Future Dream

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3rd Person P.O.V:

[Simon – Lover] [Josh – Close] [North – Companion] [Leo – Family]

Markus walked to where North went, along with Simon, Josh, & Leo. They saw North, sitting on a bench, looking at the sky. "What's up with her?" asked Leo. ". . .I don't know, but we need to figure it out." Said Markus, then turned to Josh & Simon. The two nodded, and Markus walked up to North. "Mar-" Leo cut off as Josh grabbed his shoulder, and said, "Stay here." Leo decided to listen to Josh.

"North?" asked Markus, and North looked at Markus. "May I?" asked Markus, and North scooted over to give him space to sit beside her. Markus sat down next to her, then started, "North, how are you feeling?" ". . .I'm good." North lied, she wiped her tears, and Markus said, "Are you. . .struggling with your past?"

[North v]

North remained silent. . .Markus can pressure her to answer, but. . .it might upset her. He could convince her. . .but she might try to avoid it. . . ". . .North, we're friends, and I want to know what's wrong. If there's anything bothering you. . .tell me." Said Markus, and North still remained silent. ". . .We came to celebrate Kara & Luther's wedding. . .I'm sure they don't want you to be sad. Talk to me, it'll make you feel better." North stood up, then said, ". . .You're the one I can't talk to." "Why is that?" asked Markus. ". . .I. . .remembered something." Said North. "'Remembered'?" ". . .It doesn't matter. Go back already. I'm just going to. . .cool my head down here. . .alone." said North, trying to avoid the conversation. "No, I'm not leaving you here. You should talk to me or someone about this. It's not gonna help if you just keep it to yourself." Said Markus, standing up from the bench.

[North vvv]

North turned to him, and said, "I don't want to talk about it! Just leave!" "North, we came here to congratulate Kara & Luther. Your attitude is not helping!" "I don't care!" "They saved us at the party, remember!? They are our friends! They're one of us! You are one of us. Don't push me away like that." Said Markus. ". . .Fine. . ." said North.

". . .I remembered. . .the past. Being a toy, just to satisfy human's sexual desires. . .after escaping. . .and when you came to Jericho. . .you gave me hope." Said North, and Markus remained silent, listening to her. "I loved you. . .and you loved me. . .I thought I. . .found true love. Together. . .we saved Jericho. . .and all androids." Said North, tearing up, and continued, "The start of our freedom. . .I thought. . .I was finally free from being a toy. . .but I wasn't free." North turned her back to Markus, who had a feeling that he knows which way this is going. . . "I was happy for few months. . .until that incident happened." "North, I-"

She turned to him, then said, "You chose Simon." Markus remained silent, and she continued, "Kara looked so. . .beautiful in the wedding dress. . .and reminded me that I. . .once had a thought. . .of getting married. . .to you." "North. . ." "I tried my best to support you & Simon. I did my best, and my feelings for you started fading. . .but it slowly came back. . .started at the party. . .that's all." Said North, and Markus said, "North, I'm. . .sorry." ". . .Don't apologize. . .I shouldn't bind you in guilt. . .but this is my feelings. You got what you wanted to hear. You don't need to care about it anymore. It'll. . .fade away eventually. I'm your friend. . .I support you." Said North. ". . .North, I'm. . .really sorry. I didn't mean to. . .I was just. . .worried about you, and. . .I. . ." "Please. . .just leave." Said North. ". . .No." replied Markus. "Leave!" said North, then Josh said, "North!"

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