Chapter Thirty: So Mikasa, what're going to do?

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After Eren pleaded to the Commander about Jean, and which Erwin fell for his whole plot, and went looking for him. Giving Eren plenty of time for himself to see Mikasa and Krista. He kept himself covered in the blanket that he took with him, and walked down the corridor looking for Mikasa. Of course he didn't really need to look much farther when the teen saw his sister dressed up for something. When the raven haired girl caught eyesight of her brother, her eyes widened in surprise and worry. Eren kept his cool but started to run for her, as he noticed Mikasa running towards him as well.

The girl grabbed hold of his shoulders and looked him over, " Eren?! What happened to you?! And why are you not in infirmary, I swear to god you need to stay there and rest. Your injuries aren't healed yet, but of course they would be if you just made up your mind to live!" She quickly embraced the boy in her arms and decided to take him to her room to at least help the outer injuries heal.

Once they got to her room, Mikasa sat Eren down onto her bed and walked over to her closet in hopes of finding the box with bandages and cleaning supplies for his wounds. Eren just sat there on the bed watching his sister look frantically for whatever it was she was looking for, still unsure of why she was dressed up.

" Mikasa, why are you wearing those clothes? Don't they look like they were expensive to buy?" Eren thought that he'd start off being as weak as he looked before he started on his fun with her.

" Oh, this? Some thing's going on in the underground city in Wall Sina, and the Commander thought that I'd go over there for some undercover work, so that's why I'm dressed like this. I was going to leave actually right before I saw you in the corridor. Also you haven't answered my questions yet, Eren."

" Ah, well Jean, he ummm... he attacked me. Not brutally, but you know..."

Mikasa slowly turned to face him, her mouth agape and wide eyes, only being able to even imagine what that horse faced person might've done to him. She finally found the box and walked back over to her brother, but when she was about to treat his wounds she saw him sneer and the next thing she knew, Eren was atop of her and what it seemed like was he was smelling her neck creating chills to show up on her skin.

" You smell so good~ What did you use? Never mind that, whatever shall I do to you? Should I do the same thing I did to Jean, or should I spare you? Oh~ The choices are limitless for me right now~ What do you think, Mikasa?" Eren's desire to be violated was growing still after every moment his Master was gone.

He couldn't take the silence the raven haired girl was giving him, so he took one hand and pulled on her clothes so that her chest was visible. Mikasa still didn't give a response, so he grabbed one of her breasts hoping to get something, anything, just some kind response. But in turn he still got nothing from her.

" Why aren't you doing anything? Why aren't you pushing me away, or responding to me doing this to you? Why?!" Before Eren had time to realize it, he had grabbed hold of Mikasa's neck in his hands, strangling her.

Like before, she had no reaction to this either, making his emotions mix together and the feeling of it made him scared. He was scared he would lose this version of himself and Levi wouldn't love him anymore because of it. He let go of her neck and grabbed the top of his head, almost ripping his hair out before Mikasa took hold of both his wrists, wearing a gentle smile. Eren soon calmed down, and started to cry, genuinely this time, and holding onto his sister like he was about to die.

" Shhh~ It's okay, Eren. I didn't do anything because I knew you wouldn't be able to live with yourself if you did, and because I know that you care about me just I do with you. Part of the reason why I was going to the underground city was because the Captain went their and I wanted to find out what he'd been doing to you if you didn't tell me." Mikasa explained calmly, and soothing her brother by petting his hair gently.

" So Mikasa, what're you going to do? You going to report humanities strongest, or are you going to rat me out to the Commander for what I did to Jean?! You know what, let's find out how much you can take." Eren managed to snap out of his trauma, he assumed it was the old Eren that was trying to protect his sister, but he wasn't going to let his old self take over again. All this was for the sake of keeping his one and only found love, his Captain and Master, Levi Ackerman. He would protect his love no matter the cost, if it meant killing his own friends he'd do it. If it meant giving up his body for others to save his love, he'd do it. He'd do anything for Levi, and he would make sure that no one, even his old self, would interfere.

Eren pushed Mikasa back down onto the bed and started to kiss her neck, collarbone, and shoulder. Then he decided to give her what Levi had given him, a mark to indicate that she was his. He opened his mouth and bit down into her pale and flawless shoulder, hard enough to get a good piece of her flesh, and tore it off making her give out a little scream. He smiled in rejoice for hearing a response from her and started to laugh loudly. Mikasa grimaced from the pain and the fact that she accidentally gave Eren what he wanted, some sort of response. Eren stopped laughing and lowered his head near the girls ear, and whispered in a low voice.

" Should I show you what Levi did to me over the past five months?" Eren smiled sadistically and chuckled.

AN: Looks like our sweet adorable Eren was trying to pop out, but the new yandere Eren isn't going to allow him to show through. What's Eren going to do to Mikasa? After he's done with her, what'll he do with Krista? And what happened to Jean? What's the Commander going to do when he finds out what Eren's been doing? Find out in the next chapter!!! Hope you enjoyed!!!


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