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"Minho, c'mon!" 18 year old Felix grabbed his brother Minho's hand as they ran for their lives through the streets of District 8.

The two had been on the run from the law since Felix was 10 and Minho was 12, living on the streets and sleeping in the same abandoned house for years. They had seen far too much of the inner workings of the system due to their curiosity, and had been caught multiple times trying to create a mutiny within the District. They were rebellious, teenage scoundrels, but in their minds they were only trying to do what was right.

The two were fearful as they ran from the police once again,turning various corners through alleyways that they were all too familiar with. Minho kept looking back, both of them running out of breath but neither caring as they didn't want to be caught, not this time. If they were caught, they'd have to face the judgement of the Council, and their parents were on that aforementioned Council.

Well, at least they had been their parents. The both of them had been kicked out when Felix was 13 and Minho was 15 when they were caught sneaking around by their father. Felix took all the blame for his older brother, and took the brunt of the beating. Felix was always the stronger of the two, and Minho was a but of a crybaby when it came down to it.

The two then turn a sharp corner in the alleyway. Unfortunately, it was a dead-end.

"Fuck!" Felix cursed.

The two brothers whipped around at the loud buzz of electricity, Minho's eyes widened significantly.

"Nowhere to run now boys" a familiar voice spoke.

"Please Joonie hyung, just let us go" Minho pleaded.

"You break our law and you run from us, you suffer the consequences" Namjoon growled.

Felix stood in front of Minho protectively with the older holding onto his slightly torn plaid shirt.

(Fyi, Felix and Minho are wearing their outfits from the GRRR/Law Of Total Madness music video)

"You wanna hurt him, you're gonna have to go through-AGH!" Felix yelled in pain as his right side was electrocuted by a officer who was standing unknowingly in the shadows beside him.

"Well done Hoseok" Namjoon nodded as Felix fell into a heap in front of Minho, unconscious.

His head made a sickening crack in the concrete, but luckily Felix had a fairly hard head, so his skull wasn't cracked or anything. Minho fell to his knees, leaning over Felix.

"Brother, Felix, c'mon get up!" Minho whispered urgently.

"He's unconscious you dumb fuck" a new voice spoke up, kicking Minho in the back of the head with his boot hard enough to knock him out cold.

"Was that really necessary Yoongi?" Namjoon sighed.

"Yes" Yoongi deadpanned.

"Whatever, let's just pick them up and take them to the Council. They'll decide their fate"


"Felix and Minho Lee, you come before this Council because you have broken several of our laws, laws that are meant to keep the peace within this district-"

"Kept the peace? More like keep us caged like fucking animals" Felix spat, earning him a harsh slap across his cheek.

"You shut your fucking mouth when our leader is speaking to you" Namjoon growled.

"Silence" their leader bellowed.

Namjoon bowed respectively.

"Forgive me Leader Seokjin" Namjoon apologised.

"Shut up Joonie, and go back to where you stood" Seokjin glared at the officer.

Namjoon nodded, standing off to the side in between Hoseok and Yoongi.

"Now, onto your punishment. Felix and Minho Lee, the Council has decided it best for you both to leave this District, to be exiled to District 9 where you will live out the rest of your days" Seokjin motioned for Yoongi and Hoseok to grab Felix and Minho respectively, the officers dragging them out of the room.

"No please! Anywhere but there! Anywhere but District 9!" Minho kicked and shouted.

"Whatever rumours you have heard, they are untrue! District 9 is abandoned, has been for years!" Seokjin shouted, chuckling to himself.

Little did they know, someone in all black had slipped past the guards unnoticed. It was Seo Changbin of District 9, right hand man of the fierce leader of the supposedly abandoned District, Bang Chan. District 9 was abandoned for a reason, a reason which wasn't something any of the District 9 residents wanted to talk about.

Felix had heard the rumours, various rumours in fact. Some say a band of serial killers live there and had killed off everyone who used to reside there. Others say the leader is dangerous and unhinged and escaped from the District 8 asylum years ago. But only one person knows the truth, and it was someone you would least expect.

Someone who had been a man on the inside for several years now, someone who had been a childhood best friend with Bang Chan, but no one had known...not even his own family...

Well, that's the end of the first chapter. I know I ended it weirdly and it's kinda short and a lil rushed but whatever. The next chapter will be Felix and Minho entering District 9.

Hint: it's not BamBam and it's not Minho either 😏

District 9 (ChanLix)||Book 1 {✔}Where stories live. Discover now