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"Jug hurry up." I say grabbing my bag. "Why are you so excited to go?" He ask opening the door. "Because I want to see Cheryl." We go to the car. "What do you think she'll think of the new tattoos?" He asked driving off.


I storm into the student lounge, and go straight over to Sweat Pea. "What the hell are you and Veronica hiding from me?!" I sit in front of him. His eyes widened. "Nothing." He says quickly. "Hows Veronica?" He changes the subject. "Good, she still doesn't know what to name him." I tell him. He was about to say something, when Heather (who I do everything to ignore and forget about) sits next to me. "I heard your girlfriendless, mind if I help with that." She puts her arm around me which I immediately push off. "No! My girlfriend is currently out of town visiting family." I lie. She shakes her head. "I doubt that, she wouldn't be gone this long, she's-." I stop her. "She is not cheating on me, if you new our situation maybe you would back off." I get up and walk to the door. "I have to go, Sweat Pea go talk to Veronica after school." I walk out and to class.

"Do you finally have a name?" I ask. She nods, looking at the baby. "Yeah, Matthew Henry Lodge." She looks at me. "He's adorable." I recognized that voice, I turn around. "Toni." I stand up and hug her. "Hey." I start crying. I look at her. "Please say your home for good." She shakes her head. "Only for a few days for our anniversary. And to see what Veronica and Sweat Pea made." She looks at Veronica. "Is this what you guys were hiding?" I ask Veronica. "Yeah." I look back at Toni. I haven't left go of her, and I don't want to let her go. She wipes my tears. "I love you Cheryl Bombshell." I kiss her, she starts crying and kisses back. "I love you Toni Topaz." I hug her again. "Hey if you want to go home a be lovers. Sweat Pea texted me." We both nods. "I'll see you later." I tell Veronica as I walk out.

We both are lying in bed after a heated night together. I was lying on Toni head on her chest. "So your coved in a few tattoos." She rubs my back. I don't really have a problem with it, I actually think there hot. "Yeah, I would have told you through the many phone calls but, I didn't know how you would react. So I waited." She takes my hand and kisses it. "I love you more than anything." I say out of nowhere. "I love you more than anything." She smiles softly. "Cheryl I wish we could stay here forever and not worry about anything or anyone." She says softly. I start playing with her hair. I've never missed her so much. I sit up. "T." I cup her face. "I'll go with you." She shakes her hand. "No you need to get through school. I'll be home for good soon, I just don't know when soon is." She starts crying. I bite my lip trying not to cry. I lie back down on top of her. "Fine, I don't want to get in a argument or anything." I laugh.

I wake up for the first without a nightmare since she's left. "Hey beautiful." She says opening her eyes. "This still doesn't feel real." I cup her face. "I agree." She laughs. I take her hand. "I've missed you so much."

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