Keeping Up

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Well, it looks like a couple of y'all enjoyed the training with JB, Felix and BamBam, so I'm bringing it back! Well...sort of I guess. This happened before the Monsta X clan escaped the prison btw.

Another thing...I think Wonho is my Monsta X bias? I thought it was Hyungwon cuz he was the first one I knew from Monsta X but...Wonho has now caught my full attention his abs...and of course his singing too...actually I might be Wonho and Jooheon biased...anyway, ON WITH THE CHAPTER!

As soon as Felix woke up that morning, he silently left the comfort of the tent and headed toward the massive warehouse where he saw BamBam with a blonde male that he didn't know. BamBam sensed Felix's presence, turning around and smirking.

"Well, look who finally joined the world of the living!" BamBam chuckled.

The slightly taller blonde haired male wrapped his arms around BamBam from behind, smiling kindly at Felix. BamBam also sensed Felix's confusion, and decided to let Felix know who the blonde male was.

"Felix, this is Yugyeom, my lover, my life, the reason I'm Mate" BamBam glanced at Yugyeom sideways, smiling lovingly at taller male.

Felix nods, smiling lopsidedly. They were like a perfect match, as all Mates are, but it left an empty feeling in his heart, because Felix has yet to find his, and he doesn't think he'd ever find him, or her, but for now his brother and his new family would do. Felix was snapped out of his thoughts by BamBam patting his back roughly, causing him to almost fall forward.

"So, you ready?" BamBam smirked.

"Uhm, am I supposed to say yes?" Felix asked nervously, because that smirk did not look at all reassuring nor welcoming.

"Let's just aren't going up against me today" BamBam chuckled as they entered the warehouse.

JB and Yugyeom stood off to the side, and far off to the side, and not too far away from him stood Jisung.

"I'm going up against him?" Felix raised an eyebrow at BamBam.

"He's a lot stronger than you think. He's an Incubus" BamBam smirked as he leaned in to whisper in Felix's ear, "and he has a massive crush on your brother, or so he says" BamBam chuckles, walking over to stand next to Yugyeom.

Those words sparked anger within Felix; like hell this sub-demon was going to take away his brother.

Fuck. No.

He knew what Incubus' were like; flirtatious little shits who went on nothing but their instincts to Mate with anything on two legs. Felix growled, but he stood there unmoving. He was waiting for Jisung to make the first move so he could beat him into the ground.

Jisung smirked, running at Felix. He didn't sense the fact that Felix wasn't human, but it was too late as when Jisung got close enough, Felix grabbed Jisung by the shirt and threw him onto the concrete ground. Jisung winced at the pain, and struggled against Felix's grip. Felix then lifted Jisung up, throwing him backwards against the pile of steel bars with the flag sitting on top securely.

'Fuck, he's strong for a human' Jisung shook his head as he stood up.

He looked up at Felix with his golden eyes, intending to use his Incubus strength, and Felix had his down, his fists clenched. Felix slowly looked up, shocking Jisung, Yugyeom and JB into silence. BamBam smirked knowingly; this was exactly what he wanted. What they saw was that Felix's eyes were odd colours; his right eye was pitch black but his left eye was blood red.

'He's a hybrid...a Demon Ghoul hybrid at that...' Jisung thought, gulping visibly.

Jisung shook his fear away then, running at Felix again. The two clashed, their hands locked as they tried to push one another back. Jisung used all of his strength, but Felix was only using half his strength. He was angry, but he was holding back, and BamBam could tell.

"C'mon Lix, use your full strength!" BamBam shouted.

Felix shook his head; he didn't want to hurt Jisung too badly.

"Hah, perhaps you are weaker than I thought" Jisung chuckled, pushing Felix back.

Felix went flying back into the wall, letting out a grunt of pain. It took less than 5 seconds for him to stand back up again, however, and now it was Felix's turn to run at Jisung, but Jisung kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying back into a different part of the wall this time around, making a Felix shaped dent in said part of the wall. Yugyeom giggled, as did Jisung.

"C'mon hybrid, use that strength of yours!" Jisung taunted.

Felix snarled, running at Jisung for the second time, and the two clashed again, trying to push each other away.

"You're holding back" Jisung laughed, "you really shouldn't. I can sense your anger. Use it"

Felix shook his head once again, obviously scared of his own power. Jisung sighed, letting go of one of Felix's hands and instead pushing his chest, causing Felix to land on his back on the concrete harshly. Felix squeaked a little, hearing his back crack.

"Fuck, I think you broke something" Felix hissed.

"Why are you so angry anyway? What did BamBam tell you?" Jisung huffed, slightly out of breath.

Felix just glared up at Jisung as his back healed at an inhuman pace, and he used Jisung's slight exhaustion to his advantage. He kicked Jisung onto his back using his feet, flipping himself into a standing position and holding Jisung down with his right foot on his chest. Jisung tried to do the same thing he's done with Seungmin, but Felix wouldn't budge. Felix snarled at Jisung, pushing his foot down harder. Jisung was feeling the air leaving him and he started to choke.

And for a few wasn't Felix.

"Oi, Felix, stop!" BamBam exclaimed.

"Fuck, he's killing Jisung" Yugyeom cursed, looking at Jisung worriedly.

BamBam sighed heavily, walking over to Felix and pulling him off of Jisung. Felix struggled against BamBam's hold for a few seconds, before realizing what he was about to do and he became still, relaxing in BamBam's grip. Felix shook slightly; he didn't want to do that...but something made him do it, like a voice in his head telling him to kill Jisung.

"Okay, I think that's enough for now" JB sighed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" "Shut up, don't apologize. At least you're keeping up with your training" JB sighed.

Felix nods numbly as BamBam lets go of him. Felix then walks out of the warehouse, his back still kind of hurting but it wasn't broken. For a few moments there, he wasn't in control of himself.

But who was the voice in his head?

Guys, guys, guys, imma reveal who J is VERY SOON! Idk if it's gonna be the next chapter or chapter 22 or chapter 23 but IT'S GONNA BE VERY SOON! Anywho, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :3 I also have another surprise planned for a future chapter hehehe :3

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