see Cheryl with a rose. "Hey. Your a site for sore eyes." She walks over to me. "You came." She sits down. "Of course your my girlfriend. I wouldn't miss this for the world." I turn to her and smile. "Did you talk to your mom?" She nods. "Yeah shes not giving up that house any time soon. And I asked her about the what happened that night and she said that would have happened to who ever would have showed up. And she didn't know about the tattoo thing." I get up and close the door. "The tattoo thing wasn't your Mom's doing that's why." I sit down. She looks at me confused. "Cheryl before Christmas Jughead and some of the younger serpents we kidnapped her and brought her to Greendale and Jughead cut off her tattoo and She said she would get revenge on me, Jughead and Sweatpea." She sits back. "Why you 3?" I take a deep breath. "Me and Sweat Pea were holding her down and Jughead cut her." She takes a deep breath and takes my hand. We hear a knock on the door. "Toni 5 minuets. Have you seen Midge?" We both shake are heads. "Oh god." Kevin closes the door. "Oh well." She gets up. She hands me the rose. "I only got one because I was talking to the boys and they said they planned on getting you flowers from most of the serpents which they did. So I thought if I got you a whole thing of them it might be to much." I take the rose and blush. "Cheryl I love you." I smirks. "Good luck." She walks out. Show time.

She's dead! Midge is dead someone killed her. We get back to my trailer. "Cheryl you ok?" She shakes her head. "No." I pull her into a hug. She starts crying. This must be really hard for her because they were friends.

The next day we were all being questioned my Keller. "Why would I have done it? More importantly why would I kill someone who is best friends with my girlfriend? She's lost enough people in her life." Keller sits back. "Cheryl Blossom?" I nod. "Yeah. She was backstage with me. But she wouldn't do that." He writes something down I don't know what but it probably isn't good.


"Did you talk to Midge before the show?" Keller asked. I shrug. "Yeah but I didn't go into her room she was walking around probably looking for Moose and I told her to break a leg. That's it I was with Toni or Kevin when I was back there. She was one of the best people on my squad." He writes something down. "Did she do anything to upset you recently?" I shrug my shoulders. "Yeah but it wasn't anything to kill her over. She forgot her outfit one day. It was nothing."


I was sitting with Cheryl. Should I tell her? I was pacing back and forth. "Cheryl I need to tell you something." I turn to her. She looks at me confused. "First, I accidentally sent Sheriff Keller to you. Because I mentioned you and I didn't mean-." She interrupts me. "It's fine." I take a deep breathe. "And I didn't lie to him because he never asked, and I didn't bring it up because I'm didn't want to look like a suspect, but I think besides the killer I was the last person to see her." I sit down about to have a panic attack. "Cheryl. I didn't kill her. I rather die than kill someone purposely." She takes my hand. "I believe you." I take a deep breathe. "Cheryl I think there might be a video of that. I was in her dressing room having I can't believe I'm saying this, girl talk. And Jug he came in with his stupid camera." She laughs. "You girl talk ok miss 'I'm in a gang.' I'm kidding. Well hopefully they don't find your finger prints on her." I sit back. "They won't I didn't touch her." She nods. "You'll be fine no matter what happens I'm on your side."

"Antoinette Topaz to the office." My heart drops. I was about to go. "The video some how got released." Jughead tells me. I was walking to the office. "There she is." They run to me a arrest me. When there're doing this my knife falls out of my pocket. They are walking me out. I see Cheryl. "Call FP." She nods and pulls her phone out.


"Don't say anything else." Attorney McCoy says as we walk in. Toni looks at me. I nod. They go and put her in a detainment cell. "I didn't do it." I walk up to her. "Why did you have that knife on you?" I ask her almost disappointed in her. "I had it just in case with what's been going on." I take a deep breath. "Toni you promised me you wouldn't have that on you durning school." She looks down and puts her head against the railing. "Antoinette-." Attorney McCoy starts. "It Toni." She interrupts her. "Toni they have 24 hours to prove a case. Keep your mouth shut. I know you didn't do it but don't say anything." She looks up at me. I shake my head. "What I'm trying to protect myself." She sits down. "You made a promise!" I yell. She looks like she's about to cry. "Cheryl I didn't think anything would become of this." She tells me but for some reason I'm not taking any of this. "Toni you wouldn't be in this much trouble if didn't have that on you!" I'm still yelling at her. She runs up to the bars. "I do it for mine and your protection! Cheryl we're both in a gang. And this is Riverdale anything. We have a killer on the lose. If anything would happen to you or me. I would never and I mean never forgive myself. Because if I lose you I can't go on. And if something were to happen to me, Cheryl you have lost to many people in your life I can't be another person that have left you." She says tears streaming down her face. I'm about to cry. "I don't want to hear your BS. Your broke a promise. I don't care if you have it after school, before school on the weekends. Just not at school." I walk out of the room and see FP. "Cheryl I came as soon as I could." So apparently I'm on a roll. I have one fight with Toni and now I'm pissed. "Why did you lie to me?" He sits down. "I had no choice Cheryl." Attorney McCoy walks out. "Anything?" She shakes her head. "They have 24 hours and not enough evidence. Cheryl you should apologize to her." I sit down opposite to FP and sit next to Fangs. "I'll talk to her once a calm down." I tell her. "What happened?" Fangs asked me. "Nothing we just had a fight. She broke one of the only promises I have with her." I start to cry. Fangs pulls me into a hug.

It's been a few hours and they are about to release her. There is a riot outside and no safe way of getting her into my car. "Cheryl, I'm sorry." I look at her. "We'll talk about it later I just want you home in one piece." We all huddle around her luckily she's small so there's not much to protect. I've never been pushed and shoved so many times. We finally get her to my car surprisingly no one got killed or anything. It was a silent drive until she breaks the silence. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to break our promise. I don't feel safe in this town. Especially after I got raped." I sigh. "I get it. This town is crazy. I'm just happy your ok." She looks over at me. "About that. Cheryl can we go to the hospital I think when they were arresting me and pushed me against a locker I think I broke my wrist I can barely move it." I turn around. "You couldn't say that sooner." I say. "Sorry." She says as we pull in. "It's fine." We walk in. "What is the problem here?" The woman at the counter said. "I think I broke my hand." She types. "What is your name mam?" I stop for a second. "Antoinette Topaz, but people call me Toni." I cringed at the name. She finishes typing. "Ok someone will be right out for just go sit over there." She motions to the seats. "Toni can I ask you something?" She takes my hand the hand that's not throbbing in pain. I nod. "Why don't you go by your full name. I kinda like it." I take a deep breathe. "Cheryl it's not me. I was planning on legally changing my name to Toni." I look down. I don't want to explain it all to her. "Is there more to it? Your not the most feminine person I've met." I look at her. "No! Not that. No I don't want to get into the details but it's kinda a hard name to hear because of past things that have happened." She nods. "Oh. You realize I wouldn't care I'll still love you." I smile and cup her face. "I'm happy being a girl and besides I like the nickname Penny gave me. Southside smerfet." The nurse walks up to us. "Toni We'll go run some x rays." We both go to the doctor. I get my hand checked out. "Well it's definitely broken. You'll be in a cast for about 8 weeks." They do the casting. "What color do you want?" I look over at Cheryl. "Pink. Like hot neon pink so pink you want to throw up." Cheryl looks at me. "Really?" The nurse ask. "No I want black." I hear Cheryl laughs when I'm finished. "I just want to go home now." We get in the car. Once we're home we sit on the couch. It was silent until she broke it. "I think this is the first time you have admitted to your injury."

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