Chapter Thirty-Five: Eren!!!

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Levi had just got back from a week's worth of space away from his lover, and this has come up. He knew he shouldn't of left him with Erwin of all people, but who else could he trust? His thoughts continued to fill his head with bitter regret and hatred for himself. When he finally reached the entrance to the building he didn't spare any time though, he kicked the doors open and continued to run, ignoring the rain and the fact the he was getting wet with his hood to his cloak was down. Then he stopped. Mouth agape and eyes widened. What he saw before him was something he wished he would never see.

What stood before him were two figures, one was taller and had a Titan blade drawn and pointing directly at Levi while holding a shorter yet slimmer figure in his arms. He could see the face of the taller figure, but he couldn't see the smaller figures face. Until the man who was holding him told him something, making him turn his head to face Levi, and when the raven haired man saw their face he froze in place.

The once minty emerald green eyes that shone in the sunlight were beyond the sage colour, they looked more like a golden cricket colour, duller than the brilliant friligree gold colour that took over in the rising morning sun. Levi started to walk towards them, dragging his feet and not letting his sight off the boy in the man's arm. The boy was indeed Eren, there was no doubt about it.

" I'd stop right there, Levi. Unless you want Eren to watch you die right before his eyes then be my guest, I doubt you're armed anyway. Hey, Eren, don't you see who's here? Why don't you say 'Hello' ?"

The bot remained still and silent until his lips moved to their own volition, " What are you talking about, Erwin? He's nothing to me, I don't even know him." Eren replied in a monotone voice.

Erwin started laughing aloud leaving Levi to stop in his tracks after hearing what his lover had said. He wasn't well, he felt like he was going to throw up, but he swallowed it down trying to bear with it. Levi grit his teeth and look over to the Commander glaring at him with all his might.

" What have you done to him?! I trusted him to you, hoping that he'd go back to normal if I wasn't anywhere near him for an extended period of time, but when I get back I find out that something has happened to him!"

" What ever do you mean? He is back to normal, only in a much better state of mind. You see even though you may not of realized it I've had my eyes set on him during the dance, so I seized this opportunity to make him mine, and look at him now. Desperately clinging to me like his life depends on it, because it does."

Levi's glare turned into a shocked expression when his sight on the both of them fixed onto a certain spot on Eren. Under his cloak on his back there was a bump, and he looked again to see if Erwin's hand was visible but it wasn't. A cold smile tugged on his lips but soon retreated into realization.

" Well, looks like I've found out that you're not playing fair." Levi realized that the Commander was holding a knife to the teen's back.

" What makes you say that? Heh, I'd say that the only person here who isn't playing fair is Eren."

Erwin then removed the boy's cloak revealing that one of his hands held a knife to his chest, and that the bump was the Commander's elbow as he was trying to hold the boy's wrist to keep him from stabbing himself. Eren then snapped out of his little world and his eyes soon widened into saucers, and then he removed himself from Erwin's grasp. His eyes set sight on the knife still in his hand and looked back at Levi wearing a rueful smile. Levi didn't understand at first but soon realized what the boy was planning to do. He bared his teeth and ran after the boy, until Erwin got int the way.

Eren, however, was dealing with his two split personalities. The one that had developed to crave and love pain as pleasure was enjoying everything that was going on, while the real Eren was so conflicted on how to feel, but he didn't want to kill himself just for his love. He found it cowardly. The other Eren though wanted to turn into a Titan to see how things would go from there, but the real Eren wanted to just end everything right then and there. When he looked over his shoulder he saw Levi and Erwin fighting each other in the rain, Levi was armed with his favorite knife from his criminal days in the underground city, while the Commander had the upper hand as he was using his blades used to kill titans. Eren had to do something, so he took the knife and raised it in the air.

" For everyone who I hurt and those who may be affected if this continues, and for... For Levi." The teen closed his eyes and smiled lightly, allowing a tear to fall down his cheek.

Both men that were fighting stopped as they heard Eren speaking, but Levi immediately shoved the Commander out of the way and ran over to his lover, tears running down his face making his vision blurred but he pushed onward. The knife gave off a glint of light as it started to make it's path towards the boy's arm. Levi tried to stop before slipping from the wet ground as he realized he was wrong about what Eren was going to do with the knife. The raven haired man rose his arm up and shouted with all his might.


It was too late, with one slice into his arm, the boy transformed into a Titan.

AN: Alright, I think about two more chapters should do for the first book, don't you think? Oh! These are the pics of colours I used if you were wondering ~  &  Well, anyway. Why did Eren transform into a titan? What's going to happen between Levi and Erwin? And what will Eren's friends think after they find out about him? Find out in the next chapter!!! Hope you enjoyed!!!


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