I Remember part 2

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Chan quickly pulled the knife out of Woojin's chest and caught Woojin before he hit the ground. Chan kneeled down slowly, resting Woojin's head in his lap.

"Why did you do that Woojinnie? Why?" Chan whispered.

"I d-don't know. I just felt obligated to" Woojin managed to get out, coughing up blood once again.

"I'm so sorry Woojinnie, I'm sorry" Chan was so close to crying.

Lisa had backed away, running off, leaving Felix to collapse onto the ground as he was still weakened by whatever that Ghoul bitch gave to him.

"Don't be. This isn't you fault, it's hers. She made me like this. She made me forget" Woojin had tears running down his cheeks as he tried to hold onto life just a little longer.

"I-I have to tell you something" Woojin coughed, breathing in and out heavily.

"What is it?" Chan asked softly.

"I-I didn't hang myself Channie, I-I asked..." Woojin trailed off.

He struggled to get the words out, and he tried to suck in another breath, just to live a little bit longer so he could say what he wanted to say.

But he couldn't hold on any longer, he couldn't get out what he wanted to say, so he had to say something else.

"Don't let him go okay?" Woojin glances over to Felix, then back to Chan, "protect him" Woojin coughed.

"O-of course I will" Chan stuttered.

Woojin nods, smiling softly. Woojin then breathed his last breath with a smile on his face, and his eyes fluttered closed as he finally let go of life.

He was gone...for good.

Chan leaned down and kissed Woojin's forehead before leaning his own against his once best friends forehead. Chan finally let himself cry.

BamBam went over to Felix to help him up somewhat, but Felix just smacked his hands away. Felix crawled over to Chan, having just enough strength to lift himself up to wrap his arms around Chan in a hug. Like with Hyun-Jae, BamBam lifted Woojin's lifeless body, taking him away to bury him.

Chan sobbed, a truly heartbreaking sound. Felix's heart shattered, because he knew how it felt to lose someone you were close to. He had to watch his sister die twice so yes, he most definitely knew how it felt.

"It's gonna be okay Channie, it'll all be o-okay" Felix was starting to lose consciousness.

Chan could sense that Felix wouldn't be able to stay awake any longer so he stood up, helping Felix up as well. Chan wiped his eyes, his eyes drying fairly quickly. He picked Felix up and carried the younger bridal style.

He knew BamBam would get back to District 9 when he was done burying Woojin's body.

"I'm s-sorry for your loss Channie" Felix whispered.

"It's okay, you had nothing to do with his death" Chan spoke, his voice void of any emotion.

"Channie" Felix weakly reached a hand up, stroking Chan's cheek, "I really, really like you" now that made Chan smile a little.

"I really, really like you too Lix" Chan chuckled.

Felix smiled as well, his eyes fluttering closed as he fell asleep, too exhausted to keep his eyes open.

When the two got back to District 9, Wonho went straight into protective best friend mode, glaring at Chan.

"What did you do to him?" Wonho growled.

"I didn't do anything. Lisa did this" Chan huffs.

"Channie hyung would never hurt Felix" Jisung suddenly appears out of nowhere, frowning, "they're Mates, Chan would die before he would ever hurt Felix"

Chan smiled gratefully at Jisung. At least someone understood.

"Just like you'd do anything for Hyungie" Kihyun smirked.

"Just like I would do anything for Kihyunnie" Shownu smiled, throwing an arm around Kihyun's shoulders.

Chan would have to get used to the entire Monsta X Clan being here, but at least Felix was there. As Felix had told him, he was technically the leader of the Monsta X Clan, so as long as someone who could keep those trouble makers in line he would deal with it.

Well, lookie who did a double update 😏

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