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3rd Person P.O.V:

Connor & Markus sat up, but their ears were ringing. Connor looked around, and realized that Gavin was gone. "Officer Reed? Gavin?" Markus looked behind, and saw the people coming. He looked at Connor, then grabbed Connor's arm, and ran. They turned the corner, then hid in the room. Footsteps went away, and Markus said, "We need to hurry."

Simon ran to find Markus, he tried to go downstairs, but the people were coming, so he had to hide. "I can't take them all at once. . ." mumbled Simon, and looked around. He decided to take another staircase, but he heard some noises. Simon held his pistol, and sneaked up, then peeked around the corner, then saw someone go in Markus' room. There was a fire extinguisher, that had a dent, and a doorknob on the ground. Simon stealthily walked up to the door, then he went in, aiming his gun. "Hands up!" There was a man, wearing a dark brown coat, black jeans & a dark red beanie. "You're- what are you doing here?" asked Simon, lowering his gun down.

At Hank, he lost sight & track of Simon. "Shit! Where did he go?" said Hank panting a bit. "Hank?" Hank turned to where the voice came from, and saw Gavin. "Gavin? The fuck are you doing here?" asked Hank. "I was caught by those armed assholes, and Connor-" "Connor? Where is he?" asked Hank. "He & Markus were-" "Watch out!" said Hank, and pulled Gavin, then bullets missed him. "They're over there!" "Fuck!" Hank looked around, and saw a door open, so he pulled Gavin & ran inside, locking the door. "Where did they go!?" "That way! Find & kill them at sight!" The voices faded, and Hank sighed in relief. "Goddammit. . .where the fuck is Connor?" asked Hank. "He & Markus were. . .attacked. Those assholes threw an explosive in front of them. I was behind them, and when I turned the corner, following them. . .it exploded. After that, I. . .I lost sight of them." Said Gavin. "Holy shit. . .the fuck is going on right now!?" "I don't fucking know. These androids are troublemakers." ". . .Jesus, why did I help you?" ". . .Anyway, I'm not fucking dying here." "I don't plan to either, but we need an android to get in the emergency exit." Said Hank. "Fuck. . .they'll come search the rooms any second now." Said Gavin. ". . .You can stay here & wait till the people come, or. . .you can go search for another android on this floor. I'm gonna go search for Connor." "Whoa! Wait a fucking minute, you old man! You're gonna get yourself killed!" "Then what? We have to stay here & hope that a hero comes?" asked Hank. ". . .If you're going, then I'm going too. That way, it's better for me." ". . .It's awful for me." Replied Hank.

Alice was hugging onto Kara, and Kara was trying to reassure her. "Kara. . .I'm scared." Said Alice. ". . .Everything will be fine, Alice." Said Kara. Luther sat down next to Alice, and pat her head. "Don't worry, Alice." Said Luther, then Kara slowly stood up, and said, "I'm going to go ask North something. I'll be back, so Luther, keep her safe." "Kara. . ." said Alice, and Luther hugged Alice. "It's okay, trust Kara, and. . .Kara, be careful." Said Luther. "Of course." Said Kara, and walked away.

She walked up to North, and said, "North?" North turned around, and said, "What is it?" "I just. . .wanted to ask you. . .what is this place?" asked Kara. "This is a place for emergency. There are guns stored in here. There is an exit. . .from here to the surface." Said North. ". . .Do you know what's going on?" asked Kara. ". . .Those. . .humans misunderstood us. Probably the information leaked, in a wrong way, and they want to eliminate us." Said North. ". . .What are you guys going to do?" asked Kara. ". . .We'll all go out the exit soon. We're waiting for Markus, but if he doesn't come & the danger comes close. . .we're leaving him. . .Simon, Connor & Lieutenant. . ." said North. "I see. . .I. . .I really hope they'll come soon, so. . .we can leave. Alice can't take this, her stress level is. . .increasing." said Kara. ". . .There's nothing I can do for you & Alice. . .but we'll leave soon, so. . .try to stay strong." Said North, and Kara nodded. Kara tried to walk back, then North said, "Hey wait!" Kara turned to her, and asked, "Yes?" North took out the small box, Hank tossed to her. "Lieutenant said, give this to Luther." said North, and handed Kara the small box. "Oh. . .what is it?" asked Kara. "I don't know, but. . .apparently, it belongs to Luther." Said North, and Kara replied, ". . .Thank you."

Kara was walking back to Luther & Alice, but stopped, and looked at the small box, North gave her. Kara was curious of what it was. . .then remembered that after the dance, Luther was acting a bit weird. Kara. . .opened the small box. . .and her eyes widened.

She walked back to Alice & Luther. Kara checked Alice's stress level & it was 50%, Alice seemed calm, being in Luther's arm. ". . .Alice, Luther. . ." said Kara, and they looked at her. "Kara. . ." said Alice, and Kara sat down next to Alice. "How was it?" asked Luther. ". . .We're going to leave soon. Don't worry." Said Kara, and Alice's stress level decreased to 40%. "Really?" asked Alice. "Of course, North said so. Everything will be okay." Said Kara, and hugged Alice.

[Alice ^] [Luther ^]

Markus & Connor ran upstairs, then Markus said, "This way!" "You go, Markus! I need to do something first!" said Connor, and ran the opposite direction. "Connor!" said Markus, and chased after Connor, but he heard the people, and Leo's voice, "Fuck!" Markus turned around, and saw Leo, his leg bleeding. Markus looked at Connor, who was running to an opposite direction of the emergency exit, then at Leo, who was hurt & the people can kill him any second. Markus turned back, and helped Leo.

[Leo ^]

"Markus!?" asked Leo. "Come on! We don't have time!" said Markus, and helped Leo, then went to hide in a room. "Ugh! Fuck!" shouted Leo, and Markus said, "Shhh, be quiet, or they're going to hear us." ". . .Why did you. . .do that?" asked Leo. ". . .I can't leave you there, there are people everywhere with guns. They would've killed you if I didn't help." Said Markus.

'Markus!' North's voice came telepathically. 'North?' 'We're running out of time. We need to evacuate. They'll find us soon.' '. . .Alright, you guys go ahead, we'll catch you guys soon.' 'Markus. . .be careful.'

[Leo ^]

"We need to move on, before we get caught by them." Said Markus, and Leo nodded. "We need to get upstairs, come on." Said Markus, and helped Leo walk. They started moving to go upstairs, Markus was worried about Connor, but getting Leo to safety is important for him, because. . .Leo is Carl's son. No matter how much of an asshole human, Leo was. . .he had to protect him for Carl's sake.

(I'm sorry, but I'm going on a little vacation for 2 weeks & a half, so this book will be on hold till July 11th or 12th. I'll update as soon as I get home. Thank you for reading & supporting this book. I really love DBH.)

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