Get Together

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3rd Person P.O.V:

Connor stealthily sneaked pass the people, he scanned the area, then saw a door with blue blood on. He entered a room, the room was a bit messy like someone already came here. He scanned the room, then saw something. He walked up to it, and it was a book on the floor. He examined it, and the book was odd, it wasn't even a book, but a box that disguised as a book. Something that was inside the book was taken.

Connor reconstructed, someone was in the room, and checked around this room for something, then found something inside the book.

Connor checked the room for more, then found blue blood on the ground. He sampled it, and figured out the model. Connor followed the blue blood trail, which led to a closet. He opened it, and an android fell. Connor examined the android, it was shot in the head. Connor wasn't able to reactivate it to ask what happened.

Connor reconstructed the situation, the android was shot when it came into this room, and was dragged into the closet.

Connor thought of a possible incident that happened in this room. Someone came into the room, searched around, then found something inside the book, which possibly was a gun. This android came in, and saw that suspect in the room. The suspect shot the android to not alert anyone, then dragged the android into the closet, and left.

Who would do this? For what purpose? No one heard the gunshot? When did it happen? Those were the questions Connor had. There weren't any finger prints. . .android involvement? Or. . .a human with gloves.

Connor went out the room, and continued searching for Hank, then he saw Gavin. "Detective Reed." Said Connor, then Gavin saw Connor, and ran up to him. "The fuck is going on here?" asked Gavin, and Connor scanned him, then his LED turned yellow, and back to blue. ". . .You need to go to the emergency exit." Said Connor. "Like I know where the fuck it is." Said Gavin. ". . .I know, but I must find Hank first." "Seriously? Fucking shit. . .alright. I don't fucking know where to go, so I'll help you find Hank, as soon as we find him, you better get me the fuck out of here." Said Gavin. ". . .Alright." said Connor, and they started moving.

Kara, Alice, Luther & the woman were moving to the emergency exit. "THERE THEY ARE!" "Come quick!" said Luther, who opened the door. Kara, Alice & the woman got in, Luther soon get in, and closed the door, then pulled the desk over to the door. Kara went to the bed, and let Alice & the woman go under it. Kara tried to call Luther, but the door started banging, and Luther was pushing the door back. "Luther!" said Kara. "Hide Kara!" said Luther. Kara hesitated, but hid under the bed, then the door bust open. "Hands up!" Few armed people came in, and Luther backed up. "I know there are more! Surrender!" Luther attacked them, knocking one out. He fought the two, moved them away from the door. "RUN!" said Luther. "Luther! Kara, please! We can't leave him!" said Alice. Kara went out of the bed, and grabbed a vase, she ran up & smacked one with the vase, knocking them out.

[Alice ^] [Luther ^]

Luther kicked the other one, and knocked them out. "Kara, you should've run." Said Luther. "I am not leaving you. Family stick together." Said Kara. Alice & the woman got out the bed, and they all went out the room, suddenly a soldier tackled Kara as soon as she turned the corner. "Got you!" "Kara!" shouted Alice. The woman pushed the person off Kara, and the person tried to shoot the woman. "Move!" shouted Kara, and pushed the woman away. The bullets missed her, but shot Kara's arm a bit, then North came, and kicked the person to the wall hard. "Quick! This way!" said Josh. Luther carried Kara, Alice helped the woman up, and they ran, following North & Josh.

Simon was hiding from the armed people, he held the pistol tight, getting prepared to fire at any time. He started moving, searching for Markus, then saw an android getting attacked, so he shot his pistol to save the android. Few armed people started shooting at him, Simon ran for cover. "Dammit. . ." said Simon, soon he was grabbed from behind. Simon struggled, then got thrown to the wall. "Goodnight!" Simon was about to get shot, then gunshots were heard. The one who was trying to shoot Simon fell down, groaning in pain. Simon saw Hank with a gun & Markus. "Nice shot Lieutenant!" said Markus, and ran to Simon, but the armed people came, and Markus fought them.

[Simon ^]

After knocking them out, Markus helped Simon up, and Hank ran up to them. "Simon, I'm so glad you're alright." Said Markus. "Markus, I'm so glad I found you." Simon looked at Hank, and said, "Lieutenant, thank you, and Connor was searching for you at the west side." "Shit. . .I'll go get him." Said Hank, but Markus stopped him. "I'll go get Connor. Simon, take Lieutenant to the emergency exit. I will go there soon as I get Connor." Said Markus. "Alright, but be careful." Said Simon, and Markus nodded, then ran to find Connor.

"Hey! Goddammit. . .why do you, androids risk yourselves?" asked Hank. "Because we want to show that we're not afraid. Don't worry Lieutenant, I'm not that good at fighting, but I'm not going to let anything happen to you." Said Simon. "What am I? Damsel in distress?" Said Hank. "Sorry, but I know how much you mean to Connor. Connor is one of us, and I don't want to fail him." Said Simon. ". . .You guys worry too much." Said Hank, and they started moving.

Connor & Gavin were together, searching for Hank, then Connor got a telepathic message from Simon, 'Connor, I'm with Lieutenant. Markus is going to get you, so stay at where you're at.' "Hank. . ." said Connor, and stopped walking. "Hey, the fuck you doing!?" asked Gavin. ". . .Simon found Hank, we need to hide & wait." Said Connor. "What!?" Connor heard footsteps, then grabbed Gavin, and went into a room, then locked the door. "Stay here." "Yeah, and wait till those people come to gun us down." "This is not the time to joke around. I am going to get you out alive, so stay with me." Said Connor.

[Gavin ^ – Neutral]

". . .Fucking android." Mumbled Gavin. Connor listened to the footsteps, and waited for the footsteps to be gone.

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