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And here, I introduce more characters! I think I've finally figured out who's who, so I've decided to incorporate them into the story. HOWEVER, like I did with Jimin and Jungkook, their ages will be changed to fit with the story. I know Jooheon isn't 24 yet, but in this story he's 24, but I've drastically changed the other members ages. Shownu is 19, while Wonho, Hyungwon, Minhyuk, I.M and Kihyun will be 18. BTW, if you can't tell, Jooheon has been scribbled out of the above pic. There's a reason why I did that tho :3

The next day in District 8...

The sound of sirens could be heard for miles as Shownu, along with his friends, escaped the District 8 prison. (I'm basing the look of the District 8 prison off of Monsta X's Trespass music video, just btw)

They were being chased by the police, along with one of their old friends Jooheon. Jooheon had always been close with Seokjin for whatever reason, which led him to betray the Monsta X clan.

All of a sudden, they came to a dead end, all six of them spinning around, not really knowing what to do.

"Split up!" Shownu yelled before running off in one direction with Kihyun right behind him.

I.M and Minhyuk went another way, and Wonho and Hyungwon went the opposite way. Wonho grabbed Hyungwon's hand, pulling him along so he wouldn't fall behind. Wonho was a fast runner, Hyungwon not so much.

The two turned various sharp corners before getting to a set of stairs that led up to the roof. Wonho and Hyungwon ran up the stairs with Jooeheon following closely behind. Wonho and Hyungwon were panting messes by the time they got to the roof. A helicopter flew overhead, ready to shoot at them if need be. The Monsta X clan were wanted criminals for conspiring along with Felix against the Council and their plans to make District 9 a safer place by killing off the Hybrids.

Wonho looked over the edge of the prison, and there was a massive gap between the roof and the ground, but there was no other way.

They had to jump.

"We'll die if we jump!" Hyungwon exclaimed, glancing behind them to see that Jooheon had arrived at the roof.

"There's no other way Hyungwon, we have to!" Wonho then started shifting into his wolf form, being a wolf/human hybrid.

Hyungwon sighed heavily as he jumped onto Wonho's back, holding on to Wonho's dirty blonde coloured fur tightly as the newly to anyone's wolf jumped off the roof and into the ground. The others had arrived outside, and the six of them ran for it.

Jooheon growled to himself, glaring at their retreating figures. Seokjin would surely punish him for this one....


"Where are we gonna go?" Hyungwon asked, hopping off of Wonho's back when they were far enough away from that damn prison.

"We'll head towards District 9, to Felix and Minho. They're probably terrified out there, all alone. Well, Minho will be" Shownu frowned.

Wonho shifted back to his human form, groaning as his bones cracked when he stretched. He wasn't really used to shifting into his wolf form, because he rarely had to anyway.

"That's a good idea. We'll be safe there" Kihyun smiled as Shownu threw an arm over his shoulders.

"I miss those two..." I.M frowned.

"We all do. It was a shitty thing Seokjin did, exiling them. I'm surprised they didn't exile us too" Wonho scoffed.

"I'm more surprised that you didn't kill anyone Wonho" Shownu raised an eyebrow.

"I would've if we didn't have to run like hell was on our tails" Wonho smirked.

"You really are insane" Hyungwon scoffed.

"Hey, that's a bit harsh. I prefer 'mentally sick'" Wonho giggled.

"Wonho's body count is higher than Yoongi is tall" Kihyun grinned.

Wonho laughed loudly, I.M giggling as well as Minhyuk.

"Very true" Minhyuk managed to get out through his giggles.

The six of them were almost at the fence that separates District 9 from District 8, but Hyungwon had trailed behind a bit, and out of nowhere, Jooheon kept out of the shadows and knocked him out quickly and quietly, catching him before he could hit the ground.

"Tine to get you back to Seokjin" Jooheon chuckled quietly before throwing the knocked out Hyungwon over his shoulder, slipping back into the shadows and heading towards the council building.

"Hey Hyungwon, you okay back th-" Wonho cut himself off as he looked back, seeing that Hyungwon wasn't there, "fuck, we lost Hyungwon!" Wonho exclaimed.

The others stopped, turning around and saw that Hyungwon indeed wasn't with them.

"He must've trailed too far behind. Look, we're almost at District 9 Wonho. We can ask for Felix's help to look for him" Shownu smiled reassuringly.

Wonho just nodded numbly as he glanced behind him again.

'I hope he's okay...'

Hey hey hey, another update hehe :3 but yeah,Jooheon is with the bad guys oops :/  and I know this is a bit short, I'm sorry ;-;

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