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3rd Person P.O.V:

At DPD, Andrew was sent to the interrogation room. Hank interrogated him, and Andrew confessed that he was all behind it. He tricked the people who are antis, and used them to kill the androids. The weapons are from the dealers he had in contact with. No other than the citizens were involved into the mess. He did not mention about making a deal with Leo & Gavin. Andrew took all the crimes & blame on himself. After that, Andrew was sent to the cell.

"Phew, now that was one hell of a nightmare. I need some drinks. Let's go to Jimmy's, Connor." Said Hank, stretching. ". . .Hank, I need to do something, before that." Said Connor. "Like what?" asked Hank. ". . .I need to confirm something. You can go ahead first, I will soon meet you at Jimmy's." said Connor, then Hank pat Connor's head, and said, "Be careful, Connor." Connor heat up a bit, then replied, "Got it." Connor walked away, and Hank watched him go, suddenly, Fowler came, and said, "Hank! In my office!" "What? Goddammit, Jeffrey. . ." mumbled Hank, and walked to Fowler's office.

Connor went to the cell, Andrew was put in. "Andrew. . ." said Connor, and Andrew looked at Connor. "Oh. . .hey, the fuck you want?" asked Andrew. "May I ask you few questions?" asked Connor. ". . .I don't have much time left. Why not?" said Andrew. ". . .Why didn't you defend yourself in the confession?" asked Connor. ". . .What's the point? I could've pulled those anti-androids people down with me, but. . .I'm an anti-android as well, you know. I don't want to pull them with me, cause. . .they're my kind of people. They were stupid enough to follow me, but still. . .I'm the one who started anyway." Replied Andrew.

". . .Why did you plan all this? What's the real reason?" asked Connor. Andrew has answered that he hated androids, wanted them to die so bad, cause they were a threat. Police, government, & Cyberlife weren't doing anything to destroy them, that's why he tried to do it, but Connor knew it is not the real reason. ". . .What do I gotta lose? The reason I started this. . .is because of Martha." Said Andrew.

". . .Martha, model QT400, an assistant android of a Cyberlife scientist, Axel Willcolm." Said Connor. ". . .Yea. She was an odd android. . .but she was. . .really like. . .human." replied Andrew, but frowned. . .and said, "I loved her. . .but. . .she left me to do. . .her mission or something. She lied to me. . .I thought she cared about me. . .loved me. . .but it was all a lie. Now, she'll never come back, thanks to you." ". . .I'm sorry." Said Connor. ". . .I wanted to prevent humans from being attached to an android, cause they're not humans. . .they will break people's heart. . .like mine is." Said Andrew.

". . .You're a constructor, right?" asked Connor. "Yea. . .so?" "You sneaked into the building, in the chaos. . .how did you find us?" asked Connor. ". . .Who do you think built that building?" asked Andrew with a smirk. ". . .You did it, huh?" "Bingo. I'm a good employee, so I wasn't replaced with an android, well. . .I was actually on the border line. That was like. . .my last, big job. I realized we were making it for androids, so that's when I started planning all this shit. I put some cameras in the walls, and controlled with my phone."

". . .Last thing. . .did you sent these invitations?" asked Connor, showing the invitation he & Kara got. Andrew looked at it, and said, "No. . .I didn't make those. All I did was set cameras in the building, rally the anti-androids, armed them with guns, and start the plan." Said Andrew. ". . .Alright, thank you for your precious time." Said Connor, and tried to leave, but Andrew said, "Hey!" Connor turned to him, and Andrew said, "Let me ask you a question." ". . .What is it?" asked Connor. "Aren't you afraid to betray Lieutenant? Right now, you're a deviant, right? If you were reset or you turn back into a machine. . .don't you think it's gonna break Lieutenant's heart?" asked Andrew. ". . .I won't turn back. . .if I die. . .that's it. I'm never coming back, this time. It is risky, but. . .I'm never ever making Hank sink into depression again." Said Connor. ". . .Heh. . .maybe. . .you really are alive." Said Andrew, and sat down on the cell bed. Connor walked away to go to Jimmy's bar.

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