Sequel Description Ideas

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Ok well there's no one voting seeing as I have so many reads and yet absolutely NO feedback, so if I still get no votes in by the next 2 days ( AoT S 3 Release) then I'm still going to write the Sequel. So I'll choose the title and cover that I find suiting to the desc. I quickly put together, so I'll put that in here and if you don't like it then help me out in making a new one by using your knowledge of this story and what you'd like to happen in the sequel possibly, or I'll just use your idea and make an entirely new desc.

So here's the one I made for " Twisted Memory "........................

After regaining his sanity and waking up in the Commanders room from a nightmare that had to have been all too real, Levi soon finds out that he's not the only one who saw it. Krista, however, couldn't take it all that well as the Captain had. Eren's group of friends explained what happened, and they all soon find out that the two had watched Eren die due to being eaten by a Titan after he ran from the Survey Corps. Levi and the group must now come together to go find the teen in hope that he was alive, but what about Jean and Mikasa? How do they feel after what happened to them from the mischievous and broken minded boy? Will they help in finding the poor teen or will they stay on the side lines to leave him to die? And what about the Commander? What's he going to do with Eren and Levi and what's his real intention? Find out in "Twisted Memory".

I haven't made descriptions for the other two yet but when I do I'll update this page when I put them in. So PLEASE give me something on the voting page about your thoughts on the sequel and titles I made, and if you want me to increase the voting time I will. SO PLEASE SAY SOMETHING, I'M LEGIT STRESSING OVER THIS. I'll see you in the Sequel -_-

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