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3rd Person P.O.V:

It's been a year & a half since the androids gained their freedom. Markus dealt with the government, they finally made an agreement of peace. Markus decided to create a party for his people, and celebrate it. Humans are allowed, but they need invitation from an android.

Markus told his people, and they all started preparing. He saw some struggling, so he helped of course.

[Simon – Lover]

"Hey Markus!" he heard Simon say. He turned around, and saw Simon run up to him. "Hey Simon." Said Markus. "Markus, can you help me get some parts for the people?" asked Simon. "Sure." Replied Markus, and they went to the town to get the parts.

While Markus & Simon were walking in the town, some humans were glaring at them. "Markus. . ." said Simon. "Yes?" asked Markus. "I. . .I think we should hurry." Said Simon, and Markus looked around, then saw some humans glaring at them & some didn't care. "It's only been a year & a half, but. . .humans still don't accept us. . ." said Simon. ". . .That's not true, they're just not used to it yet. Everything will be fine, Simon." Said Markus.

[Public Opinion – Favored]

They got the parts, and were walking back. "Markus, do you think this. . .party is really okay?" asked Simon. ". . .Of course. Simon, there's nothing to worry about." Said Markus. "I just. . .feel something bad. . ." said Simon, then Markus stopped & looked at Simon. He held Simon's hand, and said, ". . .Maybe, but I want my people to have some fun. We've struggled far too long, and we need some freedom to have fun. Don't worry Simon." Simon smiled, and said, "Okay, Markus." Markus & Simon stared at each other's eyes, suddenly, they heard a noise. They looked over at the noise, then saw a human kick the android who was on the ground already.

"Fucking androids." Said the human. The Android's LED light turned red, and tried to get up. "Markus. . .its gonna attack the human." Said Simon. The android stood up, then looked at the human. "What are you looking at, huh? You plastic piece of shit!" said the human. ". . .I am alive." Said the android. "Markus!" said Simon. Markus soon went to intervene, he touched the android's shoulder, and said, "Stay calm, don't do anything." The Android's LED light turned yellow, and Markus looked at the human, then said, "You should apologize." "What? He was the one who was in the way." "This is not how you want to be treated, right? Then you shouldn't treat others like this. Even if it's an android." Said Markus. "Yea! Be nice!" they heard a human child say, soon their mother said to be quiet. ". . .Fine. . .sorry. There." Said the human, and walked away.

[Public Opinion ^] [Simon ^]

Simon walked up to Markus, and said, "Markus, you did it." "There's a party tonight, so come." Said Markus to the android. "O-Okay." Said the android. "Let's go Simon." Said Markus, and they went back to the others. "You truly are the hero." Said Simon. ". . .No, I'm not. I'm just an android, trying to get the chains off." Said Markus. "I really appreciate to have you by my side." Said Simon with a shy smile. ". . .I appreciate having you by my side as well, Simon." Said Markus with a smile, making Simon heat up a bit. "Thank you, Markus." Said Simon, and Markus held Simon's hand.

At the party location, Markus & Simon returned, and continued preparing. Markus went to the rooftop, and watched the view. He felt. . .a bit weird. . .like. . .he senses something bad.

[North – Friend]

Suddenly, someone came, Markus turned around, and saw North. "I was wondering where you went." Said North. ". . .Sorry, I'll get back." Said Markus. "Are you sure the humans will leave us alone?" asked North. "North, we talked about this. Humans won't hurt us. We made an agreement." Said Markus. "I always thought violence was the only language they understand. You proved me wrong, but. . .I can't stop this weird. . .feeling." said North. "You feel it too?" asked Markus. ". . .Markus, I don't think this party is good. Maybe we shouldn't-" "No, I can't do that. This is a celebration. I want people to have fun & stop worrying about humans." Said Markus. ". . .I hope you know what you're doing." Said North, and walked away.

[North v]

Markus sighed, and continued watching the view. . .

Detroit Become Human: Android PartyWhere stories live. Discover now