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3rd Person P.O.V:

[Public Opinion – Favored]  

Helicopter News Reporter was at the sight of where all androids & humans came. "Michael, look at this! The FBI cornered the androids, and they demand them to surrender! Some androids are saying that this is just a misunderstanding, but we don't know if that is true! The party for tonight has become such a disaster!" stated Joss.

"Surrender now, or we will open fire!" said Perkins. 'We should obey, or there will be casualties.' Said Josh. 'No, we must charge them this time! We didn't do anything wrong, and they're accusing us! It'll be a self-defense.' Said North. 'No! We can't do that! It'll make things worse! They're just gonna capture us, not kill us. We still have a chance to live.' Said Josh. 'I can't take that risk! Humans are liars. . .they've already killed some of us.' Said North.

"Kara. . ." said Alice, hugging Kara tight & was trembling. ". . .Everything's going to be alright. Stay calm, Alice." Said Kara. '. . .Kara, take Alice & run.' Said Luther. 'What?' 'You two cannot die here. I'll do anything to protect you two.' 'No. . .I'm not letting you do it. Family stick together.' Said Kara.

"Can't make a decision without Markus, huh?" asked Perkins. ". . .How can we trust you guys!?" said North. "North!" said Josh. "You guys are not in the position to ask. Either you guys release the humans, or you leave us no choice, but to kill all of you." Said Perkins. "Alright! We'll obey, so don't shoot!" said Josh. "Josh!" said North. ". . .Good." said Perkins, and the soldiers lowered their guns. "All humans walk towards the soldiers." Said Josh. The human didn't hesitate to walk to the soldiers, they did not want to die.

[Luther – Lover] [Alice – Family]

The woman walked up to Kara, Luther & Alice, then said, "Thank you for saving me." ". . .Can you. . .do me a favor?" asked Kara. "Anything." Said the woman. ". . .Take Alice out of here." Said Kara. "Kara, no!" said Alice. "All that matter is Alice. Please. . ." said Kara. ". . .Of course." Said the woman, and Kara crouched to Alice's level, and said, "Alice, you need to go. Please. . .live." Alice tears up, and said, "I. . .I don't want to leave you!" ". . .Alice, go. . .please." said Kara, then Alice hugged her. Kara hugged back, and they cried a little.

[Alice ^] [Luther ^]

Kara looked at the woman, and said, "Please take care of her, um. . ." "Rebecca, my name's Rebecca." Said the woman. "Thank you, Rebecca." Said Kara. Kara & Alice soon let go of each other, and Kara smiles at Alice. "Stay strong. . .Alice, I love you." Said Kara, and kissed Alice's forehead. "I love you too, Kara. . .Luther." said Alice. Luther smiled, and said, "I love you too, Alice." Rebecca held Alice's hand, and they slowly walked away to the soldiers. The humans were in their safety, then the soldiers aimed their guns at the androids.

"Wait! Please, don't shoot us! We did nothing wrong!" said Josh. ". . .It's the state's order." Said Perkins. "I told you, they are liars!" said North. "No, we can talk this out!" said Josh.

Luther looked at Kara, who was trembling a little. She was scared. . .all Luther cared about was to get Kara out of here, now that they secured Alice's safety. Kara must live. . .Luther made up his mind. Luther held Kara's hand, and Kara looked at Luther. 'Kara. . .you cannot die here.' Said Luther. 'Luther. . .thank you for being there for me. . .always.' said Kara. 'I won't let you die.' 'But. . .they're going to shoot us.' 'All that matter now, is you. Alice is safe, and I'm going to get you out of here.' 'Luther. . .what are you saying? Don't you dare do anything.' Said Kara. '. . .Kara, I love you.' Said Luther, and let go of Kara's hand. "Luther no. . ." said Kara, then Luther started walking towards the front. "Luther!" said Kara.

Luther stepped out in the front. "Luther?" asked North. "What are you doing?" asked Josh. ". . .I am not letting you guys kill Kara." Said Luther. ". . .Move out the way, and surrender. We won't shoot you." Said Perkins. "No. I'm not obeying you. I won't make the same mistake." Said Luther.

'He's buying us time. We need to get back in.' said Josh. 'It's not enough time. We have to charge them because he will get shot.' Said North. "Luther no!" said Kara, and ran out the crowd. "Kara!" shouted North & Josh, suddenly the soldiers shot at Kara.

[Simon – Lover] [Leo – Neutral]

"Markus!" said Simon, Markus shielded Simon from getting hit by Leo. "Leo. . .this isn't what Carl wanted you to do!" Said Markus, and stood up, then turned to Leo. ". . .Leo, listen-" "Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!" said Leo. "Carl loved you, Leo! He loved you more than anyone!" ". . .That's. . .a lie. . .he. . .loved an android more than his real son!" ". . .That's the lie! I've been in Carl's side, and he always worried about you. Everyday. . .worried. . .he was waiting for your calls, but. . .you didn't call him. He didn't wanted you to come to him for money. He wanted you to come to him to connect as father & son. An android cannot replace a biological son. You are Carl's Manfred's only son." Said Markus.

[Leo ^ - Warm]

"Dad. . .no. . .h-he didn't look at me like he looked at you! You. . .you piece of plastic! You stole everything!" said Leo with tears. ". . .The reason why Carl didn't give you the money. . .is because he wanted you to realize that drugs won't help you with anything. He wanted you to have a healthy life. He cared for your health." Said Markus.

[Leo ^]

". . .No. . .he always. . .tried to keep me away. He only cared for his goddamn paintings!" said Leo. ". . .He wanted you to realize it! Leo, Carl never neglected you! He cared about you, but you had to take care of yourself on your own! He wanted you to make the right decisions." Said Markus.

[Leo ^]

"Dad. . ." said Leo, crying. ". . .The cup. . .with a smiley face on, it is Carl's favorite. No matter how many fancy cups were in the house. . .he always used that cup every morning. That cup. . .you bought it for him, didn't you?" asked Markus. ". . .I. . .gave it to dad. . .when I was younger." Said Leo. "Carl loves you. No one can replace you. Leo, please. . ." said Markus, and Leo wiped his tears, then said, ". . .I'm sorry."

[Leo ^^^ - Trusted]

Markus smiled, and helped Simon stand up. "W-We have to get everyone out of here! He-Andrew is gonna kill everyone!" said Leo. "'Andrew'?" asked Markus. "We have to hurry!" said Leo, and Markus looked at Simon. ". . .Go without me. I'll catch up soon." Said Simon. ". . .I'm not leaving you ever again." Said Markus, then carried Simon bridal style, and they went out the room.

[Simon ^]

Gunshots were heard. . .it all missed Kara, but. . .some hit Luther. Luther shielded Kara, and fell to his knees. He was still functioning, the soldiers missed his critical parts. Luther soon stood up, and faced the soldiers. He stepped forward, but Kara grabbed his arm. "No! Please don't do this!" said Kara with tears. ". . .I have to." Said Luther, and escaped Kara's grip, then walked towards the soldiers. "Luther, don't go!" said Josh. "They're gonna shoot us all!" said North. ". . .I'm willing to die if Kara & Alice can live!" said Luther.

"The humans were released from the androids, but despite that, the soldiers open fired at them! Michael, look! Now, an android is stepping in front, sacrificing himself!" said Joss.

[Public Opinion ^]

"Fire!" the soldiers shot at Luther, and Luther fell to his knees. "LUTHER!" yelled Alice, and ran to stop the soldiers. "Alice!" shouted Rebecca, and ran after Alice to stop her. "Please stop!" shouted Alice. "Hey! Stay away!" the soldiers lowered their guns to not hurt Alice. Rebecca held Alice back, Perkins felt suspicion towards Alice, then soon, Josh said, "STOP THIS NONSENSE!"

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