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3rd Person P.O.V:

At Markus, Simon & Leo, Markus saw Simon's memory, Simon entered the room, then saw Leo. Simon lowered his gun, then asked, "You're- what are you doing here?" "I-I got lost." Said Leo. ". . .Leo, why did you break in here? There were other rooms you can hide in. You. . .used the fire extinguisher & broke the knob." Said Simon, suddenly, Leo took his gun out. "Shut up, or I'm gonna fucking kill you." Said Leo. "L-Leo. . ." "Drop your gun." Said Leo, and Simon obeyed. ". . .You're. . .Markus' friend or something, right?" ". . .I'm more than that." Said Simon. ". . .He took my dad. . .and I shall take you from him then." Said Leo. "Leo, please! Don't do this! Please. . ." said Simon. "Shut up!" said Leo, and shot Simon's leg, and Simon fell down. "Leo. . .please. . ." said Simon, then Leo shot Simon's arm. Simon stopped moving, 'I need to. . .tell Markus. . .' Leo soon tied Simon up, and put him in the closet.

[Leo – Neutral]

"You're that fucking android. . .who killed my dad!" ". . .I did not kill Carl. You know it. Carl died, because of a heart attack." Said Markus. "None of that would've happened if you didn't exist! You fucking piece of plastic!" said Leo. ". . .Leo, put the gun down, and let's talk." "Talk!? I have nothing to talk with an android!" said Leo. ". . .I know, you want to blame me for Carl's death, but listen. . .humans are fragile machines. . .they break down so quickly. . .it was just an unfortunate. . .accident." said Markus, it pained him, he was talking like Carl's death was nothing, which is not true. "SHUT UP! It's all your fault!" said Leo.

[Leo v]

". . .Leo, you're not the only one suffering about Carl's death!" said Markus. "You took him away from me! You were lucky that you're an android! Obedient, loyal, convenient, & everything is perfect! A perfect son that dad wanted!" said Leo, tearing up a bit, and his hands started shaking, made him lose aim. ". . .I'm not perfect. I made mistakes. . .I should've chosen to not let anyone tell me what to do. . .even if it was Carl." Said Markus. "You went against us, humans, to be free! You, androids, are supposed to be obedient! You all should just die!" said Leo, and shot at Markus. Markus noticed Leo's aim was off, so he grabbed Simon, and dodged, rolling to the other side of the bed. "You. . .you fucking android. . .it's all your fault!" said Leo. "Markus, run! He's going to kill you!" said Simon, but Markus let Simon lay down. Simon grabbed Markus' hand, and said, "Don't, please. . .just run." ". . .Stay here." Said Markus, and walked away from Simon, catching Leo's attention & preventing Simon from getting hurt.

". . .I don't feel physical pain, Leo." Said Markus, and slowly started walking towards Leo. "Even if you kill me. . .Carl won't come back."

[Leo v]

"SHUT UP!" shouted Leo, and kept shooting Markus. Markus dodged, but scratched few. Leo's gun ran out of bullets, and Markus said, ". . .Leo. . .please. . .I don't want to fight you." ". . .I fucking hate you. . .you tried to imitate dad, by painting his artwork. . .you're not his son!" said Leo, and attacked Markus. Leo punched Markus few times, and threw him to the wall. Markus is stronger than Leo, he can push Leo away strong enough to make him fall, but. . .Markus resisted. He didn't wanted to hurt Leo. . .no matter how much he wanted to fight back. Violence is never an answer. . .he stuck to his own words.

[Leo ^]

". . .Why?" asked Leo, whose punches were getting weaker, and tears coming out of his eyes. "Fight back! You pussy!" said Leo, and pushed Markus down. "You stole everything. . .if you never existed. . .dad would've loved me! It's all your fault!" said Leo, and kicked Markus. Markus fell to his knee, he endured everything. . .he doesn't want to surrender to violence & hatred. Leo stopped, and looked at some painting in Markus' room. ". . .You think. . .you're the son of Carl Manfred?" Leo walked up to the painting, and said, "Copying what dad did. . .paintings. . .& you. . .took him away from me. . .you're just a machine, and nothing more!" Markus looked at Leo, who raised the painting. . .ready to slam it down.

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