Next Stop

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3rd Person P.O.V:

[Simon – Lover]

At Markus, he was packing up his stuff for a trip to Canada. Simon knocked on the door, and Markus said, "Come in." "Markus, I got the passports." Said Simon. "Oh, thank you, Simon." "Do you need any help?" asked Simon. "No, I'm fine. Thank you, babe." Said Markus, and Simon heated up. "'B-Babe'?" "Leo said that's what I'm supposed to call you." "Um. . .okay." said Simon awkwardly. "Are you okay?" asked Markus. "Y-Yea, I'm fine, just. . .you surprised me, that's all." Said Simon. ". . .That wasn't a surprise at all, Simon." Said Markus, and walked up to Simon. "W-Well-" Suddenly, Markus grabbed Simon's wrist, then pinned him down on the bed. "M-Markus!?" asked Simon, heating up & internally panicking. Markus leaned down & kissed Simon.

[Simon ^]

Simon soon melts in the kiss & kisses back. Few seconds later, Markus pulls away, and smiles. "That is the surprise." "M-Markus. . ." said Simon, covering his face with his hands, and Markus giggles at how cute his boyfriend is. "Well, I need to continue my pack up. Are you done with yours?" asked Markus, unpinning Simon & sat down on the bed. "Yea, I finished it last night." Said Simon, removing his hands from his face & sat up. "You are ready to have some fun, aren't you?" "Well. . .probably, but I'm kinda worried about the others. Without you. . .who would they follow?" asked Simon. ". . .Don't worry, Simon. I'll handle the problem." "If you need help. . .tell me, alright?" "Okay. Thank you." Said Markus, and kisses Simon's forehead. Simon heats up even more, and said, "I-I'll go clean downstairs." "Simon. . ." "Y-Yes?" asked Simon, then Markus smiled, and said, "I love you." "L-Love you too." Said Simon with a shy smile.

[Simon ^]

            Simon left the room, and Markus walked up to the window & looked outside. A peaceful, shiny day. . .nothing can go wrong. "Carl. . .I know. . .I know that I'm doing the right thing. No matter what, I won't surrender to violence. Dad. . .I'll protect Leo for you. . .and I will protect my people. I hope I'm closer to who you wanted me to be. . .and I'm closer to who I want to be."

[Hank – Lover]

            At Hank & Connor, they were packing up. "Hank, do you need any help?" asked Connor. "Hmm? Oh, yea. Can you help me put my stuff in the suitcase? I need to make a call for someone to take care of Sumo while we're gone." Said Hank. "Got it." Said Connor, and helped Hank's packing. Hank went to the living room, and started making phone calls. Sumo came to Hank's room, Connor turned around, and said, "Sumo, we're gonna be out for few days, so you be a good boy." Sumo sat down beside Connor, and Connor pat Sumo, then continued packing.

            Hank came back, and Connor turned to him. "Did you find someone?" "Yea, Chris said he can take care of him." Said Hank, and sat down beside Connor to continue his packing. Connor leaned on Hank's shoulder, and asked, "Are you excited, Hank?" "Well, yea. I get to have a break, and get to see some new places." ". . .I'm really excited. Our first vacation." "Yea. . ." said Hank, then pulled Connor closer. Connor heated up a bit, then Hank said, "Let's make it a great vacation, Connor." Connor hugs Hank, and says, "Got it."

[Hank ^]

[Simon – Lover] [North – Companion] [Josh – Close] [Leo – Family]

            The day has come, Markus, Simon, Leo, North & Josh were at the border. "What a long ride." Said Leo. "Well, we're here at the border. Everyone got the passport?" asked Markus. "Yup." Said Josh. "Right here." Said Simon. "Of course." Said North. "Yea." Said Leo. They entered the border control, good thing there are no temperature check to check if they're an android or not. Markus looked around, then saw Connor & Hank.

"Connor? Lieutenant?" The group walked up to them, and Markus said, "Connor, Lieutenant." "Oh, hello Markus." "Hey." "Are you guys going to attend the wedding as well?" asked Josh. "Yes, we got the invitation." Replied Connor. "I'm very excited to see the wedding. This is the first ever wedding of androids." Said Markus. "They saved us from being shot by the soldiers at the party. We owe them a lot." Said Josh. "We have to congratulate them." Said North. ". . .Is the androids alright with all you guys leaving Detroit?" asked Hank. "Don't worry about that, Lieutenant." "I hope the humans won't do anything." Said North, crossing her arms. "Don't worry North." Said Simon.

            Connor noticed Leo, and said, "Markus, is he, Leo Manfred?" "Oh, yes. He's a son of Carl Manfred, and. . .he's my brother." Said Markus. "Um. . .hi." said Leo a bit shyly. "Hello, my name is Connor, I'm the android police of Detroit Police Department." Connor introduced himself, then introduced Hank, "He is my partner, Lieutenant Hank Anderson." "N-Nice to meet you." Said Leo. "Pleasure to meet you, sir." Said Hank. "Sounds like things are going great for you, Markus." Said Connor. "Same goes to you." Replied Markus, and Connor heat up a bit, then said, "Well. . .you are correct. I'm happy to be with Hank." ". . .Wait, does that mean. . .you & Lieutenant are. . ." said Simon, and Connor said, "We are lovers." Hank blushed, and said, "C-Connor!" ". . .Wow, I. . .didn't know. When did this happened?" asked Markus. "The day after the party." "Why didn't you tell us? We could've congratulated you two." Said Simon. "We had to take care of some business." Said Connor. "Okay, Connor, no more talk, we gotta go." Said Hank, blushing. "Alright, Hank." "Hey, wait, Connor." Said North, and Connor turned to North. "I don't. . .really want to say, but just a little advice, alright?" "Okay?" "If you guys are gonna do it, make sure you take control, okay?" "North!" said Josh. "'Take control'?" asked Connor. "Humans can go really rough, and it's. . .ugh. . .just be careful." Said North. "N-North, I'm sure he'll be fine." Said Simon. ". . .Thank you for the advice, North." "Don't mention it." "Connor." Said Markus, and Connor turned to Markus.

            Markus put his hand on Connor's shoulder, then said, "Humans are fragile machines. Take good care of Lieutenant, your lover." "I will, Markus." Said Connor. "Okay, that's enough!" said Hank, who was blushing, and held Connor's hand. "We really need to go, and don't talk about that in a public place." Said Hank. "Got it." Said Connor, and held Hank's arm. "We'll see you guys later in Canada." Said Connor, and they walked away.

            "They are cute." Said Simon, then Markus wrapped his arm around Simon's waist, pulling him closer, and said, "Yea, but you're cuter." Simon heats up, and says, "M-Markus. . ." "Okay, love birds, we going or not?" asked Leo. ". . .Let's go. . .Next stop. . .is Canada." Said Markus, and the group started walking to cross the border.

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