Chan's Past + Jisung's Problem

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Plz don't hate me for what I'm about to do in this chapter ;-;

Chan felt like shit, mentally. He knew what he did to Jungkook was going just a tad too far and he knew he was a utter dickhead towards Felix. H couldn't use the excuse of 'I'm sorry I couldn't help it' because of course he could help his nasty attitude, he just refused to do so. Chan sat on the long metal bench he had in his bus, deep in thought. Last night, he heard the ruckus from Changbin, Hyunjin, Felix and Minho's tent, and he kinda figured that Felix was having nightmares. Chan figured that his words triggered something, something bad, and that just made Chan feel even worse. Jisung was right, and he had to be careful with what he said sometimes, because words can hurt. Words can be like a figurative knife that can stab, prod and poke someone until they bleed.

Words can kill, and Chan knew that all too well. He didn't want to drive someone he barely knew to suicide, or suicidal thoughts. He already went through that once, and he'd rather not go through it again. He felt tears form at the corner of his eyes as he remembered what happened, all those years ago. It was 5 years before he was exiled from District 8, Chan was 13 years old...

Flashback ( gonna be kinda sad...)

The rain poured down on two figures in the forest. The figure was a 13 year old Chan and a 16 year old J. The two were rushing around the forest, trying to find their friend Woojin. Woojin had been missing for two days, and his parents were getting worried. They knew how close J and Chan were with Woojin, and so Chan was using his Ghoul senses to try and track Woojin down.

"Anything yet J!?" Chan shouted as lightning struck.

"No, nothing yet! We really shouldn't be out here though! The storm's getting worse!" J shouted back.

Thunder boomed and lightning struck randomly and sometimes dangerously close to the trees, threatening to set one on fire. All of a sudden, lightning stuck dangerous close to a certain tree, lighting up a sight that Chan would never forget as long as he lived.

It was Woojin, but he was hanging from a tree with a noose tightly around his neck, his body limp and lifeless. They knew Woojin was struggling with depression, but they didn't really realise how much he struggled, and they really didn't want something like this to happen.

"J, I found him!" Chan's voice shook as he shouted out to his best friend.

J ran over to where Chan was, and cursed as he witnessed the sight of Woojin hanging from the tree.

"We should get him down" J muttered, walking over to Woojin.

Chan couldn't move, his breathing was laboured. His closest friend...someone he thought of as a brother...was dead. Woojin didn't even hint at the fact he was going to kill himself, which raised both Chan and J's suspicions. Though there were no signs that he could have been murdered, Woojin's eyes were still open, which kind of scared Chan a little. Those dead, dull brown eyes that were once so full of life burned an image in Chan's mind, and memories of a once smiling, laughing, happy Woojin were replaced with a Woojin hanging from a tree.

Flashback end

Chan shuddered at the memory, sighing heavily. Though he tried to forget that night, he couldn't. he was snapped out of his thoughts, however, by Jisung rudely entering his bus. Chan glared at Jisung, annoyed at the loud noise he made.

"What do you want Jisung?" Chan growled.

"Uh, we have a problem" Jisung scratched his head.

"Don't you mean you have a problem? Your horns, tail and yes are showing" Chan raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, that's the problem. It's kinda about Minho actually. I think...I think he may be my Mate?" Jisung gulped.

"Seriously? You haven't even known him that long-" "I know! I know, but hear me out. I get this feeling like I have to protect him from anything and everything, and it's fucking weird but I got really jealous when he was comforting his own fucking brother and I kinda wished he was comforting me, I get butterflies in my stomach whenever I'm near him, and I never even felt like that around Jeongin, not once" Jisung explained, huffing by the end.

Chan processed the information, chuckling softly.

"Well, it could just be a crush, but you barely know him" Chan frowned.

"Well, here's the fucked up bit. You know how you have dreams about your Mate like, a week before you meet them but their face is all blurry until after you actually meet them?" Jisung asked, and Chan just nods, "well...that dream I've been having for the past week became clear last night, and it was Minho" Jisung explained.

"Ae you going to tell him?" Chan deadpanned.

"Pfft, hell no!" Jisung sputtered, "I don't want to scare him off! I'll get to know him more...then I'll tell him" Jisung nodded.

"Alright then, you do that. But keep your instincts in check alright? We don't want a repeat of what happened last time with Jeongin" Chan warned.

Jisung nodded, scurrying out of the bus. It was hard work looking after a bunch of teenage, hormonal boys. Chan sighed deeply, looking up at the roof of the bus.

'Woojinnie hyung...where are you when I need you most?'

Ehehehe...PLEASE DON'T HATE ME! ;-; that was also a last minute idea my brain came up with, just like the whole thing with Hyun-Jae

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