Chapter Nineteen: I need you, Mikasa...

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" Eren! Hold on, I'm coming in to get you!" Mikasa hurriedly got a set of keys she had in her pocket and scrambled to get the right one.

Eren laid his head down shutting his eyes tightly, ' Damn it why now?! Why am I suddenly in heat?! This is bad, Mikasa. She'll-' His mind snapped back to reality when he heard the cell door open with a soft clunk sound. He curled himself up into a little ball to try and keep Mikasa from helping him, but it had the opposite affect.

" Eren, are you okay?! Is there something wrong? Please tell me Eren. I... I can't just leave you to him any longer. I can understand why you didn't want to tell any of us but this is beyond your control, Eren, so let us help you!" The raven haired girl tried to pick up the teen laying on the floor, but struggled to even move him to the cell door.

So she moved him to the bed, picking him up from under his arms and setting him down gently. Eren refused to lie down, so he sat there holding his hands to his chest trying to control his heat from doing anything to his childhood friend, his sister. Mikasa noticed him doing this and took hold of his hands with hers.

" What's wrong? You have to tell me, Eren. I can't sit here with you all night, or else the Captain will come back and see the both of us." When Mikasa mentioned the Captain again his eyes widened, a late reaction from before.

Eren snapped his head up to look at his sister, mouth agape, " How did you know about Levi and I?! WHO TOLD YOU?!" Mikasa could see the sorrow and fear in his dark mint eyes.

Mikasa shook her head and started to move closer to the teen, causing Eren to abruptly stand up making him lose his balance and fall to the floor. Mikasa quickly stood up and went to help support the teen in sitting up, but the teen pushed her away almost too violently.

" Just... just stay away from me! Something isn't right with me, and I don't know what will happen if you're too close to me, but just stay away." Eren found the wall behind him and slid to it to lean his back against it to continue talking with Mikasa.

" There're a couple of things I want to ask you fir- ahgh!" Eren's body wasn't going to hold out much longer in resisting, and he certainly didn't want to attack his sister, but his desire was getting stronger.

" Eren! Just listen to yourself right now! You're not well, and I'm sure as hell am not leaving you here with that twisted man! Come back with me, Eren, everyone's worried sick and are wondering where you went, where you are. You told Krista something that night didn't you? She won't open up to anyone, and she's been crying herself to sleep every night." Mikasa looked at the teen across the room from her the entire time she spoke.

Eren could only stare at her in disbelief and in a sense, he was relieved. Relieved that Krista had kept her end of the bargain, but in turn is hurting herself with her emotions. Eren was starting to lose his centered focus, his ablity to resist fading quickly.

" Mikasa, y... you have to get out of here... now! I don't know how much longer I can take! You need to get out now, please! I don't want to hurt you!" Eren clutched onto himself and lowered his head onto his knees and hoped that she would listen.

Mikasa didn't know what was going on with him or what the right choice was, so she decided to stay and find out what was wrong with him. Eren noticed that she wasn't leaving, and he was about to do something to get her to leave, but it was too late, he couldn't hold back anymore. He stood up, breathing heavily, walked over to the raven haired girl, picked her up bridal style and threw her onto the bed. The heated teen hovered over the girl, looking her over, and she knew what was going on.

" Eren don't! You don't want to do this!" Mikasa had tried to push him away, but he caught her arms and brought her up into his lap.

Eren started sniffing her neck before kissing it, trailing his tongue down her neck like Levi would always do. Mikasa let out a shaky breath, still trying to pry Eren off of her before he did something he would regret, but his body wasn't going to let up until his desires were fulfilled. The teen almost ripped the girls jacket in half from trying to remove it from her, but managed to get it off and started to claw at her shirt. Once Eren lifted her shirt off all that was left was a tank top, but he decided to leave it on her for a little bit. He was at the girls collarbone and decided to go even further down, while doing this he put one of his hands underneath her shirt, feeling her spine through her flesh.

" Ah!" Mikasa had kept her mouth shut the entire time until she let that soft moan escape her mouth.

She widened her eyes and grit her teeth, letting a tear fall from her cheek and landing onto the teens shoulder where his recently opened wound was. Eren stopped what he was doing after coming back to his senses, and looked at his childhood friend. He opened and closed his mouth as if to say something but couldn't put it into words, but he quickly stood up from the bed and backed away from the girl. He looked at his hands as if he could see the sin that he had done to her, and he felt the tears running down his face. His back bumped into the cell's bars, so he looked back and remembered that the door was unlocked now due to Mikasa opening it a few minutes ago.

He looked back at her, her face still wearing her wide eyed expression with a streak from which the tear fell onto his wound. He quickly looked away from her and ran out the cell door, up the stairs leading to the outside of the dungeon, and out the entrance of the Survey Corps' base. While he was running away from it all, away from his family down in the cell, he heard her voice calling out to him to come back, but he just swallowed back his cries he wished to let out and kept running. When he was outside the building he still ran, he wanted to get away from it all, so he just ran as far into the woods as his legs would carry him.

After Mikasa went back to the girls dorms, she realized the pain that both Eren and Krista had to go through, especially Eren. She told Krista about what happened, and she broke down crying.

Eren had stopped running, but kept moving. He walked and walked until he found an abandoned mansion hidden in the woods, he walked inside and locked the doors and windows, covered the windows with their curtains and lit candles inside and decided he would stay there. 

" Why did this have to happen?! Why to her of all people?! God damn it!!! Ugh... why? Why am I feeling this way, why do I still care about Levi the way I did before? Why.... *sniffs*" Eren fell to his knees looking up to the ceiling, looking out the window above him and watching the rain start to drip down the side of it.

Then he heard a knock at the door.

AN: Man I immediately regret taking just ONE FUCKING day off, but I was sleep deprived what was I supposed to do. So anyway, this chapter is probably a piece of shit, but hopefully you guys will understand what I was trying to go for. Also I got myself some tiny Levi's crawling on my screen and they're just the cutest. ANYWAY. Who do you think is at the door? And how would they have known where he was after only a couple of hours passing by? Find out in Chapter Twenty.


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