Chapter Fourteen: May I have this dance?

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AN: I looked and looked for a dance that I could use for these two, and I found one. OMG LEVI IS GOING TO BE SO JEALOUS!!! See for yourself ~ ~ They're going to have the center of the dance floor too. *Fangirls* Just imagine it and you'll see why I love it so much. And here's the song just in case ~ ~ So here we go!!!

Eren's friends watched him lead his 'date' to the center of the dance floor, and they kept making small jokes about him being like this. They watched how he bowed to the girl again, and in turn she curtsied. They came together and waited for the song to start. The girl giggled as she stared at Eren with her beautiful sky blue eyes, making Eren blush a little bit. When they heard the music start they began to dance.

The girl giggled a little more when she realized what dance Eren wanted to dance to the song, and soon followed his steps. Eren smirked and allowed his body to feel the music. Everyone at his table were watching him with wide eyes, just shocked by how he could dance like that. His childhood friends were shocked the most, because they never knew he could dance at all. Everyone turned their heads to see Ymir come to the table, watching the girl she walked in with.

" Looks like she's dancing with a fine and energetic young man huh? Haa~ I wish I was him. Must be nice having her looks." Ymir mumbled and took a seat next to Sasha, as it was the last seat available at the table, aside from the two empty seats reserved for Eren and the girl.

Levi was still talking with the Commander at the table he was at, but noticed a set of emerald eyes on him. He turned and wished he didn't. He sat there watching his pet dancing with the girl he was staring at after his performance. He excused himself from his table and walked over to Eren's table. He walked over towards Mikasa, extended his hand and offered a dance. She hesitated for a second but accepted. ' This should rile him up a bit. ' With this thought in his head he smiled to himself as he started to dance with Mikasa.

As Eren continued dancing with the girl he swore to himself that he saw Levi dancing with someone, but he just brushed it off. He didn't care what Levi was trying to do he just wanted to talk with the girl after they sneaked out of the room unnoticed. It looked like the girl finally got into the mood of the dance, because she only thought of it as a little joke at the beginning, but he got her where he wanted her. He started to dance a little more seductively than before, and everyone at his table, including Jean for a surprise, were sitting on the edges of their seats just watching him dance.   

Levi couldn't take much more of it, so he just bailed on Mikasa and left the room. " Unbelievable! He just left me out here. *sighs* Well I'll just head back over to the tab... Ah!" Mikasa's eye caught her sight onto Eren, watching him dance his heart out with the girl in the red dress. " Are you watching him mom? He's grown to be a fine young man." She looked up to the ceiling after looking from Eren.

When she got back to the table everyone asked what happened so she explained everything. As the song was coming to an end Eren started to slow his pace a bit and ended the dance on time with the music. Having the girl in his arms and her's wrapped around his neck, their faces almost close enough for the boy to land a kiss on her pink lips. They stayed that way for a couple more seconds before standing up and getting a huge round of applause from everyone in the room. He wrapped his right arm around her fragile waist and pulled her close.

" After the dance is over tonight, come find me at the entrance of the Survey Corps' base. I want to talk with, but the topic is something I'd rather speak in private." Eren pulled himself away from her and smiled, " Thank you for pleasuring me with the dance."

The girl giggled, " No the pleasure was mine." The girl turned to leave, but stopped and looked back at Eren.

He tilted his head in confusion until he watched her nod her head and mouthing something that only Eren could understand. He smiled and nodded back. He raised his arm for her to take, so she wrapped her arm around his and they walked back to his table. He asked his friends if they could rearrange the seating a little bit so he could sit next to the girl. They were confused at first, but complied with his request. If anything they wanted him to have his fun tonight so they wouldn't have to see him with a sorrowful look on his face everyday.

Levi kept walking down the corridor until he reached his room and went inside. He saw that his room had been cleaned up, but he didn't care about that right now. He looked through the bookshelves looking for the book about how to train a human like they were a pet. Of course Levi of all people would never have any books of the sort, but after he let go of his miserable self mourning for his deceased comrades, he found an interest in Eren, so he would look through the archives of the Survey Corps' library on how he could keep Eren all to himself.

His mind had crippled so much he figured the least he could do was have Eren feel the same way. He wanted to break Eren's mind, shatter his heart, and the pain he'd give him would turn to a undecipherable love for Levi. He found the book and started flipping through the pages and came across the page where he'd left off on. When he read through the book he learned that if you marked who your pet was, people would see those and think that he was mentally ill. That way they'd stay away from him, but Eren has been wearing long sleeves to hide his marks.

When Levi came across something he thought was a delightful idea, he chuckled to himself. " I wonder what would happen if I take that precious Krista Lenz away from you, Eren? I'll have to wait and see what he does, then I'll make my move. Say Eren. May I have this dance?" Levi smirked sadistically and laughed to himself.

Eren's cut on his nape started to burn with pain, and he felt an awful suspicion was underway. He didn't like it.

AN: Well that's the character reveal, and you guys probably figured it out when I mentioned Ymir. 'Cause I mean Ymir hangs around Krista like all the time, and she even wishes to marry her in both Manga and Anime. It's weird, but Levi's cooking something up and Eren doesn't like the feeling he's getting. Also here's the link for what Krista is wearing ~ ~ Hope you enjoyed! And I'm not going to do the tag thing, mainly 'cause I'm still not getting much of an audience. So no tagging.


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