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I felt bad for Toni she pretended like she was not in as much pain as she was.  "Toni you really need to rest." I tell her as she starts to get out of bed. "Cheryl I'll be fine." I stop her and make her lay down. "You could barely get out of the car without being in extreme pain. Please just stay in bed." She looks down and thinks about it. "Ok but you're staying with me and your going to get me things when I need them since you want me to stay in bed." She says with a smile. I lay down in bed next to her. "B and V are throwing a end of year party ask if we wanted to go but you can't really go." She pulls me closer. "You can go I can stay here with Nana, just don't get stupid drunk." I look up at her. "You sure?" I asked. "Yeah. Go have fun. When is it?" She asked i smile. "Tomorrow." I tell her. "I love you." She pulls me into a kiss. "I love you too."


I decided last minute to go the the party because I new she was going to get drunk and need someone to drive her home. She got drunk fairly quickly which I don't know to be concerned or impressed that she can have a drink or two and already be drunk. Later that night she was slurring her words and acting like an idiot. I only had a few drinks. "Are you dating anyone?" She asked I smile. "Yeah I have a girlfriend." She looks sad when I told her. "You should dump her." She slurs every word she says. "I'm going to get a drink." I say and go get one. I probably shouldn't be leaving her but I needed one. I go into the kitchen and see Betty. "Hey. Betty where's Veronica?" I ask because they seem to be attached my the hip. She pulls me into another room. "She broke up with me and I don't know what to do." Next thing I know for some buzzer reason she kisses me. I quickly pull back. "I have a girlfriend and your not over her." She looks down. "Don't tell anyone I did that I don't know what got into me. I'm sorry." I sigh. I was about to say something. "Toni?" I hear a familiar voice. I turn my head and it's Cheryl. "Cheryl it's not what you think." Betty says. "It looks like your kissing my girlfriend." She storms off. "Thank you, thank you for single handedly destroying my relationship." I fallow her. "Cheryl." I spot her my her car. "Cheryl." She stops me. "I don't want to hear it I saw the whole thing I'm not mad at you." She pulls me into a hug. "Can we go back to your trailer? I don't want to go back to Thistle House drunk. Exactly with Nana being home with the care taker." She ask and we get the car. I drive off. "I'm sorry." I quickly look over to her. "It's fine I'm not mad at either of you I'm to drunk." She laughs quietly. "Just promise me nothing like that will happen again because I trust you." I smile. "I promise." We pull up to my trailer and I help her get in. She lays down on the couch and passes out. I get a text from Veronica asking where we went and asked her why she broke up with Betty. She explains that she was a drunk mess and regrets it and already got back together with her which made so sense. I go to the couch and put a blanket on her. I get some Advil and a glass of water and put it next to her for tomorrow morning. I go into my room and fall pass out on my bed and don't change.


I wake up with a splitting headache and see a glass of water and Advil. "Hey your awake." Toni sits down next to me and I take the pills. "How drunk was I?" I ask the only thing I remember is that damn kiss. "You asked if I was dating anyone and when I said yes you almost cried." She smiles. "Are you mad about the kiss?" She asked again probably because I'm not sober. "A little but you had no say and you stopped it before it go worse." I take her hand. "They got back together. Apparently Veronica was a drunk mess and stupidly broke up with her." She shrugged. I realize we are really close face to face. She pulls me into a kiss which I deepen. She gets on top of me and straddles me not disconnecting are lips. I take off her shirt. "Are you sure you can do this?" I ask her looking at the stitches that were her stab wound. "Yeah I'm feeling lot better than I did a few days ago." She pulls me back into are kiss. I pick her up as I stand up. "Just be careful." She say as I bring her into her room and lay her on the bed. "Maybe you should be on top so nothing bad happens." I tell her and she flips over. "I top anyways." She gives me a smile. We continue to make out. I take off my shirt. Leaving both of us in a bra and shorts. She moves down my neck kissing it and leaving hickeys everywhere. She takes off my shorts and my underwear. "You sure." I nod. "Cheryl I need verbal consent." I smile. "Yes I'm sure." She kisses my thighs making me moan. She puts her fingers in me making me moans. She moves up my body and kisses me. She slowly fingers me. "Oh... Toni." I say between moans. She slow picks up the speed. I moan loudly. She kisses my neck are hips move together. She stops and take her shorts and underwear off. She takes off my bra. She slips her fingers in me again. "Oh yes." She kisses me in between moans. "I'm gonna-." I moan as loud as possible as I ride out my organism. She lays next to me. Both of is out of breath. "Morning sex never thought I would need it." I smile. "That's what you get for watching after me this past week I know that sounds cheesy and like the only reason I did that was because I needed to return the favor of something bu-." I stop her rambling. "Was enjoyable for the both of us?" I asked. "Yeah." She says. "You don't owe me anything except your love and support that we both give to each other. Ok?" I ask her. "I love you and you could give me the world and you still won't think it enough. And I feel the same way." She laughs. "How could I give you the world when your are my whole world?" She asked me. "That's my point." I smirk. "And I thought I was cheesy." Next thing I know it Veronica is texting me about going to her lodge this weekend for a girlfriend trip. I should show Toni the text. "I don't know I'm still recovering." I turn to her. "Like we are going to do much more than sitting in the pool. Your getting your stitches out today." She sighs. "Your right. Let's go, we need a break." I smiled at her comment. "I love you." I say and start playing with her hands. "I love you to the moon." I could feel the blush going up my cheeks. "Let's start packing." I say getting up.

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