Come to Halt

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3rd Person P.O.V:

Kara, Alice, Luther, & the woman were at the emergency exit, North opened the door, and they all walked in. There were stairs that went down to the underground. They all went down, and saw a lot of androids & few humans already there. Some were injured, mostly androids. "This is a disaster. . ." Kara heard someone say. "I knew it was a bad idea. . ." "Where's Markus?" "Goddamn humans. . ."

Kara searched for a place Alice can sit, and found an open space. They walked up to it, and Kara let Alice sit down & rest. "What are we going to do?" asked Alice. ". . .Don't worry, I'm sure Markus have this all handled." Said Kara, trying to reassure Alice. Kara looked around, some of the androids were shaking in fear, their LEDs were yellow, and some humans were scared as well.

"Was this really the plan!? Did you guys trick us!?" shouted the human. "No, Markus would never do something like this!" said an android. "What is going on then!?" "This was a trap!" "It's a misunderstanding!" Arguments started happening. . .humans were blaming androids to be in this mess. Androids tried to defend themselves & Markus. Kara hugged Alice, and whispered, "Don't listen. . ." "Everyone calm down!" said Josh, but it didn't work. "Humans. . .they never learn, do they?" said North. "We need Markus. . ." said Josh. "We can't rely on Markus all the time." Said North. "Then what are we gonna do?" asked Josh, suddenly the argument started getting violent & physical. "Stop it!" "Calm down!"

Josh & North tried to calm them down, but. . .it wasn't working. North was getting irritated, and grabbed a gun. "North, what are you doing!?" asked Josh, grabbing North's gun. "If they don't stop, they're going to cause us troubles! We need to plant fear in them to keep them in control!" said North. "No! You're going to make our work all to waste!" said Josh. "Why are they fighting?" asked Alice. "Shhh. . .don't listen Alice. They are just. . .panicking a little. It'll be over soon." Said Kara.

Simon & Hank came in, and Josh saw them. "Simon! Lieutenant!" said Josh. Hank was panting, and said, "Goddamn, those stairs." "Are you alright, Lieutenant?" asked Simon. Josh & North ran up to them, and Josh asked, "Where's Markus?" "He's on the 1st floor, searching for Connor." Simon noticed the arguments going on, and Hank said, "The fuck is going on here?" "Humans are blaming us for this mess. . .They never learn to stop blaming others." Said North. "We can't stop them." Said Josh. ". . .We need Markus, but. . .I doubt they would listen." Said North. ". . .Don't rely on Markus. There's gotta be a way to stop them. Like a gunshot to shock them." Said Hank. "I'm trying, but Josh doesn't let me." Said North. "It's not going to work! Humans will take it as a threat!" said Josh. ". . .We need to stop them. . ." said Simon, and started walking slowly. "Simon?" asked Josh, then Simon stopped, and said, "North, Josh, Lieutenant. . .help me."

Suddenly, gunshot was heard, it echoed, and they all stopped their actions. "EVERYONE LISTEN UP!" said Simon, and his voice echoed. They all looked at where Simon was, then saw Simon, North, Josh & Hank. Hank had the gun North was holding, he shot it above to stop them from fighting. "We did not plan anything like this to happen!" said Josh. "We showed you all that we are peaceful! We don't want our freedom to be taken!" said Simon. "Stop blaming us for what's happening! This isn't our fault!" said North. "This is all a misunderstanding! Please. . .stop hurting each other! We'll get you all out of here safely!" said Simon. ". . .We need trust & we have to work together! There's no time for fighting!" said Josh. "Please!" said Simon.

"H-How can you be sure!? If they come in here. . .we're all gonna die! How can they tell whose human & whose an android!? They're gonna gun us all d-" Hank shot the gun above again, and another silence was made. "Cut the bullshit! These androids showed that they're better than us, humans! Stop being afraid, or nothing would change!" said Hank. "Lieutenant. . ." said Josh. ". . .We'll try to prevent the people from entering here as much as possible!" said Simon, and everyone remained silent & calmed down. Hank sighed & put his hands inside his pocket, then realized that he had that small box, which apparently belonged to Luther.

At Markus, he was running through the hall, searching for Connor. He sneaked pass some people to go through. 'Connor. . .where are you?' asked Markus telepathically, hoping that it'll reach to Connor. 'Markus!' 'Connor! Where are you?' 'I am in a room with Officer Reed.' 'There should be a room number, what's is it?' 'The room number is. . .105.' 'Alright, will be right there.' Markus started heading towards the room 105.

[Gavin – Neutral]

Connor was in a room with Gavin. "Hey dickhead!" said Gavin, and Connor snapped out from telepathic communication with Markus, then turned to Gavin. "The fuck were you doing?" asked Gavin. "Sorry, I was having a conversation with Markus. He'll come get us soon." Said Connor. ". . .I see. Fucking androids & their telepathic communication." Said Gavin. ". . .May I ask you a personal question?" "Fuck no." ". . .Alright." said Connor.

". . .Fine! What is it?" asked Gavin. "Why do you hate androids?" asked Connor. "Why? Isn't it obvious? You guys are gonna replace all humans. Take our job. It pisses me off. . .your whole existence pisses me off, now that you become a police officer." Replied Gavin. ". . .I'm sorry if my presence is uncomfortable for you, but I-" "Shut up! I don't want to fucking hear your roboticass bullshit! Androids are made to obey humans! Now, you guys went against your creators, and now what!? We have to accept you guys as humans!?" ". . .That's what reality is right now. You'll have to accept it eventually." Said Connor.

[Gavin v]

"Look here, you don't have a fucking right to say anything! Humans are not 'perfect' like you guys are!" "I am well aware of it." "Robots just listen to what humans say!" "I am no longer a machine. I have opened my eyes." Said Connor. ". . .Just obey like you're programmed to." ". . .I only obey to Lieutenant Anderson." Said Connor. "That again? Man, you two are really gay." ". . .Why do you think it's gay?" "What?" "As an android, I have no gender. My appearance is a male, but I can be a female if my memory was in a female body." Said Connor. ". . .Wow, then you'll become a sex android, if your memory was put into it?" "I have no choice, but mymission won't change." Said Connor. ". . .Fucking shit." Mumbled Gavin.

"Connor?" asked Markus, who was outside the room, in front of the door. "Markus?" asked Connor, and walked up to the door. "We have to move, they are coming." Said Markus, and Connor opened the door. "Connor, I'm glad you're alright, and we need to get out of here." Said Markus. "Alright, let's go." Said Connor, and they started moving.

They were trying to be sneaky. "Did you find them?" "No. They're being fucking cowards." The three started moving, suddenly, Gavin tripped on something. Gavin is a human, so they might not kill him, but androids can disguise as humans, just by taking the LED out. Humans can't tell if they're humans or androids without the temperature checking device. They had to keep moving.

[Gavin ^]

Connor ran up & helped Gavin, then the people saw them. "Hey! There they are!" "CONNOR!" said Markus. "Run!" said Connor, and they all started running, but the people appeared in front of them. Markus ran, and fought them to clear the way. "This way!" said Markus, Connor & Gavin followed Markus.

When they were running. . .something was thrown in front of them. They stopped, then the thing exploded, making a big noise. Connor & Markus fell down because of the impact.

In the underground, everyone heard that explosion. "What was that?" asked Josh. ". . .Markus." said Simon, and ran out. "Simon, wait!" said North, then Hank said, "Stay here!" Hank tried to go, but North said, "Wait! Don't go out there!" Suddenly, Hank tossed her the small box, and said, "Give that to the big dude! Uh. . .oh, Luther!" Hank soon ran after Simon. "Lieutenant!" said Josh. 

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