For a New Start

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3rd Person P.O.V:

Markus went to visit Carl Manfred's grave with Simon. Simon placed the flowers down in front of Carl's grave, and Markus said, "I miss you, dad." Simon remained silent to let Markus say what he wants to Carl. "We're gonna have an android party, and. . .when I think about parties, I always remember about you. You didn't like parties much. You liked to drink the usual scotch, and. . .the day you died. . .was the day you went to a party." Simon looked at Markus with a sad expression. ". . .Humans are not used to us, androids, living freely. . .I'm trying my best to do what's good for my people. Carl. . .dad. . .I hope I'm doing the right thing." Said Markus, then Simon gently held Markus' hand, and Markus held Simon's hand back.

"Let's go back." Said Markus. "Markus, I. . .I want to do something before we go, can you. . .wait for me at the gate?" asked Simon. ". . .Alright." said Markus, and walked away. He went to the gate, and waited for Simon. While waiting, he saw Leo come. Markus looked away, and didn't say anything, Leo didn't seem to notice him.

[Leo – Hostile]

After few seconds, "Get the fuck out of here!" he heard Leo shout. Markus hurried to see what's going on, then saw Leo grabbing Simon's shirt, and shouting, "Don't fucking touch my dad!" "P-Please, let me go!" said Simon, struggling. "Simon!" Markus pulled Leo away from Simon, and said, "This is a place to pay respect. I don't think anyone would want to see a fight." ". . .You're Markus. . .the leader of the Androids." said Leo. ". .You must be mistaken me with another android." Lied Markus. "Bullshit! . . .I'm not fucking accepting androids. They're just plastic piece of shit!" said Leo. "We're alive! We are not slaves anymore!" Said Simon. "They are just machines! A toy!" said Leo. "That's enough! No more argument. We'll leave. Simon, let's go." Said Markus, and Simon nodded. They started walking, but Markus stopped, and said, "Hey." Simon stopped, and Leo looked at Markus. "If. . .you say that androids are just a machine. . .why don't you come see for yourself?" asked Markus, facing Leo. "Markus. . ." said Simon. ". . .What do you mean?" asked Leo. "There's a party tonight. . .celebrating the Androids' freedom. . .at the Detroit Central. We're nothing different from humans. . .you should come & see it. Maybe you'll understand what your father meant." Said Markus, and walked away with Simon.

[Leo ^]

"Markus. . .he's. . .Leo, right?" asked Simon. ". . .Yea, and are you okay, Simon? He didn't hurt you right?" asked Markus. "He just. . .started yelling at me, when I moved the leaves that were on Carl's grave. He didn't hurt me, so. . .I'm okay." Said Simon. "Sorry that you had to deal with him." Said Markus. "Markus. . .are you okay with this? Leo blamed you for Carl's death." ". . .I know. He's not a good human, but. . .I don't want any fights between androids & humans. Especially in front of Carl." Said Markus. "I see, but he might kill you if he realized who you really are." Said Simon.

[Simon ^]

". . .Maybe, but if we want to keep the peace. . .I should invite him for a new start, I must convince him, and let him see what we really are. We're better than humans." Said Markus. ". . .I trust you. I'm on your side." Said Simon. ". . .Thank you." Said Markus. They were walking back home, but Markus saw Bellini Paints, and remembered about the day he painted. "Markus?" asked Simon, and Markus snapped out. "What's wrong?" asked Simon. ". . .Simon, can you help me with something?" asked Markus. "Sure." Said Simon, and they went into Bellini Paints.

When they got home, they went to Markus' room, and put the things they bought, down. "What are you going to do with all this paints & canvas?" asked Simon. ". . .I'm going to do what Carl loved to do in his life." Said Markus, and put the stand up, then grabbed a canvas. He opened the paints, and put them on the palette. He grabbed a brush, then asked, "Simon, can you bring me a small bowl of water?" "O-Okay." Said Simon, and grabbed a plastic bowl they bought, then went to get water.

Markus closed his eyes. . .imagined his life. . .Androids. . .Freedom. . .and Love. Simon came back, and placed the bowl on the table, near Markus. Simon remained silent, and watched Markus, then Markus opened his eyes. He dipped the brush in the bowl, and started painting. Simon watched Markus paint, and few minutes later. . .a painting of Markus & Simon, with the background dark blue, like a night sky, was created.

"Wow. . ." said Simon. ". . .Simon, I. . ." "This is. . .beautiful, Markus." Said Simon. ". . .I don't know what to say, but. . .I think. . .I like this." Said Markus. ". . .You should paint more, and maybe we can. . .put it up at the party, so everyone can see." Said Simon. ". . .If you want, then sure." Said Markus, and Simon smiled, then looked at the painting, and asked, "Can I. . .have this painting?"

[Simon ^]

"Yea, sure." Replied Markus. "Thank you. . .this is really beautiful." Said Simon, and took the painting off the stand. "I'll cherish this." Said Simon, making Markus heat up a bit. "Y-You don't have to." "I want to." Said Simon, slightly whispering. Markus smiled, and hugged Simon from behind. 

Detroit Become Human: Android PartyWhere stories live. Discover now