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It was a dark and grim day in Riverdale at lest for the Blossoms, the date July, 11th, 18, one year after Jason Blossom died. Cheryl Blossom has been through hell the past 2 weeks and doesn't want to talk to anyone, not even Toni. "Cheryl? You've been in here all day. Can you come out? I know your awake so you can't pretend to be asleep." Toni says through the door. "No! I don't want to be around anyone right now." Cheryl who is curled up in a ball with lights off in bed yells through the door. Toni tried to open the door but Cheryl had locked the door when she got up. "Can you unlock the door?" Cheryl gets up and unlocks the door but goes back to her bed. Toni slowly walks in. "Cheryl you've been in here all morning with the lights off playing music. What's wrong?" She noticed that Cheryl was scrolling through her phone. Toni sits next to Cheryl. "What's wrong?" She pulls Cheryl in close to herself. Toni takes the phone out of her hand. "Jason. Look at the date." Toni was confused for a second and realized what day it was. "Cheryl. I'm sorry." Cheryl starts crying into Toni

"WHAT HAPPENED TO A SERPENT NEVER STANDS ALONE?" Toni yelled. Sweat Pea walks over to Toni who is standing on the stage. "What are you talking about?" He asked confused. "Cheryl was gone for days and none of you were sober enough to notice. That's what." Toni looks him dead in the eye. "She is the love of my life and no cared. She nearly died for us." Jughead walks in. "She's right." Jughead yells from across the bar. "Everyone should be ashamed of how we've been treating Cheryl." Jughead steps on stage. "Cheryl is part of the serpents. And she's Toni's girlfriend. This can't happen again with anyone. Thank you for your time everyone go back to what you were doing." Both of them jump on the stage and walk over to the bar. Toni goes behind the bar. She notices something is wrong with Cheryl. "Bombshell, you ok?" Cheryl looks up confused about the nickname bust doesn't think much about it. "Yeah I'm fine." Cheryl puts on fake smile. "I'm going to ask again. You ok?" Toni raises a eye brow. "No. I got this. FP gave it to me, and I don't know what to do." She hands Toni a envelop. Toni reads the return address. "Jason Blossom." Toni looks up at Cheryl. "I haven't opened it yet and I don't plan on it." Cheryl puts her head on the counter and sighs. "Do you think it's real T?" Cheryl asked. "Babe you don't even know what's in it."

Cheryl and Toni were sitting on the couch staring at the letter. "I'm going to open it." Cheryl says, she picks it up and opens it


Your probably wondering why you're getting this now? Cheryl you need to know that I'm not dead just in hiding. I talk it FP Jones to know how you are. In the video that wasn't me, yes dad still killed someone but it wasn't me and I don't know who it is. I'm living in greendale. Talk to FP to hear the rest

Cheryl read the letter over and over again. "Cheryl..." Cheryl gets up and goes to FP's trailer, Toni following. "Cheryl." Cheryl starts slamming on the door. FP slowly opens the door. "You knew." Cheryl starts crying. "You knew he was alive! I have spent a year grieving only for him to be alive? What is wrong with you for not telling me. I love him more than I will ever love anyone." Cheryl yells a FP. "Cheryl I was sworn to secrecy. I got that in the mail today, so I gave it to you. I'm sorry." FP says. "Just answer this one thing because you've talked to him." FP interrupts Cheryl. "Yes he does, he's not mad." Cheryl walks out and goes to her car. Toni runs after her. "Cheryl wait." Cheryl turns to Toni. "I need to be alone right now." Toni looks down and sighs. "Ok don't do anything that you will regret or anything stupid." Toni takes her hand. "You know where I'll be if you need me or if I need you. It's your favorite place." Cheryl takes her hand away. She gets in the car and drives away.

It was only 20 minuets when Toni gets a text saying that she needs her. Not because she was in danger, because she needed someone to hold her and tell her she that everything will be ok. Toni hops on her bike. Toni knows where Cheryl is so she goes there. Toni sees Cheryl at far from the edge of sweatwater in their spot. Toni got off her bike and walked to her. "Cheryl you ok?" Toni asked causally. "No." Toni sits next to her. "Your probably going to think this is a stupid question but, do you want to see him." Cheryl looks over at Toni. "Did you know?" She asked Toni. "Honestly. I did only because I work at the wrym but I didn't know if it was real or not. I'm sorry I didn't tell you." Cheryl takes her hand. "It's fine." Cheryl sighs. "I'm so tired of fighting. And I know people have it worse than me. I just can't fight." Toni moves in front of Cheryl. "Cheryl don't say that. So what if the world is out to get you. And hell yeah you've been through hell especially this past year. But your not done fighting not yet. Cheryl you are the most amazing person ever, your sensational." Cheryl looks up at Toni. "Promise you'll be there every step of the way." She puts out her pinky finger. "I promise." Cheryl latched their fingers together. "Cheryl you need to promise me something to." Cheryl nods. "Promise me you will go see someone, I'll go with you if it makes you feel better." Cheryl awkwardly smiles. "Yeah." Toni realizes that she still had Cheryls rings. "Here you left this on the table when I got there." She hands Cheryl her rings. Cheryl takes the rings and she put the rings on. "I remember when I gave you your ring, not the promise ring even though I do remember that but the snake ring. It's been passed down in my family, it was my moms before everything happened and she gave it to me. If we get married and have children give it to them boy or girl." Cheryl smiles. "I will because you will remind me every birthday for that kid." Toni looks down and laughs. Cheryl pulls Toni by the caller of her jacket into a kiss. Toni kisses back and deepens the kiss. "We should take this somewhere more private." Toni kisses Cheryl again. "It's 1:00 in the morning on a Monday. Plus we're already in a pretty private place that's why I come here to think." Toni takes off Her jacket. Cheryl lays down luckily Cheryl had a blanket to lay on.

Toni and Cheryl finally get home from a long night. They walk in. Cheryl goes to her room and doesn't even change and goes to sleep. Toni goes to her room and does the same. A few hours later Toni wakes up next to Cheryl. "Babe." Cheryl wakes up in shock. "Hey what's up." Toni smiles. "How did you end up in my bed?" Cheryl shrugs. "I must have been sleep walking."

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