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"How's Cheryl holding up?" I ask Veronica as she sits next to me. She shakes her head. "Not well, she's better now but, when Toni was still in a coma she had a break down almost everyday I feel so bad for Cheryl, she has lost so many people in her life and she doesn't want to lose Toni." She slowly moves her hand up my thigh. I start to get nervous. "That sucks, I knew Cheryl had lost people but I didn't realize she loved Toni this much, I know Toni loves Cheryl but wow." She slowly moves my head so I'm looking at her. "You promise Fangs won't be home for a while?" I nod my head. "Yeah he has serpent business." She kisses me softly. "And Betty won't find out right?" She ask slowly moving her hand up my chest. "No she won't." She smiles. "Good." She straddles me and we proceed to make out. She gets up and takes off her. I take off my jacket and shirts. She gets on her knees and unbuckles my paints. "Wait do you have protection?" I kiss her slowly. "I'll be careful." She takes off her underwear and rides me. A moan leaves her lips. I kiss her as she moans into my lips. I let my hands fall on her hip. "Oh right there." Her head goes backwards as she cums. I quickly get up and go behind her. She gets on the couch with her back towards me. I start slowly but quickly pick up the speed. "Oh I'm gonna cum." I quickly stop. "I am not getting you pregnant." I quickly put on a condom, but I think is might be expired I don't know. Veronica gets on her back and pulls me close. "Just fuck me." I enter her wet pussy. "Oh god." She yells, she grips my back it hurt but I didn't care. I feel the condom break but it was to late. Her eyes widened. "You felt that to right?" She ask. I nod. "To late." I quickly pull out but the damage is done. I sit next to her on the couch. "I'm sorry." I face her. "It's ok I'm on the pill." She cups my face. "Betty can never fund out about this." I look down. "Why are you still with her?" She sighs. "This is why." She pulls out a ring. "Her dad is making me propose to her." I take off the condom and finish jacking off. "Is that why you've been at the hospital or here to avoid her?" She nods. "And because I care about Cheryl and Toni." I smile and cum again.


I was sitting in the hospital room Toni was asleep and I was in and out, the nurse coming into check on her makes it hard to sleep. It's been a month and she still hasn't gotten out because they want her to heal almost completely. I get a call from Veronica. I leave the room. "What's up?" She doesn't speak but I hear her breath. "V what's wrong?" She doesn't sound ok. "I need you to come over it's an emergency, I'm not in danger, just come quickly." I look over at Toni. "Ok. I'll be there in a minute." I hang up and walk over to Toni. "Toni." I shake her. She wakes up. "What's wrong? Are you ok?" I take her hand. "Yeah I'm fine, Veronica needs me I'll be back tomorrow morning." She nods. "Be safe." I smile. I slowly kiss her. She kisses back. I get up and leave. Once I get to the Pembroke I knock on her door. Hermione opens the door. "Cheryl wasn't expecting you." She smiles and let's me in. "Yeah Veronica called me and said she needed to talk. Is she in her room?" She nods and points to her room. I go to it and knock. "Veronica it's me, Cheryl can I come in." I yell. "Yeah." I walk in. She quickly closes the door behind me. "Cheryl I need your help. You were the only person I could think of to call." I sit on her bed as she paces back and forth. "What's wrong?" She stops and looks like she might cry. "Promise you wont tell anyone especially Betty." I nod. "I cheated on her with Sweat Pea and we had sex a month ago and I might be pregnant." My mouth drops. Her and Pea, I never thought I would see that. I realize that she needs a response and that she's about to panic. "Hey calm down, you'll be ok." I hug her. She starts crying. "Have you taken any test?" She nods. "Yeah I'm still waiting." I sit down. She sits next to me. "How's Toni?" She ask desperately trying to change the subject. "Better she's still struggling to walk on her own. I feel so bad for her, she's trying so hard to get better and she is but not enough and you can tell she just wants to get out of the hospital." She smiles. "She was finally able to get her cast off her leg?" I nod. "Yeah, that's the one of the only reason she's in the hospital still." I take a deep breath. She rubs my back. "She's strong, she'll make it through. You will to." I smile. "Thank you." She was about to say something but the timer went off. "I'm scared." She stands up. "Whatever happens I'm here." I try to calm her. She nods and grabs it. She looks at it for a few minutes. She hands it to me. I look at it, and up at her. "How are you going to tell Betty?" I put it down. "How am I going to tell anyone?" She starts crying, I hug her and try to calm her. "Your ok." I can't believe it, I never thought Veronica would be the one to accidentally get pregnant. "What am I going to do?"

I walk into her room, they finally gave her something more private room. I see her with a nurse trying to walk. "Cheryl." I smile. She slowly walks to me. "Your walking." She holds onto me. "Barely I still have to use the walker, I feel like a old woman." She laughs. "What happened with Veronica? It sounded pretty serious." The nurse walks out and closes the door behind her. "Some personal stuff that she is not ready talk about, and she trust me not to say anything." She nods. "Ok, I understand." I look down. "Cheryl what's wrong?" She looks me in the eyes. "I don't want to talk about it right now." She kisses me softly. I try to kiss back but she pulls away. "I can't wait to marry you." She puts her arms around my neck. "I can't wait to start a family with you." I kiss her and she kisses back. Her hands get tangled into my hair. "I love you." I smile into a kiss. "I love you so much." I pull away. "You should probably lay down." She nods. I help her walk. She's slowly walking again but not on her own. I just feel bad for her. I help her get in bed. "Thank you." I lay down next to her. "Are you ok? Besides what happened with Veronica." She ask. "I'm still scared of losing you." Her eyes soften. "Cheryl we've talked about this." I stop her. "Yeah but I love you and I want to you be safe, I hate when you leave the house for serpent business, I'm afraid you won't make it back." She cups my face. "Why are you thinking about this now?" I look down. "Cheryl, you can tell me." I don't know why I'm afraid to tell her. "I had a nightmare last night and it was about," My voice cracks as I hold back tears. I take a deep breath. "I was about you getting stabbed and dying in my arms." I start crying. She pulls me closer. "I had a similar dream. Last night. I almost called you but I figured you stayed a Veronicas." I take her hand. I was about to say something but a nurse knocks on the door. "Toni it's time for your physical therapy." She nods and I help her into her wheelchair.

"Come on one step that's all." She ties to take a step without help. "I'm right behind you, if you fall I'll catch you." She takes a step. "See you can do this, try one more." She was at the end of the walk. She tries to step but loses her balance and fall. I luckily catch her. "You ok." She shakes her head. "Can we just be done for the day?" I help her up. "Hold the bar." She grabs onto it. I got a grab the chair and help her in. Once we get into her room I help her out. I sit at the edge of her bed. "Cheryl I'm trying to walk I really am." I help her stand as she changes her shirt. "I know." I stand up and help her into bed. "I can't even stand on my own. I don't know how this happened." I sit next to her. "It's because of the coma you forgot how to walk. And your leg was broken." She takes a beep breath. "I just want to go back to school and go home. I want to take a real shower, I want real food, I want to sleep and cuddle with you without being interrupted. I want to kiss you and tell you how much I love you without being interrupted. I want everything to go back to normal and I don't see that happening any time soon. I want to walk." I take her hand. It's clear that this is effecting her more than I thought, I've never seen her in this much emotional pain, I've never seen her this defeated, this weak. A tear escapes her eye. "Your not alone." She wipes her tears. "Really? Because I don't see you struggling to walk or even remember things, Cheryl I am in so much pain physically and mentally, I don't know how much more I can take of this." She looks forward. "Toni don't say that." I sit up on her bed. "I'm here for you, I might not know exactly how your feeling but I'm here to support you." She looks up at me tears in her eyes. "Promise." I hold up the ring. "Promise." She smiles softly.

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