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3rd Person P.O.V:

"ENOUGH!" shouted Andrew, and everyone froze. ". . .We lost this battle! There's nothing we can do. Either we go against the state law or accept the loss & the androids. You guys are not stupid, you know where we'll end up if you guys make a wrong choice!" said Andrew, and the people calmed down. "Just take these guys out of here. I'll handle the rest." Said Andrew to Allen. ". . .Retreat!" said Allen, and they left.

Connor walked up to Markus, and said, "Markus, are you alright?" "Yea, thanks Connor, and. . .I'm sorry for involving you guys into this." "It is not your fault, Markus." Said Connor. "Oh my god. . .I thought I was gonna die." Said Leo, who sat down on the ground with a sigh of relief. "Leo, that was very brave of you. Thank you so much." Said Simon. "Yea, uh. . .you're welcome." Said Leo with a shy smile. "Oh! Simon, we have to get you blue blood!" said Markus, and ran to one of the crates. He opened it & grabbed a blue blood bag, then ran back to Simon. "Here you go." Said Markus, and handed Simon the blue blood bag. "Thank you, Markus." Said Simon with a smile. "Thank you too, Simon." Said Markus. "Anytime." Replied Simon.

"Now, we gotta take this guy to DPD." Said Gavin, looking at Andrew. Markus walked up to Andrew, and said, ". . .Are you alright?" ". . .Heh, I'm alive & not dead. . .yet." ". . .Are you one of them?" asked Markus. "I'm actually the one who planned all this shit to happen." Said Andrew. "Why did you do this?" "Because I hate androids. I had an android, but she betrayed me. All the things we did. . .the moments. . .bonds. . .she played with me. All androids are the same. They betray their masters. . .no matter how we treated them, they'll always run away." Said Andrew. ". . .I understand that you're upset, but not all androids are like that." "I see that now. . .I'm. . .sorry, Markus." said Andrew.

[Simon ^] [Leo ^] [Jericho ^]

"I forgive you. . .but you should pay for what you have done. I hope they won't hurt you." Said Markus. ". . .Heh, thanks." Replied Andrew. "Well, now, we should get going. Come on, Connor, Gavin. We have work to do." Said Hank. "Don't tell me what to do, you old man!" said Gavin. "Got it, Hank." Said Connor, then he walked up to Markus, and said, "Hope to see you again, Markus." "Me too, Connor." Said Markus, and they shook hand.

Connor, Hank & Gavin took Andrew, and went outside. There were bunch of news reporters, ambulance, & police. "Lieutenant! Detective! Please tell us what happened while you guys were inside!" "Is that the criminal behind all this!?" "Please tell us!" "Alright, alright, back off, please." Said Hank. Chris ran up to them, and said, "Lieutenant, Detective, are you guys alright?" "Yea, just take this fucker." Said Gavin, and handed Andrew to Chris.

Markus went to see the others outside, and there was ambulance, police & news reporters as well. Markus walked up to North & Josh, "North! Josh!" They turned around, and said, "Markus!" "Are you guys alright?" asked Markus. "Yea, we're fine." Said Josh. "What exactly happened?" asked Markus. "We were cornered by the soldiers, but. . .we managed to fight back. . .without violence." Said North, then looked at Kara, Luther & Alice, who were hugging each other. "They did a really good job." Said North. "Yea. . ." said Josh, and Markus walked up to them.

"Kara, Luther, Alice." Said Markus, and they all turned to Markus. "Markus!" said Alice. "Hi, and are you guys alright?" asked Markus. "Yes, we're alright." Said Kara. "I'm so sorry for involving you guys into this mess." Said Markus. "It wasn't your fault, Markus." Said Luther. "We did nothing wrong. Humans just misunderstood." Said Kara. "Markus! Kara & Luther are going to get married!" said Alice. "'Married'?" "Yea. . ." said Kara, and held Luther's hand. Luther smiled, held Kara's hand back, and they both heated up a bit. "Wow, congratulations. I wish you two a happy marriage." Said Markus with a smile. "Thank you. . .but we did have a. . .sacrifice. . ." said Kara, remembering about Rebecca. "We would've been shot, if. . .she wasn't here." Said Luther. Markus looked around, then saw red blood, and the ambulance carrying a body into the car. Markus turned back to Kara, Luther & Alice, then said, "With great sacrifice, comes great happiness. . .it might be painful, but. . .you guys all must be happy, for the sacrifice." ". . .Thank you, Markus." Said Kara.

Markus walked back to North & Josh, then said, "You two did a great job. I'm so glad to have such wonderful friends to back me up."

[North ^] [Josh ^]

"Of course, we won't fail you, Markus." Said Josh. "Yea, we are like a family." Said North. "Thank you, guys." Said Markus. "Markus!" said Simon, who came with Leo. "Simon, Leo." Said Markus. "Markus, I think you should give a speech." Said Simon. "Speech?" "Yea, inspire us with your wise words." Said Josh. "Come on, Markus." said North. Josh & Simon grabbed some things to make a stand for Markus, and Markus stood on it.

[Simon – Lover] [Leo – Family] [North – Friend] [Josh – Close] [Jericho – Hero] [Public Opinion – Favored]

". . .Everyone listen up!" said Markus, and everyone looked at him. ". . .What tonight's party turned into is a really unfortunate accident. Humans misunderstood us. . .and I apologize to everyone who was involved into this mess. . .but it's all fixed now! I know, that you all felt scared, but you all managed to stay alive & stood up against them. . .I am really proud of each one of you. I couldn't do this alone. . .all because I had you guys. . .we together earned this victory! I couldn't protect everyone. . .we had some sacrifices. . .but I'm not letting that pull us down! We must stay strong, even if our heart ache of all the loss. . .we need to step forward. . .and gain the eternal freedom for our future!" said Markus, and everyone cheered.

[Simon ^^^] [Leo ^^^] [North ^^^ – Companion] [Josh ^^^] [Jericho ^^^] [Public Opinion ^^^]

Markus got off the stand, and walked up to Leo. "Leo. . .I'm really sorry for what happened." "No. . .it's alright. And. . .dad knew about this, all along, huh? He knew humans & androids can work together." Said Leo. ". . .Carl, he is a wise man I ever met. I wish. . .I could see him again." Said Markus. ". . .Me too, and uh. . .Markus. . ." "Yes?" "Uh. . .I. . .still haven't. . .done any reforming for my dad's house. . .and uh. . .since uh. . .we're like. . .brothers now, do you. . .wanna. . .maybe. . .live there?" asked Leo. ". . .Are you serious?" "Well. . .yea, I mean. . .I can't just. . .sell the house, it holds. . .a lot memory of dad. I also. . .found some stuff I wanna show you." Said Leo. "Leo. . .thank you, but first, I want to find everyone else a place to stay, since. . .this place is a mess right now." Said Markus. "Maybe. . .I could help you guys out." Said Leo. "Really?" "Yea. . .I kinda owe you, so yea." Markus hugged Leo, and said, "Thank you, Leo." Leo hesitantly hugged back, and said, "N-No problem, bro."

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