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I walk out of the bathroom in shock. "Cheryl." I hand her the test. "Your pregnant." She looks up at me. "Cheryl this is great." She hugs me, I still haven't processed what's happened. "Toni, watch it be twins." She looks at me. "One for me, one for you." I laugh at her joke. "I love you. This is the best thing that could happen to us right now." I pull her into a kiss. "We are waiting to tell people something could happen." She nods in agreement. "Not even my mom." She nods.

"Cheryl, what if I'm a bad mom?" She ask as we lie it bed. "You won't be, trust me. you always know what to say at the right time, you are gentle, you have patience, you listen. Toni I'm the one that should be worried about my parenting, but we don't have to yet we need to wait a few mouths. Just promise me one thing." She nods. "The serpents don't exists till their 15." She nods again. "Yeah." I take her hand. "I love you." I whisper. She smiles. "I love you." She whispers back. "Let's go to sleep."


"Cheryl can we talk?" I ask as I walk up to Cheryl and sit in front of her. She nods. "Do you miss Riverdale?" I blurt out. "Yeah, but so much shit happened there, you drink when your there, my brother died there, my father killed him there, my mother abused me for 16 years there. And yeah I've let my mom back in my life knowing she's changed, but still. That place brings back memories and the majority of them are bad." She tells me sitting up. And she's right everything that I try to forget has happened there. "What was the minority?" She wipes her tear. "You, Veronica being there for me after JJ died even though she barely knew me and never met him. Getting married to you, late nights talking about the future, JJ." I take her hand. "What about you?" She ask. "Yeah, my family is there. Except you obviously. But I haven't like made friends here, like I guess your friends are you mine but, you don't really have any that you hang out with you know?" She nods. "Yeah." I take one of her chips from her plate. "I need to finish college, and have this baby." She's right, I wasn't planning on now. "Yeah obviously, but maybe we should think about it."

Ok so I'm going to jump a few months to speed this up

It's been a few months and her and I are in Riverdale just in time for her birthday. because, we talked about it and we thought it would be better to live here. "Cheryl your like about to pop." I say walking into our old room. "Since we are here you will not drink, do any drugs, mope about Sweet Pea, or ride your bike. Got it? At least not until this kid is born " She ignores my comments. "Yeah." I say not trying to start anything. "Ok." She cups my face. "I love you." I smile and kiss her. "I love you." She says back.

"So how's Veronica doing?" I ask Betty. "Better." She lives in her childhood house after her mom left, Veronica and Henry also live here but they are currently doing something. "She still isn't over him. And it's not like we are really dating, I mean we are it's just we are taking it really really slow." She looks down sad. I look over at Cheryl, who has this face of panic. "Cheryl, are you ok?" She shakes her head. "We need to go to the hospital." Oh shit, ok umm. What the hell do I do? Bring her the the fucking hospital dumbass.

Cheryl didn't want to know if she was having a boy or a girl or both or 2 boys or 2 girls, I know what we are having Cheryl doesn't. Long story short, this is the hardest thing I have held from her. I walk out of her room because everything was getting to overwhelming. "Oh god." I breathe out bringing my hands through my hair. "Toni, if you don't get back on there you will regret it for the rest of your life." I look up at Betty. "Yeah your right." I quickly walk back in.

"Cheryl, what do you want to name him?" I ask. After hours of labor she finally gave birth to our son. "Jason." I finally look at her. I haven't been able to take my eyes off of him. I quickly realize something. "Umm, here I meant to give this to you but your water broke." I hand her a present from my bag. She takes it. "I'll open it later. If I ever let you hold the baby." She puts it on the table next to her. "Cheryl, what if he has dyslexia? I know that sounds weird. But  I don't want our kid to go through what I did." She looks at me confused. "There is a reason why I'm a year older than you." I sit back. "Right. I knew that." She looks back at Jason. I'm still kinda in shock over everything, I was about to say something when there is a knock on the door. We both look over to see Cheryl's mom. "Hey. I hope it's ok that I came." Everything has still kinda been awkward between Cheryl and her mom. Cheryl has forgiven her, it's just like they both are holding their breaths around each other. "Yeah, sure." She awkwardly sits down next to Cheryl's bed. "Cheryl can I hold our son for once?" I ask. I've been trying for about 2 hours now. "Yeah." I sit in the bed and lie next to her to make her life easier. She hands me Jason. "Hey, Bud." I feel like I'm about to cry of happiness. Cheryl kisses my cheek. "He's so cute." Cheryl plays with his hands. He's so tiny. "You know, they say you only fall in love once. I just broke that, by seeing him. This is the second best day of my life." Cheryl looks at me. "Second?" I smile. "Our anniversary dah." I say like it wasn't already obvious. "It's kinda late." I say. "Well not really it 3:00 in the morning on my birthday so technically it's early." She puts her head on my shoulder. "Oh my god Cheryl." I say lovingly. I've never been this in love with a baby before. "Toni, the serpents don't exist until we both decide he's ready." I nod. "I know this is the 80th time we have gone over this." She digs her head into my neck and quickly falls asleep. I put my free arm around Cheryl and rub her arm. This has to be the happiest day of of my life. I happen to be the only one awake. Their is a knock on the door, I look up and see Betty. "Hey." I perk up. "Hey." She walks in. "It's a boy." I nod. "Yeah, I knew. Cheryl wouldn't let me tell her." She smiles. "What's his name?" She sits in a chair. "I think you know what Cheryl named him." We both laugh.

Both of us are still in shock over Jason. I find it funny about how he was born on Cheryl and Jason's birthday. That also means my birthday is coming up in a month. Great. I walk into her room. "I think this is the first time we have been in the hospital for a good reason." I say putting her coffee on the table. "I so happy we moved back." She smiles. "We get to take him home." I think this is the weirdest most random conversation we've had. "Yeah." She takes a deep breath. "You ok?" Ask sitting on her bed. "This is the happiest I've been in a long time." I smile. "I know."

"I'll check on him." I get up and walk over to him. "Hey." I pick him up and bring him into the kitchen. He starts to grab at my hair. "I know it's very pink." He laughs. "Oh my god you're so
cute." Why am I turning into a stereotypical girl? I rub his back as he falls asleep, I walk into the living room and sit on the couch. Once I know he's really asleep I go back upstairs with him and but him to bed. I look over and luckily Cheryl is asleep. I lie down in bed again next to get.

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