Chapter Thirty-Three: 'Friends' huh? Bullshit!

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The week was almost over, two days left, and Eren's time with the Commander every night has changed his way of thinking completely. One could call him a lifeless doll if you were to describe his presence. Mikasa's trip to the city was canceled under her order, so she avoided Eren as much as possible, Jean didn't get punished for his framed rape attempt on Eren and maintained his distance as well, and Krista kept quiet around everyone when the topic about Eren came up. While the rest of his friends were worried about them and Eren's well being and his injuries. He was still yet to recover, and with the new wounds caused by the Commander it seemed impossible to heal them without healing the ones left from Levi.

During the day when Erwin was away dealing with his duties as Commander, Eren would just stay in Erwin's room crying in the sheets of the bed. He missed Levi so much, it felt like a whole year without him as every night would drag on and on when the Commander violated him mercilessly all through the night, marking him everywhere on his body all the while, but that wasn't part of why he cried to himself everyday. One was because he missed Levi so much and secondly, he was terrified. Terrified that one day he'll forget about Levi, about what the man did to him, and what would happen to himself when that happened, but that was becoming reality almost too quickly. After every night of Erwin's relentless fun with him, he was forgetting him little by little, but now it was by huge margins at a time, and he hated it.

Today was different though, he didn't feel like crying at all because that was all he ever did in that room the whole day for the past five days. He wanted to see his friends for the first time in a while since the night of the dance, and he thought that it might cheer him up if he was involved in their lively chatter. He smiled ruefully at himself at the idea of being his bubbly self after all this time, and with his emotions all over the place it made it all the more difficult, one would also say that he's developed a split personality. When he entered the dinning hall, all the lively chatter inside stopped and everyone's heads turned to see the teen standing at the top of the stairs. Everyone was shocked to see him, but something was off. Everyone started whispering to one another, while watching him take his seat.

The whole ordeal made him feel uncomfortable, so he didn't bother to get up again to grab a tray of food. Instead he crossed his arms on the table and buried his head into them, trying his best to hide his face, when all of a sudden someone was tapping his very sensitive shoulder, causing him to jump up in his seat in surprise. His eyes immediately widened when he saw that the person was Krista, showing her bubbly smile with her sky blue eyes shining in the light. Apparently she had gotten two trays of food, initially for her and Ymir, but she offered it to him when she saw that Ymir had already gotten one and sat down with Reiner and Bertholt. Eren stared at the food for a few seconds before devouring all that was on the tray, Krista giggling all the while as she watched him.

" Looks like you haven't eaten in a while, you looked rather skinny so I was worried. I take it you haven't gotten a real meal in a long while, have you?" Krista asked, still wearing her smile.

Eren shook his head in agreement to her statement while he kept eating, then slowed down and swallowed what he had in his mouth to speak.

" Gah~ Why is everyone else in here giving me these glaring faces, and why are the rest of our group sitting with Ymir, Reiner and Bertholt and not over here?" Eren was confused on what was going on.

Squad Leader Hanji burst open the door and announced that everyone was dismissed to go to their assigned posts for the day, everyone left except Krista, the rest of the group and himself. Once Hanji closed the door after telling them that they don't have anything today, the group moved to where Krista and Eren were sitting. Krista's smile disappeared so he assumed that this had something to do with him. Jean sat across from Eren which made things awkward for everyone, but he looked directly at his eyes when he spoke.

" Listen, Eren. Everyone knows what was really going on between you two, and frankly no one was expecting it. Especially us, Eren, you have a lot of explaining to do."

Everyone was almost glaring at him as Jean spoke, but if anything the injured teen was confused more than ever. Which two? Him and Krista? The Commander? Or, no they wouldn't of figured it out after about half a year of them not knowing. ' Could they possibly be talking about Levi? ' He had to know.

" Who do you mean?" He had to ask, he needed to.

" Who else do you think we're talking about? I'm talking about you and Levi you dumbass! And let's not forget about Krista or the Commander! So answer me damn it!" Jean punched the table in rage from the way Eren was trying to act dumb.

Eren, however, was dumbfounded. ' How did they find out? How long have they known? Who told them?! ' Eren couldn't speak, he was at a loss for words, he didn't know what to say. Apparently this was news to Krista as well, both of them looked at each other in shock. He figured he'd tell them now, since he had the intention to before, but he was afraid that this would happen.

" Okay, I'll tell you but just hear me out alright? Jean, if you recall I told you that there was something that I wanted to tell everyone about, but I was too scared to say it? Well you figured it out first. I was going to tell you guys about it, but, I was too scared to tell you because I thought that you'd push me away after I did, but I had every intention to tell you guys. I swear!" Eren's vision was becoming blurred from the tears forming in his eyes, " The night of the dance, I told Krista because I knew that she wouldn't be like this! I knew that she'd accept it and help me! But then, Levi came and saw us together. I didn't know what to do, but I certainly didn't want him to do what he did to me to her. So I took her place, and that's when everything changed. I didn't know what to think anymore and I was tired of feeling the pain he was giving me so I had to accept it as pleasure." He stopped there and waited for a response from them.

Everyone was quiet because they didn't know how to respond to what Eren had told them, but they sure as hell didn't want to put up with this anymore. Jean finally stood up about to leave when Krista got up and grabbed hold of his wrist.

" Jean! He's not at fault here, the Captain practically raped him. Please just help him out. Please."

" I've helped him plenty, and what do I get, someone who plays with people's hearts for fun and then throws them away like nothing! He's the last person I'd help!" Jean roughly shook Krista off of him, and left the dinning hall.

The echo of him slamming the door remained for a couple of seconds, and shortly after it disappeared everyone started to leave as well, going after Jean. Krista tried desperately to keep them here to listen to the rest of what Eren had to say, but no one paid her any heed. All of it was too much for him to handle on his own, even though he had Krista with him right now, it wasn't enough. He had enough. Eren slammed his hands on the table and stood up violently, causing everyone that was about to leave and Krista to look back at him with wide eyes. His sight was completely blurred and his shoulders were shaking almost too much for a normal person, but he looked up to them and shouted.

" So you'd turn your backs on what your 'friend' has to say?! I haven't even told you half of it! It's ironic really, you call yourselves my 'friends' when really you're just turning away from me after I told you a margin of what happened?! 'Friends' huh? WELL I CALL BULLSHIT ON THAT!!!" Eren quickly ran past them to leave the dinning hall to go to his room in the base.

Armin was one in the group, but he hid himself in the darkest corner of the hall and heard everything he had said.

Eren sat on the bed with his head buried in his hands, and looking out the window occasionally. Every time he looked it revealed the full moon at it's peak, so he stood up to go meet with his new 'Master' but this time he wanted all he could get from it tonight.

" Please make me forget everything tonight, Daddy." It was the last thing Eren said to himself before entering the Commander's office.

AN: Well I accidentally made this longer than expected but oh well. This time for sure he's going to turn into a lifeless doll. Eren, btw. Anyway, what is Armin going to do after he heard what Eren had said? What's the rest of the gang going to do after seeing Eren in such a state? And will Jean turn around after seeing he was wrong? Find out in the next chapter!!! Hope you enjoyed!!!


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