Find the Way to Escape

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3rd Person P.O.V:

Kara, Luther, & Alice were running, staying together, then they came to a split path, everyone went different ways, and they didn't know who to follow. "Which way?" asked Alice. "This way!" said Kara, and they went up the stairs.

Markus fought back the armed people, but not killing them. North & Josh helped Markus, but they started shooting, so the three backed up behind the tables for cover. "We have to run! There are too many!" said North. "We can't do that, we have to fight back as much as we can, so the others can escape!" said Josh. "Markus!" said North. ". . .North, Josh, get out of here, find people who are lost or hiding to reach the emergency exit. I'll stay & distract them as much as I can." Said Markus. "We can't leave you! If we're gonna run, we all run!" said Josh. "Markus, if you're gonna stay, I'm staying as well." Said North. "North-" "Surrender now!" ". . .Fine, let's run together." Said Markus. "Alright." Said North.

[North ^] [Josh ^]

Markus, North & Josh, all made a run to the door, the people started shooting at them, then Josh tripped & fell. Markus & North stopped, Markus grabbed the plates that was on the ground, and threw it to the people like a frisbee. "Markus, we have to go!" said North, then Markus ran to Josh, and helped him up. "Hurry!" said North, who got the door ready. Markus & Josh ran in, and North closed the door, then Markus quickly barricaded the door.

[Josh ^]

The three ran to find the others to help them get to the emergency exit.

Simon & Connor were running, they got out the storage room, they saw androids running upstairs. "This is bad. I need to find Markus." Said Simon. "I need to find Hank." Said Connor. "Connor, grab my arm." Said Simon. "What?" asked Connor. "Hurry! I'm going to send you information!" said Simon, and Connor grabbed Simon's arm, then Connor probed Simon's memory of the information & map of the building. Connor let go, and Simon said, "You know where the emergency exit is, go there as soon as you find Lieutenant. Only androids can open the door." "Got it." Said Connor. "I'll let you know if I find Lieutenant." Said Simon. "Alright, I'll tell you if I find Markus." Said Connor, and they went to the separate path.

Soon, people came in from the back door, they charged inside, looking to kill the androids. Some androids who were running got shot down, Kara, Alice & Luther ran into the room, and hid. Kara locked the door, then someone came banging on the door. "Please open the door!" "Kara, open it!" said Alice. "The soldiers are here! They'll know if we let her in!" said Luther. Kara opened the door, and let the woman in, then one soldier came in.

[Alice ^]

"Kara!" shouted Alice. Kara grabbed the gun, and tried to take it away, but she got pinned to the wall. Luther swung his arm to the soldier, sending them few feet away, bumping into the wall, & blacking out. "Kara, are you alright?" asked Luther. "Y-Yes, thank you." Said Kara. "We need to move." Said Luther. "I know. . ." said Kara, then walked up to the woman. "We need to get to the emergency exit. Stick with us." Said Kara. "O-Okay." Said the woman, and they all quietly get out of the room.

At Markus, North & Josh, they were running, then stopped at the split path. "You guys go upstairs! I'll try & find the ones on this floor!" said Markus. "Alright!" said Josh. "Markus. . .be careful." Said North, and the two went upstairs. Markus started running, checking all rooms for any androids &/or humans. Markus found few of them, and told them to go upstairs, because the bottom floor is too dangerous.

[Jericho ^]

Markus made to a kitchen, then saw Hank & two androids. "Lieutenant!" said Markus, and Hank turned around. "Markus!" "You all need to go upstairs! People are coming!" said Markus. "Take these two, I need to find Connor." Said Hank. "Connor is with Simon at the back door. They're probably out of there now. This floor is too dangerous. You guys need to use the emergency exit upstairs." Said Markus. "Connor might still be on this floor. He's my partner, I can't leave him." Said Hank. ". . .Then I'll stay with you. If I let anything happen to you, Connor is going to be upset." Said Markus. ". . .Fine." said Hank. "You two, hurry & use the stairs!" said Markus, and the two androids nodded, then ran out the kitchen. Markus & Hank went out as well, but stayed on this floor to search for Connor. Markus wanted to find Simon as well. 

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