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3rd Person P.O.V:

Markus had to talk to the humans, and hear their opinions about androids, so he can talk to the news reporters or journalists to make a report or an article about the party. If there are good opinions, public opinions will go up, and the barricades between humans & androids might lessen. Markus walked up to some humans.

"Hello, may I talk to you?" asked Markus. "Oh, Markus! Great dance back there." Said a woman. "Thank you, and uh. . .may I ask you for your honest opinion of what you think about us, androids, living without masters? And this is going to be recorded, is that okay?" asked Markus. "Oh, sure. Well, I think it's not that bad. They're like humans, but. . .more. . .attentive." said the woman.

"I feel like you guys are really. . .alive. I don't even know if you guys are a machine or not. There are no difference." "Well, you all do act & look like humans, but. . .it's still a little concerning of what you guys might do, if you guys. . .loses control."

Markus asked few humans, and got their opinion, there was some antis, but overall, they were all supportive in a way. Markus saw Kara, and walked up to her. "Hello." Said Markus, and Kara turned to him. "Oh, hello Markus." Said Kara. "Didn't expect to see you here." Said Markus. "Well, we wanted to have some family vacation, and the party sounded like fun. Also, that was a great dance." Said Kara. "Thank you." Said Markus, then Alice said, "Hi Markus." "Hello Alice." Said Markus with a smile. "This is a nice party." Said Kara. "Thanks, and glad you all are doing fine." Said Markus. "Thank you for inviting us." Said Kara. ". . .'Inviting'?" asked Markus. "Yea, you sent us an invitation." Said Kara. ". . .Can I. . .see it?" asked Markus. ". . .Sure." Replied Kara, and took out the invitation, then handed to Markus.

Markus looked at the invitation, and noticed that he did not send this. He doesn't even know where Kara, Alice, & Luther lived. ". . .Oh, yea. S-Sorry, I was busy preparing all this, and forgot about it." Lied Markus to avoid concerning them. Kara was having a bit of a suspicion, and asked, "Have we ever told you where we lived?" ". . .Yea, of course." Said Markus, he saw the address on the invitation, so he told Kara the address, then Kara's suspicion level lowered. ". . .I hope you guys enjoy the party." Said Markus. "Of course, thank you, Markus." Said Kara, and Markus walked away.

Markus started having a bad feeling about this. He never sent an invitation, he told the Jericho members by telepathy, and sent the words out by interacting with the androids, physically. Who sent the invitations?

Markus saw Connor, and walked up to him. "Hey Connor." Said Markus. "Oh, hello Markus. Excellent dance back there." Said Connor. "Thank you, and glad to see you." Said Markus. "Glad to see you as well. This is a really nice party." Said Connor. "Thanks, we all worked hard on it." Said Markus, then saw Hank drinking alcohol beside Connor. "Oh, Lieutenant is here as well." Said Markus. "Oh, yes. I invited him." Said Connor. "May I?" asked Markus. "Sure." Said Connor, and Markus walked up to Hank, then said, "Lieutenant Anderson?" Hank turned around, and said, "Oh, you're Markus." "Hello. Lieutenant, may I ask you for your honest opinion about us, androids, living without masters?" asked Markus. "Oh. . .is this an interview or something?" asked Hank. ". . .Kind of." Replied Markus. ". . .I don't really care if they're androids. If they're not hurting anyone. . .I'm fine with it." Said Hank, and drank his alcohol. ". . .But what about the ones that hurt someone?" asked Markus, and Hank remembered about the past deviant cases, then said, ". . .Depends on the reason. Just like all humans, you, androids or deviants, must have a reason to hurt someone, right? As far as I've seen. . .they all had reasons." ". . .I'm glad you see us as humans." Said Markus. "I mean, I have a partner who's an android, so even if I don't want to see him as a human, he'll show me." Said Hank, and Connor heat up a bit, then smiled. "Great partners." Said Markus, and Hank blushed a bit, then Connor said, "Thank you." Markus turned to Connor, and said, "There's a dust on your shoulder." Markus touched Connor's shoulder, then put the invitation in Connor's jacket pocket with his other hand.

'I need your help. Something bad might happen.' Said Markus to Connor telepathically. 'Someone sent an invitation using my name. I want you to help me find out the who it is, they must be here.' Markus pulled away, and Connor's LED turned yellow. "See you later." Said Markus, and walked away. Connor took the invitation out, and looked at it. It was the same invitation he received. Connor looked at Hank, and said, "Hank, don't drink much, we have a mission." "What? Connor, give me a br-" "Something bad might happen to this party." Said Connor. ". . .What do you mean?" asked Hank. "Markus did not send the invitation to us. It was someone else. They must be here, in this party right now." Said Connor. ". . .I'll keep an eye out for it." Said Hank. "I'll go check outside." "Connor. . .come back to me soon as you're done." "I promise, Hank." Said Connor. "Also! Don't die, alright?" said Hank. "Alright, Lieutenant." Said Connor, and walked away.

[Hank ^]

Markus walked around, checking if there are something unusual, then he saw Leo. "Leo. . ." said Markus, and walked up to him. "You came here, huh?" asked Markus, and Leo turned around. "Oh, uh. . .y-yea. . ." "I hope that you're enjoying." Said Markus. ". . .Yea. . .uh. . ." Leo looked at the paintings, and said, ". . .W-Who painted those?" ". . .One of the androids who worked as a painter." Lied Markus. ". . .It. . .looks like my dad's paintings." Said Leo.

[Leo v]

". . .I never got your name." said Markus. ". . .Leo." "Leo. . .well, nice to meet you." Said Markus, trying to be nice & peaceful as possible. ". . .Y-Yea. . ." said Leo, and looked at the paintings. Markus walked away, and walked up to North & Josh, told them to be cautious, then he realized that Simon was not here.

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