Invitation to Canada

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3rd Person P.O.V:

In Canada, few days ago, Kara went to go check the mail. She opened it, and saw a letter from Markus. "Markus?" said Kara, and opened it. It was an invitation to a party. "A party. . .in Detroit. . ." said Kara, then she went back inside.

[Alice – Family] [Luther – Lover]

She saw Luther on the couch, reading a book to Alice. Luther noticed Kara coming back, and said, "Hey Kara. Anything in the mail?" "Well. . .there's an invitation from Markus." Said Kara. "Invitation?" asked Alice. "To a. . .party. In Detroit." Said Kara. "Detroit?" asked Luther. "Yea. . ." said Kara, and sat down on the couch as well, beside Alice. "I never went to a party before." Said Alice. ". . .Me neither, but. . .I don't know." Replied Kara. "We can't go to Detroit, something bad might happen." Said Luther. Kara looked at Alice, they've been living in Canada for a year, and it's great, but they've been busy about searching for a job, house & all the bills.

". . .Maybe. . .we could go." Said Kara. "Really?" asked Alice. "Kara-" "I think, we need something fun to do. Come on Luther, think of this as a family vacation." Said Kara. ". . .Okay, if. . .you & Alice wants to go. . .I'll go to protect you two." Said Luther. "Yay!" cheered Alice, making the two androids happy.

[Alice ^] [Luther ^]

Kara read the invitation to see the location, then saw that humans are allowed. "Hey, maybe we can invite Rose & Adam." Said Kara. "Humans are allowed?" asked Luther. "Yea, if the androids invite them." "We should. Please!" said Alice. ". . .Of course, Kara, I'll call Rose." Said Kara, and stood up, then walked up to the phone.

Kara called Rose, and told her about the party. "Would you like to come with us?" asked Kara. "It does sound like a fun, but. . .I don't think I could go." Said Rose. "Oh. . .that's too bad." Said Kara. "Just have some fun sweetie." Said Rose. "Thank you. Bye." Said Kara, and they both hang up. "How was it?" asked Alice. "She can't come." Said Kara. "Oh. . ." Alice frowned a bit, then Kara said, "It's okay, let's have fun with the three of us." "Okay." Said Alice, smiling a bit.

They started packing up to go to Detroit. "Where are we going to stay in Detroit?" asked Luther. "Maybe a hotel." Replied Kara. "I'm going out a little." Said Luther. "Where are you going?" asked Alice. "Don't worry Alice, I'll be back soon." Said Luther, then glanced at Kara. "Okay." Said Alice, and Luther smiled.

Luther went out to the town, and stared at a certain store. Luther reached his hand in his pocket, then took out a small box. He felt his face heat up, he had this kind of. . .malfunctioning. ". . .Kara. . .Alice. . ." said Luther, then held the small box tight, not tight enough to crush it. He walked around, then watched the new on the public TV.

Detroit was slowly becoming a peaceful place for Androids, but. . .not quite. Markus have talked to the humans, and they made an agreement. Suddenly, Luther had this bad feeling about the party. He hurried back to Kara & Alice, he saw them still packing. "Welcome back, Luther!" said Alice. "Alice. . .Kara. . ." said Luther, and Kara looked at Luther. "Welcome back." Said Kara with a smile. "Kara, I. . .I have something to tell you." Said Luther, and Kara felt her face heat up a bit. "W-What is it?" asked Kara. "Um. . .about this. . .party. . ." "Oh. . .what about it?" asked Kara, feeling a bit disappointed. "I. . .I have a-" Luther stopped when he saw Alice making concerned expression. ". . .I think it'll be great, but I. . .I'm a little concerned about Alice's school." Lied Luther. ". . .Don't worry, I've called the school & told them about it." Said Kara. "Oh. . .o-okay." Said Luther. "You're probably overthinking." Giggled Kara. "M-Maybe." Replied Luther. "Come on, help us pack up." Said Kara giggling a bit. "Sure." Said Luther, and started helping. 

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