Chapter Twenty: You can't hide little pet!

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Eren's eyes locked onto the door but he couldn't think of anyone who would find him this quickly. He broke into a run after he heard the door slam open, assuming the person kicked it down, and ran upstairs and into a master bedroom. He quietly closed the door and looked for a place he could hide, but no luck as the places he thought of would be the first places to check. He quickly went into the closet and closed the door gently and quietly, and listened to the footsteps walking up the stairs. He heard them getting close to the bedroom door and then they stopped. The next thing he heard was the creaking sound of it opening and the footsteps walking into the room.

The teen remembered those footsteps all too well, so his heart began to race. He could barely see through the tiny gap between the closet doors to confirm his suspicions about the person in the room, and he realized that his breathing was picking up so he tried to calm himself down a little. He heard and saw that the person stopped in their track but they slowly walked out of view. Eren leaned in a little to try and see where they went when all of a sudden the person's face came into view through the gap, making the teen jump back in surprise and shock.

" I found~ you~ my little pet! Honestly, did you really think you could run and hide from me?!" The man that had entered the house cooed sadistically, almost too identical to the person he was speculating it to be.

The teen's spine shivered with anxiety as the closet door slowly opened, revealing the man's face, but still not very visible due to the moon's shadows covering his face, even so, it ceased Eren's ability to do anything. He opened and closed his mouth as if to say something, and almost caved in to make himself scream, but the man before him covered his mouth and brought his finger up to his own mouth. He cooed the teen almost as sinisterly as he usually would, but something was off about him. Eren didn't have time to think about it and if anything he wanted to get away from this man once and for all, so he bolted out the closet, almost being caught by the arm, and sprinted down the hallway, down the stairs and into the library of the mansion.

Eren had found a secluded place out of eye sight from the entrance of the library, and slid down onto the floor heaving, trying to catch his breath as silently as possible. He listened for the man upstairs, but didn't hear anything. After a couple of minutes he heard a soft thud, he wouldn't of heard it if he hadn't been listening so intently. The teen was curious about what it could have been, but he had assumed that that's what the man had wanted from him. To go up there to investigate the noise, well, he wasn't that dumb to fall for that little trick, so he waited for about five minutes to wait for the man to come to him.

After the short amount of time had passed, and the man still hadn't come down stairs, he decided to go up there to see what happened. When he reached the door, Eren opened it cautiously, and gasped in shock. The man had collapsed onto the floor, and seeing him in that state caused Eren to act, quickly checking his pulse and sighing in relief after feeling the soft yet stead beat. The man had fallen face to the floor so the boy turned the man over onto his back, and once he got a better look at his face he was finally able to confirm his speculation about who this man was for sure.

It was Levi.

Eren got up onto his legs to get Levi a blanket as he was freezing to the touch, perhaps because he came after him in a rainy winter night with nothing but a light jacket covering his normal clothing. After Eren covered him with the blanket, he got up yet again to go fetch the man some water for when he woke up. Eren had managed to get a bucket of water before the storm set in, and as he was passing the entrance to the mansion he noticed a little bag by the door. He walked over to the bag and picked it up, it was surprisingly heavy but he took it with him anyway. Once he got back to the room, he sat the cup of water down by the man's head and went over to the window sill, sitting down and opening the bag he had found.

Inside the bag he found a scouting regiment cloak folded neatly and what lied underneath it was a stack of papers. He picked up a bundle of it and looked for who they were addressed to, and to his surprise they were all from his friends, but most of them were from Mikasa or Krista. Before Eren got to read the letters he heard the man groan in a bit of pain, so he quickly placed everything back and hid the bag under the bed, he was lucky that the bed had a skirt. The teen quickly went over to the man and helped his heavy body to sit up, but got pushed down almost immediately after trying to help him. The man hovered over top of him, but he wasn't staring into his eyes. Eren was still frightened, because either he was just pretending to be powerless or something really was wrong but he just didn't want to find out.

" Nnn~ Hey Eren, look you can't go running off like that. You hear me? Just because about four days passed by with you inside that dungeon doesn't mean that you can go free once you see an opening. You belong to me, you offered yourself to me you worthless piece of shit! So don't back down now when you practically wanted this from the very beginning!" Levi started to choke the life out of the teen below him as he spoke, " You can't go. Not when all my hard work is almost complete. Don't you see Eren?! I'M TRY TO MAKE YOU FUCKING PERFECT!!!"

" Gah! L... Levi let g... go right no-AH!" The boy was being strangled to death, so he tried his best to get the man off of him.

All his effort was in vain though, because soon enough he was starting to black out with thrashing in attempt to knock the man off of him. Eventually he passed out and Levi let go of Eren's throat, he got up to go down stairs to look for the bag he brought with him, but couldn't find it. Then he remembered that the teen took a little longer than he expected when he was getting him some water, so he went back upstairs to check the room, and soon enough he found it under the bed. He took out the cloak that he put inside it and took it over to the teen. He lifted him up so he could wrap Eren in the cloak and picked him up off the floor after he got it on him. He went over to the bed, taking the bag, and put it underneath the cloak with the boy so either one doesn't get wet. 

Levi then took himself and his luggage to the opened door, shut it behind them, and made way for the Survey Corps' base. As he was walking down a street to get there he had to stop in his tracks to see a circle of cloaked people around them.

" Tch! What do you think you're doing, cadets."

AN: Ok, I don't know when exactly I'm going to end this story, but I promised myself that I won't go passed forty chapters. Anyway how about that cliffhanger? It's not much but just work with me alright, omg there's so many tiny Levi's on my screen! THEY'RE SO CUTE!!! Ahhm! Sorry, but let's see what happens in the next chapter! Hope you enjoyed!!!


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