Dance with Me

393 17 24

3rd Person P.O.V:

The party started off with Markus' great speech, gentle music flow, and people were having fun, talking & stuff. Androids learned how to communicate more & normal like human.

[Josh – Close]

While gentle music flow, some humans started dancing. "Markus." Said Josh, and Markus turned to Josh. "Yes, Josh?" "You should entertain a little, like dancing with them." Said Josh. "What?" "Humans are the ones only dancing, I think. . .we need some encouragement." Said Josh. ". . .You're right. I'll try to do something." Said Markus, and walked away.

[Josh ^]

Markus saw North leaning on the wall alone, she seemed lonely, and Markus saw Simon talking with the other androids. Markus walked up to. . .North.

[North – Friend]

"Hey North." Said Markus, and North looked at Markus. "Great speech back there." Said North. "Thanks. . .aren't you going to join the others?" asked Markus. "And do what? I. . .kind of feel uncomfortable with humans around." Said North. ". . .Maybe, I could help you get comfortable." Said Markus. "How?" asked North, then Markus reached out his hand to North, and asked, "Would you like to dance with me?"

[North ^]

". . .Don't you think that you should be dancing with Simon?" asked North. "Simon seemed busy over there, and you don't seem to be enjoying the party. I told you, I want people to have fun. . .including you." Said Markus. ". . .Fine. I can try to have fun." Said North, and took Markus' hand. They moved to the middle, and Markus held North's hand & her waist. North held Markus' hand back, then put her hand on his shoulder, and they started dancing.

Alice saw Markus & North dancing, and said, "Kara, look!" Kara looked at where Alice was looking, and said, "Oh, they are dancing." "It looks like fun." Said Alice. ". . .Do you want to dance with me?" asked Kara. "I. . .I don't know how to dance." Said Alice. ". . .Don't worry, follow me." Said Kara, and held Alice's hand, then moved to the middle, and started dancing with Alice.

[Alice ^] [Luther ^]

Luther was watching them, and smiled. Alice was having fun, then saw Luther was watching, and said, "Kara, I want to dance with Luther too." "Alright." Said Kara, and they walked up to Luther. "Come dance with Alice." Said Kara. "Me? I. . .I don't know." Replied Luther. "Please." Said Alice. ". . .Well. . .seems like I have no choice." Said Luther, and held Alice's hand, then went to dance. Luther was very tall, so he had a little hard time dancing with Alice, but he managed to dance with Alice, he did make some mistakes, stumbling. Kara smiled, watching them.

Connor saw Markus & North, and Luther & Alice dancing, then he turned to Hank, who got a glass of alcohol. Connor heat up a bit, then walked up to Hank.

[Hank – Close]

"Hank?" "Hmm? What?" asked Hank, then Connor reached out his hand to Hank, and asked, "Would you like to dance with me?" Hank blushed a bit, and said, "What? Connor, I'm an old man, I can't dance." ". . .Then follow my lead." Said Connor, and grabbed Hank's arm. Hank dropped his drink, Connor pulled him, and went to the middle. "C-Connor, I really don't think this is a good idea." "Relax, Hank. I'll lead you." Said Connor, he placed Hank's hand on his hip, held Hank's hand, and placed his hand on Hank's shoulder. Connor started dancing slowly to let Hank follow his lead. Hank was embarrassed, and Connor noticed it, so he said, "Hank, focus on me & the steps, alright?" "What?" "Imagine that no one's watching. Just me & you." Said Connor. ". . .You're really weird, Connor." Said Hank with a small smile. "You made me like this. I was just a machine, but you taught me emotions. Now, I am a deviant." Said Connor.

Few androids joined the dance, and soon, the middle was filled with dancing people. Markus ended with North leaning on his arm, and him supporting her. Luther ended with picking up Alice, carrying her on his arm. Connor ended with leaning to Hank's chest. People applauded, then Markus saw Simon looking at them. "Simon. . ." said Markus, and North looked at where Markus was looking at.

[Simon v] [Josh ^] [Jericho ^]

Simon walked away, and Markus tried to talk to Simon, but North grabbed his arm, and said, "Leave him alone, he'll be fine." Markus remained silent, and. . .decided to listen to North.

"That was beautiful." Said Kara to Alice & Luther. "It was fun, and Luther, are you okay?" said Alice. "Don't worry, Alice. I'm fine." Said Luther, and checked his pocket, then realized that the box was gone. "Oh no. . ." whispered Luther. "What's wrong?" asked Kara. "Oh, it's nothing. I'm going to go check around. You stay with Alice, Kara." Said Luther, and walked away. "Luther. . ." said Kara.

Hank & Connor walked back to get a drink. "I can't believe that shit. . ." said Hank. "But it was fun, right?" asked Connor. "That was the most embarrassing thing I ever did in my life." Said Hank, who was blushing. "I enjoyed it." Said Connor. "Glad you did." Said Hank, then saw something on the ground. He picked it up, and it was a small box. "Hank?" asked Connor, and Hank turned to Connor, putting the box in his pocket. ". . .I'm sorry if I wasn't good at it." ". . .You did good, I was just. . .bad." said Hank, and grabbed a glass of alcohol. ". . .I think you did great. You followed my lead, but you learned very fast. Thank you for dancing with me, Hank." Said Connor. ". . .You're. . .welcome." mumbled Hank, and drank his drink.

[Hank ^] 

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