Chapter Thirty-Two: You're mine, Eren

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Erwin had already deduced that Eren was still in the room and was armed, but of course that speculation was still unknown if the teen was indeed armed, and if so with what? There wasn't anything in the room from which anything could have fallen when he slammed the door closed, so Eren must've dropped his weapon. At this point Erwin was completely exposed, he wasn't armed and he didn't know where the boy was hiding, though there weren't many spots from which he could hide to begin with. So, the man started to carefully look around the room for the boy, making the aging floor boards creak all the while.

Eren, however, had managed to untie himself almost too easily after Krista left, but he had assumed she would be back with someone, so he took out his knife from his pocket and quickly hid in the closet when he heard her coming with another person. Initially he wanted to get the jump on Krista and use her as a hostage, but that soon failed as he heard the voice of the other person tell her to leave. All the while he smiled gleefully as he knew who that voice belonged to, the Commander himself. But when he heard the door slam shut he was startled and dropped the knife within the closet, making a sharp thud when it hit the wood. He wouldn't be able to get the knife even though it landed standing up, the closet was too small and cramped, he couldn't move all that much, and when he heard the creaking noises of the floor he knew he was done for, until he heard what Erwin said.

" Eren Jaeger, come out and I'll let you off the hook. If not then I will be more than happy to punish you personally."

To Eren, Erwin gave off the aura of what Levi would be like before he changed. He didn't know why, but he felt drawn to that kind of essence. Without realizing it the Commander was in front of the closet, and clearly looking right at him through a small gap in the doors. The teen froze in his place, but not in fear. It was in realization that he was now face to face with the man he was after to entertain him while his true Master was gone for the week. If he was going to pull this plan of his off then he would need to trap the Commander into a little corner of his own, and then he's got him. A devilish smile played at his lips when he thought about it, and finally spoke.

" Well looks like I was found, so what were you saying about punishments? That you'd do it personally? I'd love to see that, heha~" Eren giggles when he recited Erwin's words from before.

The closet doors were flung open after the teen opened his mouth to speak, making the teen fall into the Commander's arms. Erwin caught the boy with ease and wrapped something around him. When he saw that it was a shirt he smirked sinisterly at the sight, but the look he saw on the Commanders face shocked him. He was looking down at him with a cold glare and an eerie smile on his lips, giving Eren shivers down his spine, but he wouldn't let this man get what he wanted from him by looking weak and easy to dominate. The teen started to feel weird and realized that the Commander had started playing with chest before leaning in to kiss his forehead down to his eyelids, the bridge of his nose, his checks, and then his lips.

The next thing both males heard were footsteps from outside the room, Erwin assumed it was Armin Arlert, as he was tasked with night duty for tonight, so he stopped messing around but before he was about to start dragging the teen with him to his office, he brought Eren's head to his mouth and whispered huskily into his ear.

" You belong to me, Eren. I don't care if Levi finds out what I do to you when he comes back, but I'll let you know this now before your memory stops working. I've had my eyes on you ever since the night of the dance, so this just happens to be my chance to steal you away from that wretched man. I'll ask you some questions when we get to my office, but first we're going to have to act something out in front of a friend of your's." That's when Commander Erwin grabbed the teen roughly by the back of his neck and started pushing him and dragging him out the room.

Erwin was correct on who was in the corridor, and when the blonde saw who was there his eyes widened in surprise. ' Why's Eren not in the infirmary, and why is the Commander being so rough on him? Surely he knows that Eren isn't healed yet. ' Armin thought and was then called upon from the Commander.

" Armin Arlert!"

" Y... Yes Sir!"

" Can you take us to my office please, it seems I've forgotten where it is as I haven't been in the building for a few days. I have some issues to sort out with Scouting Cadet Eren Jaeger." 

While the two blonde's were talking, Eren was listening and smiling all the while. Of course his face wasn't visible since it was hanging from the strong hold of Erwin's arm, and showing no hints of loosening. Armin looked at Eren in the Commander's arm and back at him, quickly nodding and showing the way to his office. When they arrived Commander Erwin thanked Armin and closed the door behind him. Armin was concerned by the way his close childhood friend looked, so he knocked on the Commander's door.

" Commander Erwin, Sir? If you'd like I could bring the two of you some tea." 

Erwin clicked his tongue in annoyance, " No thank you, you may continue with your night watch, Armin Arlert."

" Yes Sir!" Armin sighed and left the door to continue his nightly surveillance.

Eren glared at the man above him, boiling anger bubbling inside him for how he had treated his friend. Erwin chuckled lightly before the teen spoke.

" You're not very appreciative towards your subordinates, so I guess I'm going to have a hell of a time with you, aren't I?"

" Say Eren, why did you allow yourself to be caught by me in the room moments ago? Was it from fear of me or Levi?"

" Let's just say that you weren't the only one who locked eyes onto me, but of course I'm only doing it for the week. The rest of you are nowhere near being as relentless as my Master." 

" That's what he has you call him? 'Master'? Huh, well then you're going to call me 'Daddy'."

Eren blushed violently from the Commander being so straightforward about all this, but was soon brought to a pause as Erwin had begun to toy with him.

AN: See it wasn't that bad, eventually I will have Armin play a bit bigger role than what he has right now. So... What will Erwin do to Eren to make him his before Levi gets back? What will Eren think of everyone when his little secret slips? Findout in the next chapter!!! Hope you enjoyed!!!


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