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[Hank - Close] [Gavin - Warm]

"Gavin!" said Hank. "Fuck. . ." groaned Gavin in pain. "All you had to do. . .was to find that damn contract. . .but this works. Killing all three of you, and all the androids." Said Andrew. "You. . .you fucking lied to me." Said Gavin, covering his wound. "The 'soldiers' you brought were just citizens! You involved them into this massacre!" said Gavin. "They all volunteered. To kill these androids, they were willing to destroy their own life. Humans are stupid, don't you think?" giggled Andrew. "You prick. . ." said Hank. "A year & six month passed. . .but still, there are drifts. Humans never learn, we hate androids, and they'll never be accepted, no matter how many years & how pacifists they are. Now, let's get this over with." Said Andrew, and aimed the gun at Connor. "RK800, model #313 248 317. . .how did it feel to kill a fellow android? Huh? Do you fucking remember? About six months ago." Said Andrew.

". . .It was not pleasant. That's for sure." Replied Connor. "But you did it anyway. To accomplish a fucking mission. You're nothing, but a machine!" said Andrew. "I was. . .but not anymore. I have my own will. I desire something, I can have empathy, I can cry, I can rage, I can feel emotions. . .just like humans can. I am not a machine." Said Connor. "You fucking android." Said Andrew, and tried to pull the trigger, but Hank stepped in front of him, shielding Connor. "You're not killing Connor." Said Hank. "Hank. . ." said Connor. "Get out the way, or I will shoot you." Threatened Andrew. "No. I won't let you kill my partner." Said Hank. ". . .Lieutenant Anderson. . .you sold your soul to an android. Such hero, huh?" "I'm not a fucking hero. I couldn't even save my own son. . .I'm not losing someone important in my life again." Said Hank. ". . .No, Lieutenant, please. . .move." said Connor. "Sorry, can't do that Connor." ". . .Please Hank! You need to move! Or you're gonna get shot!" said Connor.

[Hank ^]

"I said no, Connor, and that's my final answer." Said Hank. "Hank. . ." "Very moving. . .you think I'm bluffing?" asked Andrew. "I doubt it. You hate androids, but how you see them as is completely a false. Open your eyes & try to connect with them." Said Hank. "Connect with an android? You must be joking!" said Andrew. "You wanna bet?" asked Hank.

[Simon - Lover] [Leo - Trusted]

The three made it to the underground. "The exit is open!" said Simon. "North opened it, come on!" said Markus, and they tried to go, but suddenly, an explosion came. They turned around, and saw the door was blown open, then the enemies came in. "Get cover!" said Markus, and they all hide behind the boxes.

"Holy shit!" said Leo, panting. "What should we do?" asked Simon. ". . .Violence is never an answer. Don't kill them, but knock them out." Said Markus. "There's no way we can take these guys down! There are so many!" said Leo. "Should we run to the exit?" asked Simon. ". . .We could try, but. . ." Markus looks at Simon's leg, and continues, "You won't make it, unless there are covering fire." ". . .I can cover you two." Said Simon. "I'm not letting you do that!" "Okay, okay! We gotta do something!" said Leo. ". . .Raise your hands up." Said Markus. "What?" asked Simon. "Raise your hands up." Said Markus, and raised his hands up. Simon obeyed Markus, and Leo decided to obey as well.

"Don't shoot!" said Markus, and walked out to their sight. "Don't shoot. . .we are unarmed." Said Markus, Simon & Leo stepped out with Markus. "Is this really gonna work?" whispered Leo. "Trust Markus." Said Simon. "We didn't do anything wrong." Said Markus, then one man stepped forward. "Hold your fires!" said the man, and the people lowered their gun. "Markus, the leader of the androids. . .my name is Allen, and your plan is destroyed." Said Allen. ". . .Yes, it is. We just wanted to celebrate." Said Markus. "Soon, everything will be a dream. No need to fight anymore. Surrender now, Markus." Said Allen. ". . .Unfortunately, I cannot do that. I know humans are not used to us being free & working together with us, but. . .this shouldn't be the way to settle things. I have the contract of the agreement." Said Markus.

[Public Opinion ^]

"But it is not confirmed yet. Freedom doesn't mean you guys can take humans hostage. That is a crime!" "We never planned that. We just wanted to enjoy a party. I wanted humans to know that we are not a threat. We are not perfect, we can die, we can love, we can laugh, we can be angry, we can be sad, we can cry, we can make mistakes, so on. . .what difference do you guys see? The color of the blood?" asked Markus. "Surrender, or we will open fire!" said Allen. ". . .Have you ever interacted with an android before?" asked Markus, then Allen remembered about Connor, saving Emma Phillips. ". . .It was just a program. . .he was programmed." Said Allen. ". . .Maybe. . .but programs don't matter anymore. We have our own will." Said Markus.

At outside, Luther was still moving, and Kara slowly walked up to Luther. "Kara!" said Josh & North. "Stop, or we will shoot!" said Perkins. Kara soon stopped, then got on her knees. She let Luther lay down, she was supporting him, then Luther said, "Kara. . .run. . ." ". . .No, I can't leave you." Said Kara. "They're gonna. . .kill you." Said Luther. ". . .Then, let me ask you something." Said Kara. "Kara. . ." Kara slowly reached to her pocket, then took out a small box. "That is. . ." "It belongs to you." Said Kara. "No. . .it's for you." Said Luther. "I know." Said Kara, and opened the box. In the small box, there was a beautiful ring with small diamonds. "I. . .I'm sorry if you-" "Shhh. . ." said Kara, tearing up. "Luther. . ." Luther remained silent, then Kara continued, "You've been there for me. . .cared for me & Alice. . .always. Worked really hard. . .and supported us. We're a family. I need you. . .I love you." "Kara. . ." Luther teared up a bit, then Kara's tear slid down her cheek. "I will protect you. . .and I know, you'll protect me. . .we together protect Alice. Family. . .stick together."

"Luther. . .I can't live without you. . .will you. . .marry me?" asked Kara with tears & a smile.

[Luther ^^^ - Husband]

Luther smiles with tears, he looked at the ring, then placed his hand on top of the box. Luther looked at Kara, then replied, "Of course, Kara."

Everyone was touched by the two's emotional propose. Kara leaned down, and kissed Luther, then he kissed her back. Few seconds later, they parted.

"Fucking androids. . ." Perkins heard one of his men whisper, he turned to where the whisper came from, then one guy aimed his gun to Kara. "Hold it!" said Perkins, but the guy pulled the trigger. The bullet. . .went straight towards Kara. . .

Soon. . .red liquid spilled on the ground. . .

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