Revealing The Truth part 2

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Okay, so now that Jooheon has been revealed as J, imma work on the OTHER surprise I have in store hehe...

Also, y'all BLEW TF UP in the comments on the last chapter XD Well, at least one of you that I saw, besides Qwiyomii, figured it was Jooheon :3 but like, were the rest of you honestly that shocked? I'm actually kinda surprised that most of you were tbh...Also, I'm thinking of moving all the long ass A/N's in this story over to like a separate book all on its own...would you guys like me to do that? Cuz I feel like I'm annoying everyone with those 'non chapters' :/


Chan could sense the anger radiating off of Felix; hell, everyone could sense it. Jisung backed up, as did Yugyeom, Jackson and JB but Minho and BamBam stood either side of him, Minho still gripping his younger brothers arm tightly. Felix's breathing became ragged as his anger increased to boiling point, and his eyes changed from normal to the black and red combo.

"Jjikseu, calm down" Minho whispered, fearing that if he let go, Felix would tear Jooheon to shreds.

Though Jooheon did a lot of bad things-okay, scratch that, downright fucking evil things, he figured that Jooheon had to in order to get information. As they say 'if you can't beat them, join them', and the other thing, 'keep your friends close and your enemies closer'. Minho was shocked of course, but he didn't hate Jooheon.

Jooheon had to do what he had to do to protect his friends, his family, just like Felix did for him.

"LEMME KILL THIS FUCKING BASTARD!" Felix struggled out of Minho's grip, but BamBam was quick to grab both of Felix's arms and hold him back.

"Hold up Felix, it's okay" Minho tried to reason with his brother.

"NO! H-HE KILLED OUR SISTER MINHO!" Felix was getting choked up, and Chan as just standing there beside Jooheon, ready to stand in Felix's way if Felix somehow managed to get out of BamBam's strong grip.

Felix struggled against BamBam's grip who was struggling to keep Felix back.

"A little fucking help would be nice right now JB!" BamBam growled.

JB walked up behind BamBam, holding his mid-section and pulling the slightly shorter male back to help with holding Felix back from literally killing Jooheon. Felix spat and yelled profanities, whilst Minho stood in front of his younger brother trying to calm him down. Jisung had frankly had enough of all this, growling as he stood between a calm Jooheon and a fuming Felix.

"Alright, everybody calm the fuck down!" Jisung growled.

Felix's eyes went back to normal, but he was still fuming. He stopped struggling thankfully, and JB had let go of BamBam, but BamBam wasn't taking any chances as he still held onto Felix's arms.

"Look, it's obvious some of us are a bit shocked" Jisung looked pointedly at Felix who just scoffed, "but what I wanna fucking know is why Lee Jooheon? We all know what this fucker has done in the past" Jisung frowned, obviously not happy with the fact that probably one of the most evil beings in District 8 was J, the reason for bringing BamBam and Chan human flesh so they wouldn't starve.

The secret good fucking cliché was that.

"Jisung, chill-" "No, I will not fucking chill, Bang Chan. This little shit not only betrayed the Monsta X Clan, his own fucking brother Shownu, he also betrayed us" Jisung pointed to himself, Seungmin and Chan.

"He didn't betray us; I told him to do this" Chan sighed, "I told him to do this to protect us here in District 9, so no one knew of our existence" Chan explained.

A little ways away, Hyunjin was listening to the conversation, and he cringed with guilt. He was about to do something terrible...something that he would get both praised and possibly killed for.

"Actually" Hyunjin spoke up, coming out of his hiding place, "they do know" Hyunjin said.

Chan turned to him, confused. Hyunjin glanced at Felix, who had turned to him as well.

'I'm sorry Felix' "It was Felix. He told me if I didn't tell them, he'd kill me. Looks like Hybrid's really can't be trusted" Hyunjin sighed.

His heart was wracked with guilt after saying that, but he had to. He had to make sure Lisa couldn't snoop around any longer. He had to get rid of the only way she knew how to check up on Hyunjin.


Felix was locked up in a cell after that. Apparently, Chan had his own dungeons that only Jisung, Jungkook and BamBam had been in before after pissing off Chan one too many times. BamBam threw Felix into the cell, slamming the door shut. Minho had followed them down, sitting in front of the cell bars.

"I s-swear, I didn't do anything MinMin" Felix sniffled.

"I know you didn't..." Minho whispered, smiling softly as Hyunjin entered the room.

Minho looked to Hyunjin, angry and upset.

"Why would you say that!? My brother didn't do anything!" Minho exclaimed.

"Shh, I know, I know he didn't. I'm sorry, but if I told you the reason, you wouldn't believe me" Hyunjin said, looking solemn and genuinely guilty.

"Try me" Minho huffed.

Hyunjin went to open his mouth, but he shook his head.

"Not around him" Hyunjin said, glancing at Felix.

"And why not around me huh? You scared of me or something?" Felix growled.

"It's not you I'm scared's her" Hyunjin shuddered, leaving the room, and leaving a very confused Felix and Minho behind.

This is gonna turn into a three-parter XD I'm sorry...I SWEAR I'm not trying to make Hyunjin evil or anything. It's just, it seems that this was the only way to get around Lisa listening in to what he's about to tell the others. Yes, he's going to tell Chan about the whole Lisa scenario. Things are gonna get interesting with that, just you wait :3


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