Chapter Twelve: Here's to the fallen...

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Eren had finally finished cleaning and reorganizing the Captain's room, and when he looked outside to see how late it was he realized that he needed to get ready for the dance tonight. As Levi had told him this morning he didn't get to see him at all today, but he didn't let it bother him all that much. He was actually quite happy that he wasn't with him, and that meant he could get dressed without Levi asking him why he was going to take about thirty minutes getting ready. 

Eren fished through the closet to find a suit that he could wear, because Levi told him he could borrow one for tonight, and found one to his liking. He found a top hat to go with it and got it out. He was planning to sneak out of the dance with this person he going to meet there tonight, whether Levi liked it or not he was going to do it, and if he found out he'd protect them with his own life. Knowing Levi, he wouldn't want to get rid of his favorite play thing, so his plan should work out just fine. Hopefully.

When he left the room he saw the fluttering of something red in the corner of his eye. He decided to go after the direction it went, and when he turned the corner he was greeted by Mikasa and Armin dressed up and heading to the banquet hall. The red he had saw was Mikasa's scarf, but he just smiled happy that he got to see his friends for the first time today. The three teens walked into the banquet hall making small jokes and laughing until they saw where the dance was being held. 

The floor had been polished showing off the glittering checkered tiles beneath their feet. The lights glowing their luminescent golden hue making the golden walls seem like real gold. The curtains being their yellow velvet hanging over the massive windows behind them, allowing the golden sunset to shine through. If all that wasn't enough to allure them, the paintings above their heads were something only one would hope to see outside the walls. The Survey Corps had to have kept this dance a secret, or they would've never allowed them to use this room because of the paintings.

As the three were awing the room at it's beauty, the rest or their friends joined them and showed them to the table they found. Jean was trying his best to avoid eye contact with Eren, but he just found it amusing at how hard he was trying but failing at the same time. ' Looks like he can't stop looking at me, well it was his fault after all. Stupid horse-faced idiot. ' Eren had to laugh at his own joke he made to himself.

Everyone stopped their chatter when the Commander walked into the room with the Captain at his side. Eren couldn't help but feel a little anxious when he noticed Levi staring at him with his cold glare. He shifted a little in his seat, and took a drink of water due to his throat being suddenly parched. Mikasa noticed Eren's uneasiness and tapped him on his shoulder.

" Hey, everything okay? You don't seem very energetic about the dance like you were before."

Eren looked over to his sister and gave her his acknowledgment, " Yeah everything's fine, just waiting for the Commander to give his speech is all. Oh! Looks like he's going to start."

Both the teens turned to listen to the Commander, Levi still staring at his little pet being surrounded by a bunch of enemies that dare talk to him.

" Good evening ladies and gentlemen! It is my honor to be the host of tonight's dance, and as the host I would like to start by thanking everyone for their help in the capturing of the Female Titan. I would like to give my gratitude to the soldier who made it possible in the success of this endeavor. Eren Jaeger, would you please rise for our fellow soldiers to recognize your presence?"

Eren froze in his seat, but did as instructed. Everyone turned to face him and started to applaud and cheer for him. His face was blank of emotion, he still couldn't get past the fact that Annie was the Female Titan, and he guessed that his friends still felt the same way. Except for Mikasa. She sat there, joining in with the rest of the room clapping for him while the others looked between her and Eren. He knew he had to get past this, but he just couldn't, so he forced a smile and bowed.

Armin and the rest of them were confused by this, but soon joined Mikasa hoping that he really did get over it. Everyone soon stopping clapping and Eren took his seat. The Commander continued his speech.

" For tonight, we will be having a buffet with the best meals we could get from our taxes from the Government. So please enjoy and let me know of anything as you please! Huh? Okay... It seems that Captain Levi would like to make one last announcement. Captain." Commander Erwin stepped aside and let Levi take the spotlight.

" As a way to soothe and relax everyone hear we have an assembly of people playing for us tonight. The reason why I mention this is that I believe that some of you may have learned how to play when you were younger. If you would like to preform please let either Commander Erwin or myself know, and we'll help you set things up. Thank you." Levi stepped back and everyone took hold of their glasses as Erwin stepped up in his place again with a glass this time.

" And now, a toast. For giving your heart's to the cause!" He raised his glass in the air, and everyone repeated what he had said.

Erwin took a sip of his champagne, and everyone else soon followed. Except for Eren and his table. Everyone in the room resumed their conversations and the music began to play. Eren's friends sat there waiting for something as they haven't taken a sip of their drinks along with everyone else. Armin spoke up to break the silence.

" Eren, you can make a toast with us. It doesn't have to be what the Commander said, and plus we all know that you haven't accepted the fact that Annie was the Female Titan. To be honest with you I haven't either, but we have to accept it eventually, or forget about it. So, what do you say Eren?"

Eren looked up to his childhood friend and smiled lightly before lifting his glass to eye level and making a toast.

" Here's to our absent friends, both the long-lost friends of our youth and our long-lost youth." Eren brought his glass to his mouth, but hesitated for a second before setting it on his lips and drinking the golden substance.

Everyone at the table followed and set their glasses down onto the table. Eren forced out another smile and they all began to make their small jokes again. All in hope to distract Eren's mind from the event that happened about four months ago.

' I hope you're doing okay... Mother. '  

AN: Ok, so here's this chapter, I was going to make this chapter the character reveal but it was starting to get longer so I decided to give you guys this last chapter before the reveal. Also if you guys want to see what everyone is wearing, use the links to see yourself. I'll put the character to be revealed, of what they look like in the next chapter.











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