Another Invitation?

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3rd Person P.O.V:

[Hank – Lover]

A month later. . . "HANK!" Connor's voice came, and Hank woke up. "Connor?" asked Hank, sitting up, and rubbing his eye. "The fuck are you yelling for? And in a fucking morning." Connor entered the room, and said, "We got some packing to do!" "Huh? Packing?" asked Hank, then saw Connor holding a post card. "What's that?" asked Hank. "We got an invitation." Said Connor. Suddenly, the party chaos flashed back in Hank's mind. ". . .What?" "This is from Kara, Luther & Alice. It's an invitation to their wedding ceremony." "Oh. . .wedding. . ." Connor walked up to Hank, then sat down next to him, and leaned on Hank's shoulder. "This can be our first ever vacation, Hank." Said Connor, heating up, with a shy smile. Hank blushed a bit, and said, "Well. . .I guess, but I need to talk to Jeffery first to get a break." "Don't worry, I'll handle that." Said Connor, then kissed Hank's cheek.

[Hank ^]

"C-Connor! It's morning!" Connor just giggled, and Hank blushed more.

[Simon – Lover] [Leo – Family]

At Markus. . . Markus was painting in the studio with Leo. "Jesus. . .fuck. . ." said Leo, trying to paint. "Leo, calm down. No need to rush, take your time, and mix some colors. It will look better." Said Markus. "This is fucking difficult." Said Leo. "You're getting better at it." Said Markus.

"Markus?" asked Simon, who entered the studio. "Hey Simon." Said Markus. "Hi, and you have an invitation." Said Simon. "'Invitation'?" asked Markus, and put the palette & a brush down on the table, and walked up to Simon. Simon handed him a post card, and Markus looked at it. ". . .An invitation to a wedding. . .of Kara & Luther." Said Markus. "A wedding? Of androids?" asked Leo. "Canada is an Android-Free zone. There are no laws for androids, and. . .they did help us with the party incident." Said Simon. ". . .We have to go. We owe them a lot, and I want to bless them." Said Markus. "Then you should put someone in charge of the Jericho members." Said Simon. "Hmm. . .I'll think about it, but we are going. You're coming as well, right Leo?" asked Markus.

[Leo ^]

"Me? Uh. . .sure, I guess." Replied Leo. "Canada. . .must be a nice place." Said Simon. "We're going to find out." Said Markus, and kissed Simon's forehead.

[Simon ^]

Simon heat up a bit, and shyly smiled.

[Alice – Family] [Luther – Husband]

In Canada, with Kara, Luther & Alice, they were with Rose & Adam. Rose & Adam was helping Kara & Luther pick out their wedding clothes. "Oh, this one looks good on you, Kara." Said Rose, showing the wedding dress to Kara. "You think so?" asked Kara. "Try it, Kara!" said Alice. "Um. . .okay." said Kara, and went to the dress up room to wear the dress.

Kara dressed up, and showed it to Rose & Alice. "Kara, you look pretty!" said Alice. "I remember the time back then, I wore a wedding dress & it felt very different from wearing any other dresses." Said Rose. Kara looked at herself in the mirror, then said, "I. . .I really am. . .going to get married. . .just like all the humans. . ." "Kara. . ." said Alice. "This feeling. . .I. . ." Kara turned to Alice, then hugged her. "I'm really happy." Said Kara, and Alice hugged her back.

[Alice ^]

Few seconds later, they pulled away, and Rose asked, "Did you guys sent the invitations?" "Yes we did, I don't know if they'll come or not. . ." said Kara. "I'm so excited to see you & Luther together wearing pretty clothes!" said Alice, and Kara smiled.

[Hank – Lover] [Gavin – Friend]

At Detroit Police, Connor walked to Hank's desk, after talking to Captain Fowler. "Hank, I got permission from the Captain." Said Connor. "You did?" asked Hank. "Yes, and now, we can pack up tonight or tomorrow." Said Connor. "Alright, and how did you do it?" "I have some tricks up in my sleeves." Said Connor with a wink. "Great job, Connor." Said Hank with a giggle.

Suddenly, Gavin walked up to them, and said, "Well, well, seems like you guys are having fun." "Hey Gavin." Said Hank. "We were talking about going on a vacation to Canada to attend to a wedding." Said Connor. "Canada? Wedding? When are you guys going?" asked Gavin. "We pack up tonight or tomorrow morning. We'll leave probably the day after tomorrow." Replied Connor. "I see. Well, have fun on your vacation. Also, don't forget to get me a souvenir." Said Gavin, and Hank said, "You little prick." "Alright then, we'll get you something to fix your attitude." Said Connor with a smile.

[Hank ^] [Gavin v]

"Fuck you!" said Gavin, and Hank just giggled. 

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