Chapter Seventeen: I'll stand in her place!

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" Hello pet~ Listen, I gave you a warning not to go off cheating on me. Especially with a girl like her, so I suggest you move aside and just watch what I'm going to do to her." Levi looked coldly at Krista, and motioned for Eren to stand by his side.

Eren, however, refused. He was going to do everything in his power to protect her from this man, no matter what he had to sacrifice. Krista noticed the teen's actions and wore a desperate look on her face. Eren looked at her and smiled. " It's going to be okay Krista, don't worry I'll protect yo-"

" Pfft hahaahahhaha~ You protecting her?! Pfftt Now that's got to be the funniest joke I've ever heard! Come on kid, use your head for once in your fucking life. The state you're in because of me, won't help her. Just face it, you've grown quite submissive towards me lately. Hmphm." Levi chuckled to himself looking at his pet trying his best to stand his ground against him.

Eren grit his teeth just hearing him talking about how he's been treating him and how he reacts to his touch. Levi stepped into the room towards the couple and reached his hand out towards the girl behind Eren, but the teen only gritted his teeth hard and stood up, blocking the girl from the man before him. ' I have to get her out of here, but how? Levi is right there still close enough by the door, he'll grab her if she tries using the door. ' Eren was thinking of how Krista could possibly get away from Levi, but there was no use. They were cornered.

" Eren... Eren Eren Eren Oh my sweet pet Ere-"


Levi glared at the teen standing in front of him, took a step forward and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. Krista sat there, not knowing what to do then saw Eren look to her. ' Run! ' He mouthed the word for her to run, and she quickly reacted by doing as he said, nearly getting caught by the man as she ran out the room, tears in her eyes. ' Please be okay Eren! Please! ' She kept that thought in her head the entire time she ran.

" Tch... damn it, you fucking piece of shit!" Levi threw the teen against the wall behind him, causing Eren to lose his breath from the impact, but still keeping his glare on the man.

" She's got nothing to do with this, so leave her alo- GAH!" The teen tried to talk some sense into the Captain but received a punch in his solar plexus, making his cough up blood, but he tried to maintain consciousness.

To keep him from going after Krista, he needed to buy her as much time as possible. No matter what Levi was going to do to his body he needed to stay conscious. Then he thought of something that surely Levi couldn't miss out on. He mustered all the blood that pooled into his mouth and spat it out before speaking what he was thinking.

" T... take he... her pl... ace..."

" Excuse me?! What are you trying to say, 'cause I can't hear you you piece of shit!" Levi violently grabbed Eren's hair and pulled his head up to see his face.

" Let.... m.... me take h... her pl... ace.... gah! PLEASE!!!" Eren felt tears running down his cheek, but he didn't care, he just wanted this plan to work.

The next thing Eren saw and heard was Levi smiling and laughing sadistically before saying, " Now who's a good pet?~" Then everything went black.

Krista had made it to the girls dorms without seeing Levi after her, so she assumed Eren must've done something to keep him from chasing her. She just hoped that he was going to be okay, or even see him again. All the girls in the dorm were asleep still or just now waking up, and Mikasa was one of the first to wake up, aside from Ymir who had heard Krista enter the dorm. Krista didn't know what to do, either get one of them to help by betraying Eren's trust or by leaving him be and keep his secret.

" Well good morning Krista~ Let me guess, the whole thing was a one night stand wasn't it? Don't feel so bad, it happens to us all eventually~" Ymir thought it the other way because she didn't know what was really going on, and she started to feel the pain that Eren felt.

He was always alone in keeping his secret, because he was afraid the rest of his friends would be disgusted and turn their backs on him. She could only imagine how many nights he would have to endure what he'd told her, and act like everything was fine. When in reality it wasn't. All Krista could do was keep to her word and not tell anyone and hope for the best for Eren. She'd stayed up all night listening to him, so when she sat on her bed she lied down and cried herself softly to sleep.

Eren on the other hand was beyond tired, he was in incredible pain and enduring the treatment he got from Levi the best he could, but this was all going to be in vain if he gave up right now. All he could do now is endure it. Endure it till it stopped.

" Hey Eren~ Why'd you stick up for that worthless piece of shit and take her place? You're obviously in tremendous pain and it's being conflicted with the pleasure I'm giving you, because it's you. So why do it for the sake of one measly girl?!" Levi asked Eren while still teasing him but inflicting pain on him all the more.

The man before him had brought him back to the dungeon and started with piercing his flesh while he was still unconscious, and eventually Levi had gotten tired of holding back, so he started stabbing the boy in the arm with the knife in hand. After that it was all a blur up to the current state he was in now. Even though the teen had been stabbed multiple times in the arms, that pain turned to pleasure once the man started teasing him. Eren's throat was burning from his cries, pleas, screams, so his difficulty in breathing only worsened, but managed to clear his throat to say something.

" N.... No matter wha... t you d... do to m... e haa~ Ah! She and I... I will meet... over and over.... and I'll take h.... her place every t.... time AH!"

" You'll just end up dead if you do that, and I don't plan on having you die on my wat-"

" SO JUST TAKE THOSE TIMES AND TURN ME INTO THE PERSON YOU WANTED TO TURN ME INTO!!! AHHH!!!" Eren started coughing up more blood than he'd been since he'd been down here.

Levi continued his assault on the teen and smiled sadistically, " As you wish, my pet~"

AN: IDK THIS IS PROBABLY CRAPPY AS SHIT, but I really tried here ok. So Eren's gonna end up being a - you know what? I'll have you guys find out in the next chapters to come, but Krista's really worried about Eren. Will she tell Mikasa? Or will she try and help on her own? Who knows? Oh wait, I do!!! Hehe well hope you enjoyed!!!


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