Final Struggle

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3rd Person P.O.V:

[Hank – Close] [Gavin – Warm]

At Connor, Hank, Gavin & Andrew. . . "This is fucking nuts!" said Hank. "But it is the fastest way to the underground." Said Connor. "Holy shit. . ." said Gavin. ". . .These androids. . ." Andrew started, who was on Connor's back, "Will be all destroyed. . ." ". . .Why do you hate androids?" asked Connor. ". . .They are liars. Just a machine. They don't care about anything. . .besides doing what they're designed & programmed for." ". . .Androids can care. The android you had probably didn't had a chance to trigger their deviancy." "'Chance'!?" shouted Andrew, and struggled, then Connor almost lost balance. "I have to rely on luck for her to understand my feelings!?"

". . .Don't struggle, or we will fall!" warned Connor. "Who cares if I die!? I'm taking your ass down with me!" "Shut him up Connor!" said Gavin. "Quit bitching! We don't have time for this!" said Hank. "Andrew, please cooperate with us. I don't know what exactly happened to you & your android, but it has nothing to do with all the others. You're killing innocent people." Said Connor. "Fuck no. Androids are not people!" ". . .I understand you-" "No, you don't, you fucker!" said Andrew.

Suddenly, Connor slammed his back, which Andrew is on, against the wall. "Ugh!" groaned Andrew. "I never forgot about what you did to Hank." Said Connor, his LED turning red. "Connor!" said Hank. "You tried to kill Hank, and I'm never forgetting that. This is the feeling of hatred you have, isn't it? No matter what, hatred is hatred." Said Connor, his LED turned yellow, and Andrew remained silent. ". . .But it does nothing for anyone. Even if you kill all the androids, the hole in your heart will never heal. . .because that hatred will remain in your heart. Revenge cannot fill in the hole, but. . .moving forward can fill in the hole. . .because you'll get to meet new people who can help you. Open your heart, your eyes, and your mind. . ." Andrew remained silent, but. . .he soon whispered, "Martha. . ." Andrew calmed down, and Connor's LED turned blue.

[Hank ^] [Gavin ^]

"Now that he's quiet. Let's hurry." Said Gavin. "Be careful, watch your step, son." Said Hank. "I'm not your son." Said Gavin, soon Connor said, "Alright, Hank." Gavin & Connor looked at each other. ". . .Never mind." Said Hank. Connor turned to Hank, and said, "Hank, may I ask you a question?" "Right now?" "Yes. Can I be. . .more than your son?" asked Connor, heating up a bit, and Hank blushed a bit. Gavin punched Connor's head, and said, "That's not a thing you ask when we're on a fucking elevator shaft to stop a massacre!" ". . .Gavin's right, and uh. . .maybe." said Hank, looking away. "Really?" asked Connor with a smile & a hint of joy. "You fucking-whoa!" said Gavin, who slipped his hand on the pipeline. "Gavin!" said Hank, and grabbed Gavin's hand, then pulled him back. "I said be careful!" said Hank. "S-Shut up!" said Gavin. ". . .Well, I saved your life, so you owe me." Joked Hank. "Fuck no!" said Gavin, and Connor giggled a bit. Gavin turned to Connor, and said, "What are you laughing at plastic!?" "Nothing, sir." Said Connor, and Hank started giggling as well. "Shut the fuck up, you assholes!"

[Simon – Lover] [Leo – Trusted]

Simon gave some of his blue blood to Markus, but now, Simon needs blue blood. Markus had to hurry & fix this misunderstanding, then give Simon more blue blood. ". . .This. . .is the last chance! Surrender now!" said Allen. ". . .No. I am not going to surrender. We did nothing wrong, and we're not getting framed for this false." Said Markus, and Simon held Markus' hand. "We're not going to give up." Said Simon, and Markus held Simon's hand back. "Get ready." Said Allen, and the people aimed the guns to Markus & Simon. Suddenly. . . "WAIT!"

"Leo?" asked Markus. "I'm Leo Manfred! I'm a human!" said Leo, stepping in front of Markus & Simon. "Leo. . ." said Simon. "I-I was. . .j-just like you guys! I hated androids! They are nothing, but plastic! But. . .my dad, Carl Manfred, really. . .liked androids. I would've never known, what dad really wanted me to see & understand. . .if Markus didn't tell me! He knows more about humanity & peace! All androids can be like him! Just listen to them!" said Leo. "Step aside sir! Or we will neutralize you as well!" said Allen. ". . .N-No. . .NO! Markus is. . .my. . ." trailed off Leo, and looked at Markus. "Leo, please. . .move. I can't lose you. You can't go up yet." Said Markus.

[Leo ^^^ - Family]

Leo smiled & turned back to the humans, then said, "Markus, he's like my brother! If you're gonna shoot him. . .then shoot me first!" The humans hesitated. . .then Allen said, "This is the last warning! Step aside!" "No!" replied Leo. 'Carl. . .I'm sorry.' Thought Markus. . .

[Public Opinion ^^^]

"HOLD YOUR FIRES!" someone shouted. They turned around, and saw Connor, Hank, & Gavin with Andrew handcuffed. "Connor. . ." said Markus. "We caught your leader, anti-androids!" said Connor. "Is that-" "It's Andrew!" "What happened!?" "He was caught?" Few voices of the people in shock were heard.

"Captain Allen, these people are not legal soldiers. They are anti-android citizen, and we do have a misunderstanding. The action we're taking counts as break-in to the property." Said Connor. "The state has ordered to rescue the humans who are taken hostage & neutralize the androids." Said Allen, then Gavin took out his tablet, and showed a live news. "See it with your eyes." Said Gavin, and handed the tablet to Allen.

"The soldiers are retreating! This is an incredible scene! The androids, once again, won the battle! The beautiful android couple's propose & the great sacrifice of a human, caused the end of this battle!" said Joss.

"The state has ordered the soldiers to retreat. They were concerned that another citizen's life will be taken."

"It seems like the humans protected the androids, the public opinion does favor the androids. The questions are, what & why has this incident occurred? And who is behind all this?"

"All soldiers, retreat!" said Perkins. Alice ran up to Kara & Luther, then hugged them. "Alice. . ." said Luther. "Kara! Luther!" Alice cried. Some of the humans walked up to them, and they looked at them. "We bless you two to have a happy marriage & family." Kara looked at Rebecca, who was deceased, she was on the ground. Her red blood dyed the ground. . . Josh & North walked up to her, and Josh got on his knees. "Thank you. . .for your sacrifice. . ." said Josh. North turned to Kara, Luther & Alice, then walked up to them. North got on her knee, and said, "Kara, Luther. . .I bless you two's happiness to last forever." North smiled, and Kara smiled back.

Kara hugged Luther, and said, "I was so scared of losing you. . .please. . .don't ever do that again." "I'm sorry, Kara. . .I promise." Said Luther with tears & a smile. Alice smiled, and hugged them tight.

"See. . .the state's order. Back off." Said Gavin. ". . .Retreat!" said Allen, and handed the tablet back to Gavin. "No!" said one guy. "We can't leave! They destroyed our lives!" "They should pay for it!" "Yea!" People started complaining, shouting & yelling, wanting to kill the androids. "Shit. . ." said Hank, and Connor's LED turned red. Connor put his hand on the gun he has, ready to shoot anyone if they attack. 

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