Chapter Thirteen: I would like to play

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AN: Just letting you guys know right now, that I'll be using some sorta modern music into this, because idk what kind of music I could possibly use for this dance. For example, I'll be using Dernière Danse for when Eren is dancing with the character he wanted to meet. IK!!! It's french!!! But thought it would be a good song to use when they're dancing. And for the song Eren's going to play, it will be Scarborough Fair the violin version, I'm using this one ~ ~ just the strings and piano and of course the violin part. The vocals I might have Mikasa do, since I'm making it as if their mother sang this to them when they were kids. ANYWAY, let's get into the story.

Eren was having a fun time with his friends at the table. They enjoyed the music, ate their food, and watched each other dance every now and then. This had to be the most fun he had ever had after his mother died. He didn't know why, but after he said his toast he's been thinking about her nonstop. His friends have noticed his shifts between his emotions, and were a bit concerned about it. 

" Are you sure you're okay? You've been switching between your mood for a little bit now."

" I'm okay, I guess. Don't worry about it. It's just that when I said that toast I've been thinking about my mother. I don't know why, but I have and it hurts so much. I can remember her singing to Mikasa and I when we were going to sleep. I'm sorry, I started rambling." Eren rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, and he wished he didn't.

He had forgotten about the cut on his nape, but he didn't let it show. He didn't want to worry his friends anymore than he already did. Mikasa watched him closely the entire time, but decided to let him take his time to tell them what's been going on. She then smiled and asked her brother about something.

" Hey Eren? Do you think you remember how to play the song your Mother would sing to us? You could ask them if you could play it, and I can go up with you to sing if you'd like." She wore a bright smile as she took hold of his hand.

" Hey that's a great idea Mikasa! Maybe he'll be able to clear his mind a little bit after he does it. That's if he's okay with doing this, but I would like to hear you guys do something, and plus this all news to me that you could play." Armin bounced in his seat a little bit when he came up with the idea.

Eren found the idea to be a pleasant one, so he nodded his head in confirmation. He noticed that the rest of the table were shocked to hear what was going on, and started asking them to go up after the that was playing was over.

" Alright alright you guys. Heh, so you really want me to do this?" He asked, still not to sure about it for some reason.

They all looked at each other, and nodded in unison. Eren chuckled to himself, and stood up. Mikasa wrapped her arm around his, and he led them to the Commander.

" Ah! There he is, Eren Jaeger!And Mikasa Ackerman herself! What can I help you two with tonight?" Erwin took hold of Mikasa's hand and kissed it before asking what they came for.

" We were wondering if we could preform a piece we knew from our childhood, Sir." Eren asked him standing straight the entire time, trying to be proper.

" Why of course, what will you be needing for your piece?"

Eren thought about how he could make it better than just a violin solo. " I'll need someone to play the piano, a guitarist, one violinist aside from myself and her." He lifted his arm a bit and looked at Mikasa, letting Erwin know who he was talking about.

" Seems like it will be a nice piece. I'll go set things up." Erwin nodded and headed for the stage where the music had been playing.

Mikasa looked at him a bit suspicious about what he was planning. " Eren, why did you ask for those other instruments? You'll just need a violin and my vocals, so what are you planning?"

Eren knew what he was doing. He simply looked at Mikasa and gave her a reassuring smile. When they waited for the Commander's cue for them to get into positions, Eren noticed the doors to the entrance of the room come open, followed by two figures walking in. His eyes widened when he saw the one in a red dress, and smiled to himself. ' About time. 

Erwin gave them their cue, and they walked over to the stage. He gave Eren the finest violin he'd ever laid eyes on, and took Mikasa to where she would be standing. When he came back to escort Eren to where he'll be standing, he asked, " Is there anything you need to tell the pianist? Because he doesn't know what you're going to play." Eren nodded and walked over to the pianist, and whispered the piece they'd be playing. He nodded, and Eren went back to his spot on the stage. 

Everyone went quiet after the Commander told them that the next piece would be played by the Titan Shifter and humanities second strongest soldier. Their table shouted them good luck before they started. Eren quickly locked his eyes onto the person who had walked in and smiled softly. He then closed his eyes, and nodded his head for the pianist to start. 

Mikasa widened her eyes and stared at Eren, but quickly prepared herself. When Eren started playing, everyone was already hooked by how he could play. While Eren played, the only thought running through his head was of the person who was wearing the red dress. He hummed the melody to himself silently as if telling Mikasa that her part was coming up. When that point came, she started to sing.

Levi stood in the shadows of the room, watching his little pet preform the piece as if he were playing this for his life. He couldn't help but start to come closer to the stage as the teen continued to play. 

After about three minutes of playing, Mikasa and the pianist finished it off, and as soon as the last note had finished ringing the whole room started cheering for them. Eren looked around for the girl in the red dress, and surely enough she had made her way to the front, tears running down her face.

Levi, too, was reasonably close to the stage for the teen to at least see him, but he noticed that he wasn't looking in his direction at all, but at someone else. He looked in the direction the teen was staring in, and his eyes widened in disbelief. ' Looks like you didn't follow my instructions, Jaeger. ' With this thought in his head he walked over to the table where Erwin was sitting at, and started to talk with him to hopefully reduce his anger a bit.

When Eren got off the stage he walked Mikasa back to the table and told everyone there that he had a date. Everyone oohed and awed, making little jokes behind his back as he went to go meet the girl in the red dress. Once she was in his sight again he smiled and bowed. The next song started to play and apparently it was another dance.

" May I have the pleasure of a dance? My lady?" He took hold of her hand, and she blushed.

She accepted and wrapped her arm around his as he led them to the dance floor. " Haven't we met before when we were cadets, Eren Jaeger?" She giggled at how much of a gentleman he was being when she already knew how he acts.

He just laughed with her and they started to dance.

AN: I wanted to make a cliffhanger and introduce her in the next chapter but I don't think I really made much of one. But as you can tell, Levi is turning more into yandere after noticing Eren staring at someone else other than him. And a girl at that! What do think will happen? Let me know what you think in the comments below! Also, if you didn't already, if you're reading on computer, I suggest listening to the song while reading when they're playing the piece. ANYWAY! Hope you enjoyed!!!


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