Chapter Fifteen: You wanted to talk?

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After the dance was over Eren escorted Krista to the girl's dorms for her to get ready for when they would meet again tonight. Before he left her, he grabbed her hand, brought it up to his mouth and kissed it almost too seductively to his liking. When he let go of her hand, he bowed and turned on his heal to walk over to the boy's dorms. Krista went to clench her hands when she felt something in the hand Eren had kissed. She opened her hand to see that he left her a piece of paper with his writing on it.

'Dearest Krista,

Meet me at the entrance to the Survey Corps' base at midnight. I wish to talk to about what I said earlier this evening. I wish to confide this information with you and you alone, for I cannot trust anyone but you at this point.

~ Eren'

She looked back in the direction which Eren had left before entering the dorm. Eren reached his room, and it felt as if the vacant space was brand new to him. After Levi had moved all his stuff to his room Eren hadn't been in here since before the whole ordeal with Annie. When he walked into the tiny room he took in a small breath, and let it out. He was surprised that the room was so cold, he could see his breath in the air, but it didn't bother him. He kind of missed the room he used to sleep in, because through his window he was able to see the deer and the fawn almost every morning if he woke up early enough.

Eren crouched down to the floor, feeling it for the loose floor board where he stored an extra bundle of clothing just in case he ever came back in here. Finally he felt a board come loose and pulled it off from the single nail it had to keep from moving too much. He took the clothes out that had been tied with his key. He had left it here in case Levi would take it from him, and he didn't know where to put it so he used it to tie his clothes together. He started to change out of his suit and into the more comfortable clothing he stored.

Once he finished changing, he stored the suit carefully into the space and covered it with the floor board. He'd come back to collect it after he spoke with Krista. He stood up and looked outside to see how much time he had left. He had plenty of time but he decided to go there now. He was hoping he could get the unnoticed by Levi or anyone else, especially Levi.

Krista finished changing and looked outside to see where the moon was in the night sky. ' Still early, but I can go now and wait for him. ' She thought about what he could possibly want to talk with her about, but none of which were anywhere close to what Eren really wanted to talk with her about. " I have to be careful that I'm not seen, he wanted me to sneak outside without anyone knowing. I'll have to see if that's what's going to happen." She told herself, and started out the dorms.

Eren had been waiting for about twenty minutes watching the nightly stars, and thinking about how Krista might take this conversation. He shut his eyes and took in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. He heard footsteps and quickly sprang into the shadows, then he heard a cute voice. He leaned his head back against the wall as he let out his breath he had been holding in once he recalled who that voice belonged to.

" Eren? You there?" Krista walked over to where she saw the person run behind, and let out a sigh when she saw who it was. " God Eren, you scared me. I thought you were someone else."

" I thought the same, sorry about that." He shivered a bit as he had been outside without anything to cover himself with from the cold, so he hugged himself to keep warm.

Krista smiled with a sigh, " Did you come out here earlier than me? How long have you been out here? Never mind that, here, put this around you." She handed him her cloak she was wearing, but he gently declined the offer. 

" There's no need, I just wanted to show you something out here before we head inside to discuss what I called you for." He grabbed hold of one of Krista's hands and started running into the woods for the clearing he found while he spent some time waiting.

Krista giggled and laughed as she ran with Eren into the woods holding onto each other's hand tightly. When they reached the clearing Eren turned to face Krista, and she ended up bumping into his chest by the sudden action. Eren chuckled and covered her eyes with his hands.

" What are you doing? I thought you were going to show me something?"

" It's a surprise. Just trust me, you'll be okay." Eren walked behind her, still covering her eyes, and started walking slowly trying not to trip her. " Alright just lean your head back a little bit, yup there you go. Alright, ready?" Krista nodded her head and he uncovered her eyes.

She gasped at the sight above her and started to walk forward a little bit more. Eventually she sat on her knees, and Eren noticed a tear running down her cheek. He smiled and walked over to her. He crouched down next to her, took his hand and wiped the water off her cheek. The action caused her to flinch before falling into his chest, clinging onto his back letting out soft cries. Eren wrapped his arms around her fragile body, and picked her up. She started to giggle again as the teen began to walk back to the base.

When he came across his bedroom that he used to sleep in he sat Krista down onto the bed, and sat next to her. She leaned onto his shoulder and hugged him tightly. " Thank you Eren. I've almost forgotten how beautiful the world we live in was. You showed me one of many beauties that this world can show us. Thank you." Eren wrapped his right arm around her and rested his chin on top of her head.

" So you wanted to talk about something? Something that you thought only I could understand you with?" Krista asked, still embracing him.

" Yes, but I'm still unsure on how you'll take it, but I'm growing desperate here. I need someone to confide in, so bad." His voice cracked a little and he realized that he wasn't up to this.

He was still having second thoughts, but like he told her, he was desperate. Desperate to keep his sanity intact. Krista looked up to him and smiled.

" You can tell me anything, and I won't judge. You know that." She wiped a tear from the boy's face and he flinched, causing the girl to giggle and making him blush a little. " Don't worry Eren, I'll always be on your side." Krista rested her head on his shoulder, as he continued to cry.

' What have I dragged her into? '

AN: I was running low on ideas, so this might be a little crappy. Also, if you haven't picked up on it, there's gonna be some Erekuri (Eren x Krista) and more yandere Levi in the chapters to come. So hope you guys look forward to that. I was listening to Love by Nathan Wagner while writing the part where Eren shows Krista the pic at the pic but in their rl. And it was so beautiful, I just kept the song on loop, as I'm typing too. But anyway, hope you enjoyed!!!


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