Invitation to Partners

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3rd Person P.O.V:

[Hank – Close]

Connor had his eyes closed, writing a report. "Connor!" said Hank, and Connor opened his eyes. "Yes Lieutenant?" asked Connor. "We're going out, and. . .were you writing a report again?" asked Hank. "Yes, I was, and where are we going?" asked Connor. "We're gonna grab some food for me, and patrol." Said Hank. "Okay." Said Connor, and stood up from his seat.

[Gavin – Hostile]

They started walking, then a certain voice came, "Well, well, well, Lieutenant & his plastic toy." They turned around, and saw Gavin. "Hello." Said Connor. "Let's just go." Said Hank. "Learn some manners, Hank. Are you guys going to patrol now? Must be really bored, since there's no murders around for you & your toy to check out. Such 'heroes', huh?" Said Gavin. "Listen, I don't wanna deal with your attitude." Said Hank. "Oh yeah? You want to have some time to play with your toy, huh?" "He's not a toy! He's my partner! So you shut your goddamn mouth, and leave us alone!" said Hank. "Wow, you used to hate androids. What a change of heart. . .especially after that red ice case." "Detective Reed, I apologize, but please step away from us. We don't want to waste our precious time." Said Connor. "Precious? Huh? You two have precious time? I wonder what it is." "Jesus Christ, let's just go, Connor." Said Hank. ". . .Alright, Lieutenant. Also. . .I do not care if you think me as a toy or just a machine, but. . .please choose your words carefully when talking to Hank." "You-" "Now, we must go. Excuse us." Said Connor, and walked away with Hank.

[Gavin v] [Hank ^]

"Jesus, he's such an asshole." Said Hank, driving the car. "He is challenging." Said Connor. "Seriously, it's been a fucking year & six months since the androids were able to be free, the society is starting change, but him. . .not at all." Said Hank. ". . .I wish he would be mature, and stop bothering us." Said Connor. "Right, also. . .what did you mean by 'precious time'? Like. . .it's not really that precious, we're just going on a patrol." Said Hank. ". . .The time I spend with you is precious. I learn more about. . .how to be a human. . .and not a machine." Said Connor. "I see. . .well, glad you're becoming more of a human." Said Hank. "Thank you, Hank." Said Connor, and Hank blushed a bit. "Shut up, okay?" "Alright." Said Connor.

[Hank ^]

They parked, and Hank went to order his food. Connor got out the car, and walked up to Hank. "Lieutenant, you should try something healthy." Said Connor. "Connor, don't tell me what to do, alright? Besides, the food here is good, even if it's unhealthy. Don't rely too much on the statistics." Said Hank, and grabbed his foods, then walked to a table. Connor followed Hank, they sat down, and Hank asked, "What do you think about the whole agreement of androids & humans?" ". . .Markus really did it. It's really great, I just hope that humans will be able to cooperate with the androids." Said Connor. "Well. . .yea, but humans take a while to change their mind." Said Hank. ". . .I understand." Said Connor.

Connor looked around, then saw a man wearing a beanie, black clothing, and he seemed to have a gun. ". . .Hank." said Connor. "Hmm?" "That man has a gun." "What?" Hank turned to where Connor was looking at, and saw the man. ". . .He could be a solider, agent, or something. Most importantly, he hasn't hurt anyone, but. . .what do you think, Connor?" ". . .I'll question him, Hank, stay here." Said Connor, and walked up to the man. Hank put his hand on his gun just in case.

"Excuse me, sir. I am a Detroit Police Android. Can I ask you some questions?" asked Connor. ". . .What do you want?" asked the man. ". . .What is your occupation?" ". . .Constructor." ". . .It is weird. . .does all constructors carry around guns?" asked Connor, suddenly the man pushed Connor, he also moved the table a bit, causing the fork to fall. Connor fell down, and the man tried to run. "Don't move!" said Hank with his gun aiming at the man. The man quickly turned around & took out a gun.

Connor analyzed, Hank had 50% chance of survival & there was a choice to attack the man. Connor quickly analyzed the situation & consequences, then Connor saw the fork, he grabbed it, and threw it at the man. The fork stabbed the man's hand, and the man dropped his gun. "Agh! Fucking android!" said the man, and people started screaming & running. Hank couldn't shoot because of that, so Connor tackled the man down to apprehend him. "Connor!" said Hank. The man kicked Connor off, and ran. Connor soon stood up & ran after him, then Hank followed them.

Connor was chasing the man, Hank got in the car, and tried to cut the man off. The man ran through the alleyway, he threw stuff at Connor, but Connor dodged them perfectly. There was a way out of the alley, then Hank came with his car, blocking the way out. Hank got out the car, had his gun aimed at the man. The man stopped, and Hank said, "Don't move!" The man raised his hands, and Hank walked closer to the man to arrest him, suddenly the man punched Hank, and Hank dropped his gun. "HANK!" shouted Connor, then man grabbed the gun, and tried to kill Hank.

Connor took out his quarter, then threw it at the man. It hit the man, right in the eye, and the man lost aim, but still managed to shoot Hank, on the leg. "Agh!" Connor's LED turned red, and Connor tackled the man, then he pulled the man up, grabbing the man's shirt. Connor glared at the man, then the man said, "Fucking. . .androids. . .you're all gonna. . .pay." Connor's LED turned yellow, and said, ". . .I am not going to kill you." "Fuck. . ." groaned Hank in pain, and Connor looked at Hank. "Hank. . ."

Suddenly the man kicked Connor, Connor lost the grip, and the man ran away. Connor looked at the man, then at Hank. . . "Hank!" said Connor, and ran over to Hank, letting the man go. "Please Hank. . .you're gonna be alright." Said Connor, and called the ambulance. "That motherfucker!" said Hank, then Connor held Hank's hand, and said, "You're gonna be alright. . .Hank. . ." Hank felt Connor tighten his hand, and said, "Connor. . ."

Soon the ambulance came, and they went to the hospital. Hank had to get a surgery to get the bullet out. Connor was on the chair, waiting patiently. After the surgery, Connor went to where Hank is. Hank was on the bed, had his leg bandaged. "Hank. . ." said Connor. "Hey Connor, so uh. . .well, that happened." Said Hank, and Connor hugged Hank. "Whoa! C-Connor!" said Hank blushing a bit. "I was so scared of losing you, Hank." Said Connor. ". . .Well, I'm alive, so don't worry son." Said Hank. Connor slowly let go of Hank, he saw Connor's LED was yellow. ". . .Connor, why'd you let that asshole go?" "I told you, I'm not making the same mistake again. I choose you over any mission." Said Connor. ". . .Jesus, you. . .you're an idiot." Said Hank, trying to hide his smile. "Hank, I'm sorry, I should've been faster, I would've caught him, and you would've not gotten hurt." Said Connor. "Calm down, Connor. Don't blame yourself, I'm alive & he killed no one, but we have to catch him." "I know. . .I. . ." Connor's LED turned blue, and Hank said, "You've become more like a human." ". . .I learned from you, Hank." Said Connor.

[Hank ^]

A nurse came in, and said, "Mr. Connor, you have a mail." She handed the mail to Connor, and he opened it. ". . .An invitation to. . .an Android Party. . .from Markus." "A party huh? Sounds like a good excuse to get drunk." Said Hank. ". . .It's not so far, and. . .humans are allowed. . .Hank, do you want to go with me?" asked Connor. "Well. . .I need my leg to work, and do you guys have an alcohol or something? You guys don't drink or eat." "Yes, but I'm sure Markus has something planned, and I'm sure there are alcohols, since humans are allowed." ". . .Well, I guess. If I'm able to get out of this hospital." Connor analyzed, and said, "We have few more days, and I'll help you with your rehab. The faster we do this, the faster you'll heal. Let's go." Said Connor, and tried to move Hank. "Hey! Connor, stop!" "Unfortunately, I cannot do that." "Connor!" 

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