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This is going to be the last chapter, but there will be a sequel.

"Toni. What's wrong?" I ask picking up Jason. "I'm just worried about him." I look at her. "He's 2 weeks old." I cup her face. "Yeah your right." I sit on the couch. "Everything will be ok. Whatever happens we'll get through it, we always do." I reassure her. She nods. I didn't realize how scared she was to have a kid, like we talked about how she was but I think since he's been born it's gotten worse. I hand him over to Toni. He starts to play with Toni's hair. "What is so amazing about my hair?" She laughs. "Toni, why are you so scared to be a parent?" I ask. "I don't want to be our parents. I know you and your mom have made amends but I don't want that to happen with us." I sit closer to her. "We are not out parents. I've seen you with kid, you actually know what your doing." She smiles. "Really?" She ask. "Really." She pulls me into a kiss. "Toni I love you. I don't say that enough." I pulls away. "I love you. And I don't say that enough." She gets a call. "Hey Fangs, What's up?" She hands Jason back to me and walks out. "What am I going to do with her?" I ask. Jason kinda looks at me like a typical baby. Toni comes running in grabbing her jacket. "I have to go." I look at her. "Be safe." She nods. "Yeah." And runs out. "Oh Toni." I shake my head.

"Toni." She walks into the house, face beaten. "I didn't mean to. I didn't even want to but Fangs called me. I'm sorry." I cup her cheek and rub the cut on her lip gently. "Your alive and not in the hospital, that's all I could ask for." She seems taken back by my comment. "What?" I ask. "I don't know, you usually yell at me for an hour." I laugh. "I have given up on that, it hasn't stopped you." She kisses me. Jason starts crying Before I can kiss back. "Again, I just put him to bed." I run upstairs and pick him up. "Hey." I rub his back. "Your supposed to be asleep right now." He slowly stops crying. Toni walks into the room. "Did you guys eat yet?" I turn around. "He did, I was waiting for you." I say. She nods. "Oh ok." She walks out. I noticed that Jason is asleep so I put him down. I grab the baby monitor and walk back downstairs.

"Shh, It's ok." I wake up and look over to see Toni holding Jason as he goes to sleep. I look over at the time and it's about 3am. "He's asleep come to bed." I whisper. She turns around. "I put him down he wakes up again." She walk over with him. I sit up and rap my arms around Toni. "We've been up since 11." I look at her. "Than I'll watch him and you go to sleep." She hands me Jason. She doesn't even argue it like usual and goes to bed. "Cheryl, I want to do something and I don't know what you'll think of it." I look over at her and place Jason on top of me. "What?" I ask, she turns over. "I want to give a kid the childhood neither if us had." I looked at her shocked. Like I know what she's telling me. "Can we wait a little before we decide." She nods. "Yeah." She rolls over and goes to sleep. She's right, and we did talk about adoption so it's not a new topic but I don't think we should yet.

I wake up to the sun in my face and no baby screaming. I get up and start to walk out. Wait no baby screaming? I told Toni to sleep in. I walk downstairs and see them in the kitchen music playing, Toni holding Jason and poorly dancing. She turns around and smiles. "Hey." I walk over to them. "I told you to sleep in. You were up most of the night." She kisses me. "Look at the time." She motions to the clock. "10 am." I look back at her. "We've only been up for 20 minuets. I let you sleep in because we both slept in." I smile. "Ok." I kiss her. "I love you both." She kisses my cheek. "We love you. Right Jason?" Jason reaches for my hair. "Do you think he would look good with pin-." I stop her. "No." She puts her head down. "Please?" She fake pouts. "When he is older and if he wants." She nods. "Yeah of course."

Ok so I'm jumping in time


"You sure?" I ask. He nods. "Yeah." I roll my eyes. I look over at Cheryl. "There is no stop either of you." She walks out. "Ok. Are you sure you want purple?" I ask. He nods happily. "Ok." I say giving up on talking him out. I start to dye his hair. "We can stop." I say as I see the panic on his face. "No." I smile. "Ok." Cheryl walks back in and looks at me through the mirror. "Your lucky his hair is light enough that we didn't have to bleach it. Unlike you." She kisses my cheek. "I love both of you, I have to go to work, I'll see you guys at dinner. Toni I'll text you I hear from the agency." She walks out. "Done. Don't touch it for about an hour, and don't let it touch anything. It's probably easier for you than me."

"Toni, I don't want him to know. That's the problem. I don't want him to think he has to be a bad person because he's a Blossom." I take her hand. "Cheryl, he is not a bad person and I agree with you. No offense but your family is fucked up." I whisper the last part because we have a 3 year old. She laughs. "I love you." She kisses my cheek. "I love you." I smile and pull her into a kiss. "Moms, I can't sleep." Cheryl turns around. "What's wrong?" I ask as Jason walks over to us. "I had a nightmare." I pick him up and hug him. "Your ok." I rub his back. Cheryl lies down next to us. I stand up and bring us back to his room so he can sleep. I kiss the top of his head and walk out and go back to our room. "Cheryl." I walk in to see her probably ready to have sex. "We haven't in a few weeks, maybe we should." She pulls me closer. "Let me lock the door." I quickly lock the door and go back to her immediately kissing her. "I love you."

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